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Posts posted by Heathen

  1. 1 hour ago, Jeeves said:

    Was Chad's dad the doctor who told Meech and JB that their using birth control pills had caused a miscarriage? And got them involved with Gothard in the first place? 

    I was nosing around Instagram this morning. Two weeks ago David Waller posted on the "davidncil" IG feed, a few photos of David and Priscilla and their kids with Nathan and Nurie, and this caption: "It was so fun to have Priscilla's brother, Nathan and Nurie stay in our home over the weekend for a visit! We enjoyed our time together!"  BTW I saw no photos - or mentions - of Jill or David Rodrigues or any of the other Rodrigues kids on that IG feed. Here's a screenshot showing my favorite comment which somehow escaped David's notice:


    I wonder if David saw that comment and let it be. Heh. More likely he's busy with other things and doesn't have a lot of time to curate his Instagram feed.

    No, I'm pretty sure that was some other "god first, patients last" quack. 

    I hope David Waller did see that comment and left it on purpose. 


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  2. 2 minutes ago, Snow Fairy said:

    When can Sam go to school, at what age? (not from US, don't know your rules)

    Hopefully he will be able to go too, not just Izzy

    Kids usually start kindergarten at five; sometimes they start at four, almost five if their birthday falls at the beginning of the school year, which is typically August or early September. It depends on the school district when the cutoff is; I've heard of some whose cutoff date is as late as November. 

    My brother started at six and a half, because my "dad" is a fool and refused to acknowledge that the kid had profound behavioral problems and needed medication. My brother was already a big, tall kid, and the result was that he towered over the other kids. Imagine if Israel were in preschool right now -- that's what my brother looked like compared to the other kids in his class. But dog forbid my dad acknowledge that his precious golden child wasn't perfect. Nooo -- he was just "misunderstood." 

  3. 39 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

    And in this bio link she talks about seeing a fertility specialist after her 3 surgeries not for fertility treatments, sure Erin, but to get her hormones straightned out. I have all ideas that she went for fertility treatments to stimulate her remaining ovary to get miracle #5. I especially loved Carson telling about the angel appearing to him to tell him his mother was pregnant. These people are wacky. 

    FFS. People don't see a fertility specialist to straighten out their hormones! But it's god's will for Princess Erin to keep having kids so she'll always have more than her sisters and sister-in-law, of course. 


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  4. 5 hours ago, dargosmydaddy said:

    So she has a fraction of an ovary, and still managed to get pregnant? Yikes.

    My first thought was whether she took Clomid or another drug. Her fool mother took progesterone to maintain (her final) pregnancies, and that was A-OK with the "god's will" crowd. Whatever they want is always "god's will." 

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  5. 23 hours ago, floridamom said:

    I can't believe that these women would post a photo or video of being in bed with their husbands. How NOT MODEST is that?

    Josie posted photos of her husband grabbing her ass at their wedding reception, not to mention labor photos. Carlin never met a camera she wouldn't hog. Expecting modesty from these people is like expecting Steve Maxwell to twerk. 

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  6. 4 minutes ago, Dehumidifier said:

    Maybe they should pull out now and go home(ish) to Waverly TN, devastated on Saturday by flooding. Make their critics happy.

    Not enough attention whoring opportunities near home! Honestly, nothing they do is going to make me "happy" because they're not qualified to do shit and they're not trying it out of the goodness of their hearts. They're doing it for money and notoriety. And maybe Jesus points with their friends. 

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  7. 3 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

    I agree that there is a lot of unethical behavior in the non-profit world.  And if Medic Corps handled all of their money in-house, it would happen there as well.  Their whole mission has a lot of overhead built into it without adding salaries or other wasteful spending on themselves that also happens to be legal (though their SCUBA training is toeing that particular line).  

    I get you about the cat rescue.  I am open to allowing a cat adopt me, but I will not patronize my local cat rescue.  It's run by the type of cat people who give other cat people a bad name.  They always have a ton of cats up for adoption because no one is ever good enough.  I just looked up their adoption form and they want 3 different phone numbers, the names and ages of all people living in the home, name of employer, home ownership status, etc. plus a vet recommendation.  I actually surprised they did not ask what type of food I am planning on feeding the cat, or maybe that's part of their second round of screening.  

