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Posts posted by PAForrest

  1. 11 hours ago, Bergamot said:

    Anyway, the main reason I didn't think it was important what Dean thought is that the show has made it very clear that this is now the Jack Story. I find it hard to believe that anything Dean does or doesn't do is going to make a difference. It is all about Jack now. (Of course, if Dabb can make Dean be completely unimportant and yet still have everything that goes wrong somehow be his fault, I have no doubt that he will. It would be the best of both worlds for him.)

    Dean and Sam are irrelevant by design. No, sadly nothing they do or say or think matters, because they don't matter. It's the way Drabb intends it to be, it's what he's crafted over his years. If he hadn't, seasons 16 and 17 would have been nailed down long before now.

    I can't fault Jeremy Adams, he has to write the story - or lack thereof as the case may be - that Drabb wants.

    I did see one very long time SPN media fan who now writes for Variety - Danielle Turchiano - who complained on twitter about the story focusing solely on Jack saving the day, and that she hoped this would not be the case because Supernatural is supposed to be about Dean and Sam. I was happy and sad to read that, and I hope there will be more complaints. I mean, it's too late now, nothing will change - the media should have started complaining a long time ago. But given how much of a fan this person has been over the years, it's interesting that she too is not happy with the direction away from the brothers. Buckle up, sweetheart, it's only going to get worse.

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  2. 8 minutes ago, falltime said:

    I didn't watch the zoom thing. I don't know if he has something lined up. I did see about 2 weeks ago that he promoted a film his best friend, Darius Marder, made called Sound of Metal. It will come out on Amazon Prime later this year.

    I bet that's probably the movie he was talking about. Thanks, I didn't know that.

    And thanks BabySpinach for posting the Kripke answers. I tried to follow some of that last night, but it was happening at the same time the Dazed and Confused reading was going on.

    I think Kripke really found his niche and got his mojo back with this show. I forget how good he used to be back in the early seasons.


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  3. 10 hours ago, Casseiopeia said:

    Kind of looks like he is doing this from his Airstream

    I don't know, it's hard to say. I thought it was a room in his house. Honestly though, with small kids in the house, if the Airstream is parked anywhere on his property that's not a bad way to do interviews and things like this - less chance of the kids busting in. LOL!

    Anyway, it was fun, and Jensen looked like he was having a blast. And it appears that he was wearing a shirt from his new gig. Heh.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Casseiopeia said:

    Nothing new accept where Jensen is...


    He's driving from Austin to Florida in an Airstream? OMG, he and the fam are coming to my neck o' the woods!

    ETA: Actually, I should say, he WAS driving to Florida whenever this interview took place, since he should be home right now getting ready to do the Dazed and Confused reading in about 45 minutes. Damn, I missed him. LOL!

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  5. 8 hours ago, Bergamot said:

    I wanted to enjoy this episode, because I have missed my show so much. Unfortunately, after watching the episode, I am still missing my show.


    Okay, there was one moment that I did enjoy -- it was when they burst into the vampire's nest that first time, and the vampires were watching on TV the gothic vampire soap opera "Dark Shadows" from the 1960's.  I used to watch it after school every day. Hello Barnabas Collins!


    Okay, second attempt. Site crashed on me as I was trying to post something. Hope it works this time.

    Anyway, as much as I enjoyed seeing Dean and Sam Winchester again after all these months, no it's not the same show. The whole world is weak and superficial, and it's sad that the Winchesters just don't factor in anymore. I do think Jeremy Adams is the best addition to the show this season, but given the rock bottom plummet in quality, that's not saying much. But he'll do well almost anywhere else.

    I did love the Dark Shadows easter egg, though. I was such a huge fan when I was in high school. Rushed home every afternoon after school so I could watch it. Highlight of my day!

    I wondered about those two vamps, though. They didn't seem to be hurting anyone, and were using blood bags. I thought the Winchesters might eventually realize that the monster radar was too cut and dried and not taking other factors into play in terms of hunting. Plus, the MoL never hunted - they only observed. Mrs. Butters should have known that. Then again, she was probably going by what Cuthbert taught her about monsters since he was the only one who wanted to get involved.

