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Everything posted by cappoe

  1. Colin, JMO, Lana, and Bobby are going through contract negotiations for S7. No other cast members have been approached yet according to articles coming out today. I will watch the show if CS are in it, no matter what. If either of them leave I'm done. It's that simple.
  2. Guys what if this little girl is the daughter of Regina and WishVerse Robin!?
  3. Moana? I doubt they would do that because that is some heavy non polynesian casting and they know better than that. Definitely not Henry's kid with Violet. Violet is not hispanic.
  4. I don't think that little girl s the CS child. She's probably adult Henry's kid.
  5. I don't think 6x21 is the FF. I think the guy is only going to be in one scene at the very end of the finale.
  6. I'm sure there will be build up in previous episodes and who knows. Maybe the wedding is the main plot of the musical episode. We have no idea until we see a PR.
  7. That's why you have to hope that this is the last season so Adam and Eddy can't do this ending. They have to do a better one, a more HOPEFUL one. If I was to place money I would say we're looking at a Going Home scenario except instead of it being Emma and Henry it's just Henry. Emma has to go back with everyone else to the EF.
  8. TVGrimReaper said on Twitter that ABC has already made all their decisions well before now. And with the contract drama, the complete rebooting of the show, the backlash from it, and now Eddy begging fans for a S7. I think we have our answer. The show is over. And the fault is completely on the writers. I honestly think that if they planned a final farewell season with the whole cast for S7, most if not all cast would have stayed. But instead they wanted to do a reboot and go on for multiple years with little to none of the cast we fell in love with. Nah it's a hard pass on me. I'm thankful the show is ending with the characters I fell in love with.
  9. I think the begging is a sign. I think it shows that ABC doesn't have faith in the show nor in Adam and Eddy's idea for S7. And once they see the ratings for the first couple of episodes cancellation will be justified because there's no way the show is going to sustain it's 0.9 the entire 12 episodes left. I hope they get a heads up that it's the end but I kind of think they do already know but are trying to remain hopeful.
  10. Well I think we may have our answer. Eddy during the facebook chat asked fans to tell ABC they want a S7. That is not a good sign. That means ABC has zero faith in the show nor the idea for S7 and is just looking for a reason to cancel it.
  11. I don't think they'll kill Emma at all. They'll give CS their happy ending, it'll just be delayed for a while after they get married. If that is the case I'll watch Hook scenes on Youtube and they better be about finding Emma HIS WIFE! Hook should be tearing the town down trying to find her if this is the route they go on.
  12. I'm still of the opinion this is the last season. Ratings stand at a 0.9. There's no way it will stay that way throughout the entirety of 6B. It will drop and will probably get to the level of cancellation. It's naive to think it'll stay steady. It never has.
  13. My money is Gideon but it won't be because Emma dies. Cause I don't see Emma dying.
  14. I say Lana and Bex are the only ones in S7, everybody else seems like they're getting wrapped up this season. We also don't know what is filmed in studio, we could easily have a CS centric episode but we don't know based on filming spoilers. Just wait and see I guess. I'm just glad they're engaged and getting married. I'm of the opinion the show is done for. I do think that JMO is more likely to return than either Gosh or Bobby mainly because they look like they checked out a long time ago. They're probably still negotiating. After the backlash Adam got on the whole S7 idea I'm very sure ABC told them to go back to the drawing board.
  15. The wording in the interview has changed. It says now JMO will wear the jacket to the series(current storyline) end. Could mean they're still in negotiations with her and probably the show. I think they realize without Emma they have no show. We shall see I guess.
  16. I think everyone is leaving but Lana and Bex. Which LOL good luck with that.
  17. I'm kind of ready for the end of the show to be honest and spoilers seem to indicate it is. I don't think a CS wedding will be rushed at all especially after S5. I'm very happy CS are getting their happy ending. TBH if there is a S7 I honestly see only Regina staying and maybe all of the characters coming back in the finale or something. This season has really had a lot of signs that this is the end. You've got Snowing wanting to just settle down and live there lives. You've got Rumbelle and their son and those issues which will probably be resolved by him turning back to a child You've got Captain Swan getting engaged and married and starting their future together. Maybe with a child in a flash-forward or something. You've got the much demanded musical episode You've got the Black Fairy as the big bad which has been an entity on the show since S1. All the signs are there that this is the end. Maybe for everyone but Regina and maybe Zelena.
  18. If this is the last season then they've got to get CS married by the series finale.
  19. Well this should be good news for some. Colin, JMO, Jared, Josh, and Ginny are filming together! 1. Snowing curse is broken 2. CS are reunited and together. Maybe this can placate those concerns about them being distant or something, they're holding hands and everything in the pics. 3. Colin's got his new jacket still. And for some, Lana isn't filming today. Sounds like a good day to me.
  20. I'm new to this thread but I can't possibly imagine Quantico or AOS being renewed. The ratings are horrible for both shows. ABC tried to save Quantico and now the show on a better night with a very strong lead in is within 2 episodes back to it's Sunday numbers and it's only gonna drop more. Priyanka may be a star but there's no justification in renewing a flop show when they can just place her on a hopefully better show that will be successful. Most rating sites have already listed Quantico and AOS as almost for sure cancellations. PCA's like all other award shows are fixed. Based on JMO's enthusiasm at Atvfest, her interviews from the event, and also when Eddy stated that we're ready for a S7 and pointed to everyone on the stage. I don't think JMO is an issue anymore. She doesn't act like somebody that is going to leave the show. All her interviews are hopeful for a S7, it just depends on ABC.
  21. I agree completely. A promo has never really foreshadowed anything really, especially something that isn't even clear yet like casts fate or anything. As far as the GA knows Emma is supposed to die when facing the hooded figure so the part where some final chapters, it's clearly alluding to the still looming fate of Emma as we see in the promo she fights Gideon. Plus the happy endings thing is over Robin and Regina and we already know that is not going to be happening. It's a half-baked promo and it's not meant to do anything but get people excited for the return of the show in March. There's nothing significant about it. However this is the OUAT fandom and it wouldn't be the OUAT fandom if people didn't make a big deal over every little thing and think doom and gloom.
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