    Most of those questions are pretty standard for adoption applications no matter the size of the rescue, and they were as far back as 2002, when I adopted my soulmate tiger (RIP). I tell applicants what kind of food the cat or kitten is eating, and we do have a discussion about food. I won't adopt out without knowing who lives in the household -- that's common sense. The home ownership question is so that if someone lives in an apartment, I can make sure their lease allows it. Otherwise, the cat might very well end up being returned once the complex finds out. If I'm "too picky" because I ask those questions, then you (general you) don't need to be adopting one of my fosters. 

    The ones you need to watch out for don't respond to applications within 24-48 hours, tell you they'll let you know next week, are overly emotional about the idea of letting a cat go, insist on visiting or having close contact afterward even if you don't wish to, and/or are hoarders. How can you tell which ones are hoarders? Ask how many cats they have. If they won't answer or are reluctant to answer, run. If you meet them in person and they or their bags smell like cat piss, run. 

    Topic: MedicCorps has enough unethical behavior going on without their "managing" their own money. Their white savior complex is a fine example of that. 

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  8. 3 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

    At this point I think they are surgically attached to his ears. 🙄

    I thought his hairspray glued them to his ears. 

    59 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

    With most charities, donated money hardly ever goes directly to current situations, whether a third party receiver is used or not.

    And if they're constantly asking for money and something seems off, it probably is. 

    I've mentioned before that my involvement in cat rescue taught me a lot I wished I didn't know about nonprofits. I'll add more. Don't donate to an animal rescue unless they are completely transparent about their finances, their boards, and their mission. If they refuse to answer or ignore even basic questions, they're hiding something and they don't deserve your money. 

    And if their "board" consists of their family members and close friends, run away. 

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  9. 12 hours ago, BradandJanet said:

    Medic Corps is a registered non-profit. How they managed this, I'm not sure. Anyway, whatever they decide to do with your donation, you can take it off your taxes. 

    Speaking from unfortunate experience in cat rescue, there is shockingly little oversight of nonprofits. As long as donations are "technically" meant for the nonprofit's stated mission, almost anything goes. That's according to the office of the attorney general in my state -- yes, I went to those lengths to do something about the hoarding and financial abuse in the rescue.

    Be very careful about donating to nonprofits that lack financial transparency and/or pay large salaries to executives and board members. 

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  10. 3 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

    My dislike of Abby was one thing that did not change on my rewatch. I really did want to give her a chance and hoped I could like her because she’s so loved in other fan spaces and so many people say they relate to her, but I still could not like her. It got ridiculous in S14 too when her fans insisted on continuing to sell her as perfect and the best ever at recovery and sobriety because she sat in a meeting and said “whatever it takes” and “absolutely” a couple of times. I just cannot with someone who drives drunk with her kid in the car and makes half-assed amends to people she hurt. And then her fans try to talk about how she’s such a good friend, wife, mom and doctor. Amazing. 

    I liked Abby at first, when she was a nurse and before she became St. Abby. By the end, I couldn't stand her. I remember my sister asking me who I thought got blown up in the ambulance, and I said I hoped it was Abby. 

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  11. I know someone who always looks grimy and smelly. She has oily skin and hair, like I do, but hers looks gross. She mentioned once (she's married to my uncle) that she showers every other day, but I think it's also from using cheap shampoo and soap. Let's face it, for some people, using $1.99 Suave shampoo and Zest bar soap isn't going to cut it, just as using La Cheap laundry detergent isn't going to be sufficient. I think the Duggars fall in that category. 

    Topic: Joy does in fact look stoned in that photo. Carlin does, too -- it would explain a lot about her. 

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  12. 10 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

    I loved that episode! Oddities mixed with Susan teaching Carter heart massage, the other odd "full moon" cases, and Carter, Susan, and Carol having a bit of fun (something later ER had very little of!) dancing to "Twist and Shout".

    And Carter's OBVIOUS crush on Susan. He practically had a cartoon heart bursting out of his chest every time he talked to her. 

    It kind of pisses me off that St. Abby got in the way of what might have been a great Susan/Carter relationship later on.

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  13. 5 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    Apparently Whitney Bates' mom nearly died from Covid.

    In other news, their children have been "praying for a farm" and lo and behold, Zach and Whitney just bought a 17 acre farm.

    I guess being an "influencer" must pay well. I can't see his salary or her work paying for a mortgage on a good-sized farm even in Tennessee, especially with recent NICU bills. 

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  14. 2 hours ago, Dehumidifier said:

    I think Carlin's nose makes her face more interesting than those of her sisters.

    I think they're all pretty generic, and with the exception of Michael, overly made-up and overdone. Fundie Kartrashians. It's a tossup whether Carlin is the fundie Kim or Kylie. 

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