    4 hours ago, Jediknight said:

    Carter and SARAH would be disappointed in him, though.  Deputy Andy took a dark turn.

    Deputy Andy went all Walter White, for sure. LOL! Oh Eureka, I miss you.

    3 hours ago, Terese said:

    Is it necessary to demote Sam and Dean to place Jack in a favorable light? It feels as though Sam and Dean have stepped aside. They don't seem to have the interest or even energy to save the world. Have a beer, a burger and oh just let Jack handle it.

    Dean couldn't be bothered, having seen nothing viewing through the interdimensional  gyroscope, to ask a follow up question when Mrs. Butters said that's not good? 

    Yeah, yeah. Jack's the hero, but do Sam and Dean have to fade into the woodwork so that Jack can shine by comparison? To quote Crowley, "I am so glad the world is ending."

    As we've said before, the fact that Badd et. al. have gone to such huge lengths - the most effort they've put into this show - just to make the Winchesters entirely irrelevant, to have no stake or purpose in the story line at all, was probably the #1 factor in the Js calling it quits. I imagine if they really do decide to do that 6-episode mini reunion in the near future, Dean and Sam will become quite relevant again, become the heroes again that they're supposed to be.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Lemuria said:

    Yep, all the other dimensions/alternate realities have been destroyed.

    Yeah, that's what I assumed.

    It was decent enough in that it's pretty clear Jeremy is probably their best writer - and he writes mostly fluffy stuff, but with a bit of bite. Of course, he is forced to adhere to Badd's game plan, which is Princess Jackie Poo Sue being all Suey and speshul. Like as much as we know Jeremy really likes Jensen and likes Dean, it really felt out of place for him to insert the obligatory "Dean is old" shtick, especially standing next to Sam when he doesn't look even a minute younger than Dean anymore. And Sam being Mrs. Butters' favorite, for no apparent reason (though at least she did tell him to cut his hair)? That's doesn't sound like Jeremy, that's all Berens and Badd.

    But at least he allowed Dean to be smart enough to figure out how to get out of the room, and how to disable Mrs. Butters, even if only temporarily.

    The whole holiday routine was pretty charming and sweet. But I immediately assumed there was something off about those smoothies.

    OTOH, the constant harping on Princess Jackie Poo Sue being the only one who can save the world - on a show where he would never exist were it not for Dean and Sam who are the ones who should be saving the world - never ceases to grate. I have to hope the fact that they're pushing it so hard means when it comes down to it, it won't go according to plan. Otherwise, how boring to show your complete hand already - not that I wouldn't put it past Badd because, well, he is BAD, after all.

    I like that Dean is still having problems with Jackie Poo Sue - because he should. But at the same time he's way too forgiving already, because that is Dean's lot in life. Seriously, this is the guy who should be spouting wings because he is a freaking saint. Definitely a better man than I would be.

    I like the actress who played Mrs. Butters. She's pretty cute in anything I've ever seen her in. I also like that her character was powerful, obsessively over protective, but not really evil as much as led astray.

    And it was fun to see Cuthbert again, one last time.


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  7. 2 hours ago, ILoveReading said:

    At the Golden Globes, Jensen went to 3 after parties.  The WB, Amazon and Disney.  We've gotten news for the WB, and Amazon.  What else are you sitting on Jensen.

    Which is why we also know Jensen's fudging on the timeline for The Boys. Please, I think he likely already auditioned at the end of 2019 or in January 2020, sometime over the holidays when he admitted he was spending time in LA for "meetings". He forgets how much his fans follow his every movement. LOL!

    So yes, the Amazon after party makes sense - The Boys - and now we know why he attended the WB after party. Now we just have to know why he attended the Disney party. So much good Jensen news!

