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Posts posted by PrincessPurrsALot

  1. Quote

    Micah finds solace at Nova's place. Charley confronts Davis about their custody arrangement. Aunt Violet's time with Hollywood might be short-lived. Nova meets someone at a symposium. Ralph Angel confronts Jacob Boudreaux about spying on his property.

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  2. Quote

    Ralph Angel has an idea for the farm; Charley is blindsided during her final divorce mediation with Davis; Nova holds a community fundraiser; and Aunt Violet learns that Hollywood might have been involved in a life-threatening accident.

  3. I hated this episode with a passion.  I don't enjoy the type of horror movie the show is mimicking.  The idea of Piscatella being able to sneak through the prison and grab Red's friends without anyone else spotting him was ridiculous.  I know it was not well-populated during this time.  There was still so much disbelief to be suspended I got eyestrain from all of the rolling.  If I rewatch this season, I'll need to skip past this episode. 

    I did enjoy the Red flashbacks although she really was obnoxious to her boyfriend and not in her now more mature withering snark way. 

  4. Quote

    Charley and Davis remain entangled. Ralph Angel tries to find his footing on the family farm. Aunt Violet confronts her feelings for Hollywood. Micah has a dangerous encounter with a police officer. Nova deals with the loss of her relationship with Calvin and later holds a community fundraiser.

    New season starts June 20th with a two-night cane-stravangaza!  The Bordelons are back. 

    • Love 4
  5. Quote

    Nothing is answered. Everything is answered. And then it ends. Series Finale.

    And so this show comes to an end.  Thank you, posters, for your thoughts, insights and humor.  One more hour with The Leftovers for us to share. 

    • Love 5
  6. Unlocking the live thread for the west coast viewing.  We learned during the east coast viewing that Chay decided to drop Lola and continue to be called Chay.  Perhaps her vision  of being a showgirl or hanging out in bars in Soho drinking "champagne" fell to the wayside.  Regardless, call her Chay. Also, let's call her "her".  It makes kitty purr. 

    • Love 2
  7. Quote

    Surgery enabled Laura's independence but the complications nearly killed her and she's terrified about the next skin surgery. Chay revealed to her family she was transgender but living life as an overweight woman; can she stick to her weight loss journey?

    As many of you are aware, one of the My 600 Lb. Life participants featured in this episode came out as a transgender woman in her previous follow up episode.  The episode title identifies her as Chay.  However, in the last update, she asked to be called Lola. Our goal is to make sure we offer her a baseline level of respect -- not only for her but for anyone dealing with issues of self-identification and a sense of one's self.   

    Chay is now Lola.  Lola is a she.  She is a woman.  She uses the pronouns she/her/hers. At PTV we encourage reading the GLAAD reference guide.  The key thing to remember is we will not debate her gender identity; we will not support transphobic comments.  Hate speech is, as always, out. Does that end the snark?  Of course not.  After all, we can still snark about the number of times she says “journey” or “I’m going to do it my way” or she puts on 30 pounds while “following the plan.”   Everything else is fair play.  Seriously, with all the name choices available, she picked Lola.  That’s snark-worthy right there. 

    P.S. During the episode we learn that Chay has chosen to drop Lola and use Chay instead.  So Chay is okay.  She is Chay.  

    • Love 9
  8. Quote

    Surgery enabled Laura's independence but the complications nearly killed her and she's terrified about the next skin surgery. Chay revealed to her family she was transgender but living life as an overweight woman; can she stick to her weight loss journey?

    As many of you are aware, one of the My 600 Lb. Life participants featured in this episode came out as a transgender woman in her previous follow up episode.  The episode title identifies her as Chay.  However, in the last update, she asked to be called Lola. Our goal is to make sure we offer her a baseline level of respect -- not only for her but for anyone dealing with issues of self-identification and a sense of one's self.   

