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Everything posted by QueenMab

  1. You're not alone FozzyBear. We are simply, burnt out on Benson and whatever train wreck rolls through her miserable exsistance ever single f-ing week. The cases defy reason and logic most of the time, the show doesn't even pretend to be a "police procedural" Benson leaning over shoving her mega hooters and six inches of cleaveage in rapists faces while snarling and whispering in a phone sex voice has gotten..well...just silly. We love Barba ( underused) we love Finn ( almost MIA) and we too, wonder why this show is still on if its only for the purpose of showcasing MH's questionable acting skills and pushing her uber left political agendas. Color us mystified too.
  2. Just finish Benson off. Noah will live with granny so he's OK ( like we care) so just shoot the broad so they spend at least three episodes on her State funeral, and just let Barba take the show from there. Boom! I can dream.
  3. You know Xeliou....I went to the Official SVU website. Clicked on to the comments. OH BOY! Guess what? That "soap opera" bit I have stressed over and over....its caught on or I am not the only one that feels and see's it. The comments were blunt. "Please don't turn SVU into a soap opera!" "This is just a nighttime soap". "I'm sick of the Noah crap. Could we lose that PLEASE!" " I hate that whisper talk". These are direct quotes from the official website that is supposed to be for the blindly loyal fans who think Benson is Wonder Woman. Yet these ( direct quotes) are the majority of comments. We aren't the only ones it turns out, who have those complaints. They seem to be very prevalent gripes with the show. Even with the loyal fans. What does that tell ya? To me, yes, its MH ego gone too far. The show is ignoring even the die hard fans and plowing ahead with MH's agenda's. When that interview with Chernuchin said he sat down with MH and told her he was going to put her character through the wringer and MH was totally on board...there's your sign. Of course she was. It meant a whole season ALL ABOUT HER. That's what I got from that interview and I ain't alone apparently. When even the longtime, "SVU/Benson can do no wrong" fans are sick of her whispering bs, sick of the Noah crap, and see the show as a soap opera that bears no resemblance to a "police procedural" show, and the Producers ignore that...something has gone very wrong. And the question is...if WE can see it, why can't the people in charge of this trainwreck see it too?! Because MH is blind, deaf and dumb when it comes to what other people want....even the "fans". She obviously thinks Benson is real. And proceeds accordingly. She needs to be checked, or this show is going to have abysmal ratings this season. Deservedly so.
  4. On west coast..."Blacklist" "The Travel Agency", new episode is on as listed. FYI. Watching it, I like the show. Its the new episode. Maybe we'll get the new SVU too. Let you know.
  5. Thank you. The one thing everyone wonders about and none of ya telling. Jeeez.
  6. For crap sake! Somebody on the east coast tell us what's up with the shows! C'mon! Jeeesh. Like pulling teeth to get info.
  7. Isn't this the one that Finn goes to Cuba and we thought it would be (logically) a Finn and Barba episode but Finn just wore a Hawaiian shirt and Barba just showed up to plant a big one on Benson's ass and we got the same old shit?
  8. Onscreen guide shows Blacklist, SVU, Chicago P.D. NBC has no listing for World Series. Got it. World Series Game 7 on at 5pm (PST) until 8 on Fox 11 here. Over by primetime. Are we going to suffer in the west coast because east 3 hours ahead?
  9. Yeah I know your right. It has politics, sex, longtime secrets (apparently Barba's whole life) best friends banging the same woman, corruption, gang affiliation ( I always thought Munoz and Eddie Garcia were probably gang twerps when kids protecting Barba, maybe BX9 which would give Barba a gang connection too...juicy!) more sex, and longtime secrets. Yeah, that stupid kid crap is a much more interesting choice.
  10. In one episode (last week?) Rollins and I think Car is I were walking down a hallway in a TV studio and there was a big poster behind them advertising the networks Spanish language morning show. It had pics of the pretty girl co host and of the male host saying "Buena's Dias New York". It was Alex Munos I swear. Barbas old pal that lost the Mayors race because of his junk shots to teenage girls. Got sent to Federal prison for a while....or maybe not? He ended up hating Barba for it and thought it was personal because Barba had obviously banged his wife Yelena. I always wondered why they didn't follow up on that because when Barba got death threats and nobody knew from who, I thought " maybe that thug pal of Barbas that lost it all took exception". Munos from South Bronx BX9 turf. I think that would have been a good followup/resolution to "October Surprise" and a juicy reason/reasons for the death threats. If Munis is on TV now with a public forum, he could get rowdy verbally with Barba and cause some stink. He's known Barba all his life and knows ALL Barbas secrets. I think that would be much juicier than the Benoah crap.
  11. I'm going to "watch" with the sound off and listen to my Etta James CD. If Barba comes on I'll turn up the sound, so I can hear him kiss Benson's big ass I guess, then off. Can't STAND that whisper any more. No Mas! No Mas!
  12. I hate to say "I told you so" but... I remember posters here stating high hopes for this Churnuchin? coming on to the show but nothings changed, except for the worst. Every one of our criticisms and complaints have been worked into this season and spit back at us tenfold. This week pretty much seals it for me (and probably Xeliou) and will be..in truth..."The Olivia Benson Hour". I ask again....W T F is up with this broad??! The rest of the cast must be just showing up for a decent paycheck and worldwide exposure, when they can get on screen for a minute or two.