    And his comments about wanting to revisit the show for a "6-episode" run on a "streaming "platform are carrying a lot more weight with this latest production news.

    • Love 9
  8. 22 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

    That's the difference and why this subject will always be circular. Watching Jack become the hero of the story does not entertain me in any way. I don't think anyone mentioned screen time in any way. It's about the story and the content and Nougat Baby content is not what I signed up for.

    Besides, this line is always spouted by someone who knows his/her favorite character has the storyline. Sam fans used to throw out this "I don't care ..." BS to Dean fans year after year - until such a time that Dean finally got a storyline or plotlet, as they usually ended up being. Then suddenly it was all wailing about Sam being sidelined and pissing and moaning about whatever Dean's little bit of plotlet it was at the time. In other words, their claims about not caring who has the storyline never rang true. Turns out they cared very much.

    The thing about 15 years of repurposing storylines or plot points or scenes for another character - and let's be honest, they're almost always Dean plot points or scenes for Sam or someone else - is that at best it's lazy as shit writing. Do better, it's your job.

    At worst it's childishness from adults who should have better things to do, like showrunning and writing a good story, rather than getting bent out of shape that their not so favorite character had a cool scene or plot that they want to take away from said not so favorite character and give to their favorite character, because waah waaah waaaaaah!!!!!!

    And the problem is they're completely missing a couple of huge elements that made said scenes or plot points cool at the time. Foremost, the actor who sold it; and two, the fact that it was new and different in that moment. Once you try and recreate it for another character, it's not only insanely obvious why you're doing that, but it always, always, always, ALWAYS pales in comparison. Without fail.

    Honestly, if there were more episodes this season, or we had another season, how much you want to bet Sam or Jackie Poo Sue or even Asstiel would suddenly have a tap dance number, for whatever lame reason the writer du jour tried to come up with at the time.

    • Love 9
  9. 11 hours ago, ILoveReading said:

    Still getting major Swan Song vibes

    Eh, I'm getting no feelings one way or the other. It's another "shaving people ..." vid, right? And those usually end up meaning literally nothing at all. Not saying there won't be another "Suck Ass Song" ending - I mean, come on, Dabb has to rip off someone. If it's not Kripke season five, then it's the finale of The Vampire Diaries or Arrow or some other show. Originality is not exactly his strong suit, even when he did moderately care. Now he doesn't at all.

    The things that do jump out at me include the shot of Charlie - did we know she was coming back, or have I just not given enough of a damn to keep up or remember if she was spoiled before? Probably a little of both.

    Also we can't get through the final 7 episodes without at least one more Dean scene repurposed for Sam - in this case, two scenes. Sam hugging Donna goodbye ala Dean before he goes to create the Malak Box (though I am happy to see Donna again); and Sam in Billie's library learning his book fate. Oh Supernatural, never change - because you never have. I won't miss all those repurposed scenes.

    Yes, killing Amara is a dumb plan for Dean to consider. It's Dabbernatural.

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  10. 35 minutes ago, tessathereaper said:

    Yes, that's what I heard too.  There was tension on the set, not due to the actors but because of the change at the helm of the show, so there were problems with getting things organized sometimes.  Requests were made from LA at the last minute, caused budgets to run over, etc.  Jensen organized the soccer game as an outlet and bonding and to basically help everyone just have fun as a team.

    Yeah, that's exactly how it went down. The crew was very unhappy very quickly into Gamble's reign, and this was Jensen's attempt to let everyone blow off steam one afternoon. He's seen it as his mission to take care of this crew for years. If he didn't have a deep sense of concern and loyalty for and to those he works with, he'd have left years ago. This is exactly why he and Jared let it drag on so long, and why it was hard to tell the crew they finally had to call it quits.

    Any set is going to be fortunate to have Jensen as part of their team. I cannot wait until season three of The Boys!

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  11. 2 minutes ago, Katy M said:

    I did not know that.  About someone getting pissed about it. I don't blame whoever it was.  Whenever I hear the prank stories, I would think, that sounds so annoying, I would probably get mad. And then since they're famous and I'm presumably just a character actor (I guess in my made up fantasy scenario) I would be the one in the wrong.  