    Chay is now Lola.  Lola is a she.  She is a woman.  She uses the pronouns she/her/hers. At PTV we encourage reading the GLAAD reference guide.  The key thing to remember is we will not debate her gender identity; we will not support transphobic comments.  Hate speech is, as always, out. Does that end the snark?  Of course not.  After all, we can still snark about the number of times she says “journey” or “I’m going to do it my way” or she puts on 30 pounds while “following the plan.”   Everything else is fair play.  Seriously, with all the name choices available, she picked Lola.  That’s snark-worthy right there. 

    P.S. During the episode we learned that Chay decided to go back to being called Chay.   Perhaps Lola was as well-received elsewhere as it was here.  So, Chay is okay to use throughout. 

    • Love 8
  9. Continuing the discussion from the Pauline update episode thread about the difference between dentures and crowns.  Dentures are false teeth placed on a plastic plate that fits into your mouth.  The plates cover more surface than just where the teeth are because they need to encompass the gums.  You can have uppers, lowers or both (full set).  They are secured to your gums with denture adhesive - a temporary glue.  So you take them out to clean them and at night.   

    Partials are tooth replacements that are also attached to a plastic or other form of plate.  However the plate for a partial is only to cover the area that the teeth are needed.  Partials are used when someone is missing some teeth but not all uppers or lowers.  So, if you had a few missing teeth, you could get a partial.  Depending on the configuration, they can be hooked to other permanent teeth with firm metal wires.  Or they can be held in place with adhesive.  Sometimes they simply snap over the gums, especially if they are front teeth where the gums are more narrow. 

    Crowns are placed over existing teeth.  The natural teeth are either already worn down or the teeth are ground and shaped to hold the crown.  The crowns are then glued in place.  They are meant to be permanent.  That's why if someone says they lost a crown it's a big issue.  The tooth underneath is not one they want to be chewing with or exposing to hot or cold food/beverages.  

    Implants are the new, more expensive option.  For implants, posts are imbedded into the bone and the implant is permanently glued to the post.  They are meant to be permanent.  They are treated like regular teeth; that is, you brush them, get the cleaned, etc.  However, you don't have to worry about cavities. 

    The more you know *----------------------     

    • Love 6
  10. Quote

    Series premiere.  Little people suffering from morbid obesity embark on a weight loss h=journey led by fitness guru and fellow little person, Allison Warrell.

    We are starting this topic here until we can get a forum created for this show.  Post away!  

    ** Confirmed this was a two-part special, not a series.  Moving to Specials forum. 

  11. @raven I had blocked from my memory the enthralling Fassbender teaches Fassbender how to play the flute scene.  It was around that time that I became sorry I saw this at a theater with drinks and food served at your seat.  I couldn't leave until I could pay. By then we were near enough to the end I got to watch moptop be the ball on a paddle game while Danny McBride smashed the ship into big stone objects. 

    • Love 1
  12. I was feeling sort of lonely yesterday so I thought, "Why not create the perfect killing machine?  Best cure for loneliness  - kill all humans!"  Wait, that's not what I was supposed to take away from this movie? 

    There were so many plot holes I found the movie both annoying and dull.  It seemed like it would drag on, then there would be some kind of gory moment in an attempt to spice things up.  For all the time spent at the beginning of the movie to establish the characters, they were really weakly drawn and often annoying without being funny.  I didn't expect deep meaningful explorations of every relationship.  However, I also didn't expect to feel absolutely nothing if the characters died. 

    And then there were the scenes that seemed to be taken from a list of horror movie tropes.  Character follows creepy killer into a dark, secret location where he is killed.  Check.  People in clearly unsafe environment decide to split up.  Check.  People treated poorly for enacting quarantine protocols.  Check. Couple having sexy times at an unlikely moment making it easier for creature to attack.  Check.  In that moment making it look like the creature may penetrate the female character.  Check. Ability  to cut hair into exact style of doppelganger, including a color correction.  Check.  People who have lived with a being not noticing that their doppelganger has replaced them even though there is a really obvious clue.  Check.   Eeeeeeeeeeevil android.  Check. 

    This movie was so disappointing.  I am sorry I contributed to the ticket sales.  It will encourage them to make another.      

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