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Everything posted by Passepartout

  1. Scott just seems to be just want to be known as what you said Ally but not just playing Detective Danny Williams.
  2. Grover I never thought was a negative person. As really Steve's reckless behavior is going to cost him or others their lives. But will give him credit of never endangering the public. And placing himself in the line of duty. To protect those. Give him credit over on that. If Chin leaves and doubt he will, really I would stop watching the show. He is now my favorite character!
  3. Really to suggest they are gay. Really that could not be cool with it. Maybe just best buds.
  4. I thought LDP character was a waste. Do not think he was a jerk. He was a reasonable guy that worked with Five 0. Not against them.
  5. I am going to go on a rant and say that I am not the biggest fan of Steve's. A lot has to do with his control issues. As really if you are on social media as really people know I am not a big fan of Steve's. Please respect my opinions as just really loved Steve in the first two seasons. And half of season 3. As really think that after season 4. Steve really has become such a major league bleep. Or had been in the past. But season 7, he is back to his old loving and caring self. Despite lesser control issues. As really glad that the season 7 is such a great season and the best. And for those that are on social media that blast Danny. He is a whiner. And yes, he can really get on people's nerves. But Danny IMHO is tame. And the way he takes advantage of Danny and his friendship. Steve thinks just because he is a SEAL doesn't mean he can bully people like Danny or play god in his life. Sure he is the boss. But that does mean he acts as holier than thou. It may be funny to those people but to me it is not. But I am glad season 7 is the reason I loved the show in the first place. Despite the fact Steve does not listen to anybody. Even Danny over on his part of giving him a liver. But still glad season 7 is the best so far.
  6. True but he lets sometimes the power goes through his head that's why.
  7. Yeah as really sometimes Steve thinks just because he is a SEAL makes him sometimes he is better than thou. Like with his control issues. But still love Chin Ho's niece and glad she is safe now.
  8. Hal did look like a girl. Needed to change his hairstyle.
  9. If you think I am not a Steve fan, it is more of a love-hate relationship with him. As really his needing to be in control gets way too old. Like driving Danny's car. As really Danny needs to man up and take it back from him. People love that about Steve being in control. And at times think it is funny and it is their thing true. Not me when it comes to playing god in people's lives. Like Steve does Danny.
  10. Yeah as really hope that the young cop got that over on from Grover. And know in the end, Grover was right. And that the young cop could live and learn by experience from Grover. BTW, Steve has the biggest ego and arrogance than Grover could have. Grover mellowed a bit but not Steve.
  11. Really think Duke would not. He is the only H.P.D. cop loyal to 5-0. No way no how. As really the show made it out like all cops in Chicago were corrupt. And really Lou trying to go from right from wrong. Really needed to kind of pay up over what happened when he was last in Chicago before this episode. As he did stuff a la McGarrett style. Will I think should be allow to text Grace every once in awhile. But they really underused Michelle as a villain. And that only she showed a little emotion about her daughters.
  12. Really the husband is a scumbag and not at all far from innocent. But the wife was more awful than he was. And tried to get money by putting of a ransom. While an innocent young woman nearly paid with her life. As really love Harry aka William F back. As he is fun to have.
  13. Yeah as really glad that the Danny and Steve are no longer bickering. And that the bromance is back finally!
  14. Wonder if Alex could be a producer as it is time for him to be one. As really stars that have been on a show for a long time. Need to really be a producer.
  15. Yeah as hope Steve and Danny stop bickering for good.
  16. I love Daniel's Chin. He is so cool and level headed. The Yin to the Five 0 team. Steve is becoming a major league bleep these days, as a very much a selfish controlling jerk that in a sense is maybe why Catherine dumped him. Danny is a whiner but he means well. Kono is bada*s as a woman. Love Grover as do not know what and why the hate.
  17. Don't you just hate it when the show is pre-empted by March Madness?
  18. Really love it that the bromance is back. And not as mean spirited as it used to be. But really at times, they need to tone down Steve a bit. He can be away over the top as well as a bit selfish. Hint the restaurant thing. As it needs to be named McDanno's. Not Steve's.
  19. Yeah as really wonder why that the crossover is not for that of in the sweeps week!
  20. I like Max Gail. As loved him from the Barney Miller show. Grew up a bit in the 1970's so I am old LOL But glad Steve is not being a control freak pushover. And Danny not that whiny! IMHO, the producers failed to use a PSA over in the Shoah Foundation that was made by Steven Spielberg after Schindler's List!
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