    I think I heard something about Katie Cassidy not really appreciating the pranks but at least getting through it.

    I didn't hear about Katie, but I can see it and wouldn't blame her. The one question I despise at conventions, and it ALWAYS comes up, is about pranks. Not a fan of the question or the activity.

    The actor who was not happy was the guy who played Roland or Ronald(?) in Nightshifter. I always think about that whenever I see him show up on something else.

    I think all actors cut up at times on sets - there wouldn't be blooper reels if they didn't. But when it starts costing the studio money because it delays shooting, usually they step in and say something.

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  12. 44 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

    LOL. they don't call this the Unpopular  Opinion thread for nothing. 😛

    I personally think Jensen is stunningly handsome. If a couple of (possibly) extra pounds constitutes letting yourself go (especially when the rest of you is aesthetically perfect) we should all let ourselves go. I should be so lucky.

    I am on record as not being a fan of the OTT 'comedy' - but that's more because it's become a character trait instead of a rare occurrence and I hate that for Dean, as it is any commentary on Jensen's ability to carry it off. He is a great 'face' actor, which comes (IMO) from his training ground in soaps. So when he has to do physical shtick like the double takes and big comedy eyes, they can seem OTT. But he can do subtle and still tell a story with his face as well as any actor, ever. Go ahead and fight me.

    Jensen is also the public record as asking for help when it came to portraying Michael and being blown off by a terrible showrunner with an inferiority complex. He still hit a homerun with it, as much as he was allowed to. IMO this kind of thing is why the plug got pulled - and I am more than ready to see what he can do with good writing and a producer/director who gives a shit.

    Yup, to each their own. I have seen Jensen at cons multiple times over the last 10 years. The man is not overweight or underweight. He's svelte, literally stunning in person. It's often a surprise too considering the multiple layers he's always been forced to wear on the show which made both guys look bulkier than they are in real life. Sure Jensen sometimes jokes about not liking exercise - and yet he's also said he keeps up with it every day when he's shooting. I believe their trailers contained treadmills, at the very least. And considering he and Danneel have a work out area in whatever house they're living in at the time, I'm sure he's using it. He's an actor - yes, he knows he has to stay in shape. Plus, as he's also said multiple times, and just recently on the Corey Booker zoom call, in real life he eats more like "Sam", and Jared eats more like "Dean" - much to Corey's dismay. LOL!

    I wouldn't have blamed every single actor on Supernatural if they stopped bringing it, considering the dumpster level quality of material they were given the last few years. And still, they gave it more than the product deserved. Yes, I am ready to see Jensen working with quality material again. Pondlass1 is right - he'll do more than okay.

    I too never understood why Jared got away with the level of pranking he did over the years. There was at least one guest star in season two who got pissed about it. I also don't understand why any of them put up with Dabb et. al. for as long as they did. Actors in many other series have not put up with much much less. I think it's a testament to the loyalty they all felt to the crew and network that is frankly unprecedented. But obviously even they had their breaking point, and given Pedowitz's many attempts to get the Js to stay on, it was obviously finally too much for even their level of devotion.

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  13. 1 hour ago, gonzosgirrl said:

    Wow, yeah they were lucky!

    Yesterday it was announced that Chicago Med had to shut down for two weeks due to a positive test among the crew. They don't shoot in Vancouver, though, I don't think. Still, it's going to happen. The latest Batman flick shut down a month or so ago because someone got COVID, was rumored to be Pattinson, the lead.

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  14. 15 hours ago, ILoveReading said:

    I wasn't sure where to put this but I figured this was the best thread.  If this is legit (I never heard of this site before) I'm already loving the direction of s3.