  13. Yeah....this week says one long whispering stringy haired staring eyed six inches of megahooter cleavage interview. The more disgusted we are with the MH hour....the more MH they jam at us. WTF??! I mean, W T F is up with that woman??!
  14. What do you want to bet Stone comes in as EADA and pulls Barba off of sex crime cases. Pulls him away from mommy Olivia. Can't work together drink together screw together anymore. Horrors!! Says Barba is too close....needs to back away and try other kinds of cases. Me, I couldn't be happier if that happened. Those two should NEVER have been connected in such a silly, mutually validating pity party way. But....plenty there for MH to open her mouth wide and stare in crazy panic...her version of dramatic acting. Can't wait. Please don't give us Barba and Benson going through so much shit they bind together for eternity. YUCK!
  15. Xeliou....I too have uneasy feelings about this new Stone ADA. Because...every time they go into a characters life it's always a trainwreck. And I fear that's what they are going to do with Barba. Take a popular character we would like to know more good stuff about and show us he's really an unethical, immoral scumbag who should have been disbarred years ago but he was able to keep it all on the DL...until Stone. Guaranteed they will F with him not show us a better Barba. I hate what I'm hearing about this season. And the MH ego Benoah crap? Its just that. WE DONT CARE!
  16. Joe.. Benson and the ADA Barba have a "relationship" that IRL must never happen. Collusion, conspiracy, undue influence, sexual manipulation and misconduct, as well as personal prejudices and bias..and the clear possibility of "gross miscarriages of Justice" and lawsuits from defense counsel...are all reasons the cops and ADA's DO NOT fraternize, much less form close intimate relationships with each other. One of the big reasons for the criticism that this show is just a nighttime soap opera about sex...that violates the real moral parameters and ethical boundaries of both Benson and Barba's professions.
  17. BTW...Forlani's is a real place on Baxter St. just down from Hogan Place which is just down from NYC Police Dept.(1 PP) and across the street from the Manhattan Men's Detention Center. Been there. Its nice but NYC has hundreds just like it. Places where that expensive, pretentiously obscure wine Benson guzzles down at Barba's expense costs $20 a goblet. Grew up in Bronx, Highbridge area just across Jerome Ave. from the South Bronx. My connection to Barba and the show FYI. :)
  18. You know, this show is set not in NYC but Manhattan. Rich, white, trendy, famous, expensive first class, are in Manhattan. An excuse for Benson and gang to eat at chic bistos ( no cop diners for Benson, linen tablecloths and crystal stemware only) interact with the rich famous powerful to show what a "star" Benson is, and investigate crimes in 5star hotels and $20 million penthouses on CPW. Looks good on camera. Its rich white asshole ville. So that's what we get. Week after week. Because its rich white Manhattan.
  19. Has anyone here actually watched "Chicago P.D."? One of the "spin offs" of Warren Leight? I did. The lead character, Voight, is Elliot Stabler on steroids. Every week they nab someone for a crime, bring him in, and this Voight proceeds to beat the crap out of the suspect until he gives in. Police procedure, suspects rights, out the window. With no repercussions or accountability. My point is, except for the original L&O, none of these L&O based shows have any thing to do with law or order. Not even a nod to the reality of police work. So I wonder is this the demand of viewers? They like shows based on cops or lawyers but don't want the stories to have any resemblance to actual police or lawyer work? This seems to be a disturbing trend. Base shows on people who work in a field but the show has no resemblance to the actual work or procedures people in those professions actually do. Law and Order is like a "backdrop" to whatever immoral, unethical, unprofessional behavior they can think up for the characters. We keep looking and asking for better stories with a bit more of the realistic challenges of being a police detective or ADA but we're not going to get them. All these shows premises are just an excuse to have lots of people interact with as much sex, violence, and unethical personal crap from the main characters as possible. This is, apparently, what television considers "drama" nowadays. I'm not one of the viewers that likes to watch that crap. But, I could be all alone in that. Seems like it.
  20. Does anyone know if Barba is on next week? Because otherwise I don't care about Benoah. Or whatever pos story they throw out. I watch with the sound off until Barba comes on.
  21. Why did they call this episode "Complicated"? It wasn't complicated at all. Just a hodgepodge of "stuff" going on. Nobody did very much and all MH did is whisper to the point I thought " oh for crap sake! Just bang her already and move on. She's gone the whole show trying to sexually seduce everyone with this annoying sex whisper bs". WTF is up with that bit?! She's a COP...not a phone sex worker. Story was a non-story rehash. Whatever.
  22. Oh God! The whispering scene! Stop it. Is she trying to seduce? Sound "sexy"? WTF? Stupid story rehash. Half way through and where is Carisi's big mouth trouble? And Barba? No reason for him to be there. Interesting they are such good friends but she hadn't told him about this adoption problem? Maybe they are detaching those two. Good. I'll take less Barba if it means a more ethical, realistic "relationship" between those two. This is a yawn so far.
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