    This also showed up on another comic site, so it sounds legit. I always assumed Kripke was tweaking the character, especially after he landed Jensen. He did a major tweak to Stormfront, this season's new supe, so it doesn't surprise me he'd do the same for Soldier Boy. And one of the primary tweaks I anticipated was that there would only be one Soldier Boy, the original celeb superhero. It makes the most sense.

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  15. 11 hours ago, ILoveReading said:

    This is what I liked about it.  Several time I've often said, I'd like to be a fly on the wall for this conversation and that is what this felt like.  A chat among friends.  It also reminded me of how much I missed all the Robsen from not having cons.  

    I loved that he and Rob considered quarantining together.   I also thought it was interesting that Jensen talked about having conference and video calls and interviews.  Inquiring minds what to know Jensen.  lol. 

    The Robsen is strong with this one. 😍

    I like that Jensen's just a regular guy sitting around a quarantine apartment chilling, not caring about his hair or what he's wearing. But damn, he still looks pretty. LOL! I am enjoying all these between friends-like chats. But yes, I also hope some of those zoom calls were more professional in nature. Had to be.

    Also someone on twitter indicated that Gen apparently said the Js actually traveled separately from Canada, that Jared drove alone. So no road tripping. But we know from Jensen's aunt that he did visit them in Denver, so if they both ended up in Denver, could have been at different times.

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  16. 4 hours ago, Casseiopeia said:

    So some of the guest stars have been posting videos in character to congratulate the guys...this one is for Dean


    OMG how much do I wish this was a legit spoiler!!!!!! Ty loves the Dean/Benny relationship as much as so many fans do. I miss him! And I'll never forgive BoBo for crapping on his memory.

    I can't find the tweet now, but there was a supposed sighting of Jensen at the Denver airport two or three days ago. If that was true, my feeling is that the Js decided to do a mini-roadtrip as far as Denver so Jensen could see his aunts, then Jared continued on with his dog and Jensen and Icarus flew the rest of the way home. Jensen has taken Icarus on a plane many times - he can easily buy him a seat because he's a small dog.

    Like I said, no photographic conformation, but the fact that no one mentioned seeing Jensen with Jared out on the town suggests it might have gone down that way. I can easily imagine Jensen wanting to be in Austin with the Impalas were delivered.

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  17. 2 hours ago, trudysmom said:

    And I know this is probably a really unpopular opinion but I HATED Cas as Lucifer.  I hated that Misha chose to imitate Pellegrino's mannerisms.  Rick Springfield didn't do that and he was very effective, in my opinion, as Lucifer.  Misha  just made it look like a parody of the character, and it was  one  of the 2 times that I was disappointed in his acting choices.  The other was 

      Reveal spoiler

    his portrayal of AU Cas, ugh that was bad. 


    Is it that unpopular an opinion? Well, I'm with you, I despised the whole Cas as Luci shtick, thought it was some of the worst acting Misha ever did - that and anytime the writers wanted him to do an accent. For the latter I'm convinced they knew he was terrible with accents, and just threw them in because it made them giggle.

    I also agree that Springfield's short duration as Luci was decent, probably more entertaining than Pellegrino's increasingly one-note take over the years. The only time Pellegrino's Luci really came off scary and threatening IMO was in Hammer of the Gods, when he's walking down the hall slaughtering all the gods. Now that was on point.

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  18. 16 hours ago, Casseiopeia said:

    From Variety


    How can one guy look so devastatingly handsome regardless of what he's doing or wearing, even in a mask? He seriously needs to be hired to look just like that encouraging people to wear their masks!

    It's interesting that Supernatural was literally used as the beta test for the WB to see if filming could even be done. It's encouraging that the cast and crew passed with flying colors, did what they needed to do, what they were supposed to do, and they never lost a day and everyone stayed healthy.

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  19. 46 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

    This is the big problem with Andre Badd.  Not every character needed that last hurrah.

    My feeling is that there were probably going to be a lot of flashback cameos in the last episode, or the last two episodes, and for obvious reasons they'd have to be almost entirely scrubbed. And when it comes down to it, they would be mostly unnecessary anyway.

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