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Posts posted by PrincessPurrsALot

  1. Charmers,

    Regardless of whether you suspect someone is associated with the show, we still adhere to the golden rule of PTV - Be civil.  Yes, be civil to your fellow posters.  You can rage all you want about the people on the show.  You cannot rage against your fellow posters.

    If you find a poster annoying, use the ignore feature.  Then you will not see their posts.  That way you can focus on the show and not each other. 

    Thanks, and happy posting.


    • Love 5
  2. Quote

    Ralph Angel's confession continues to cause unrest and his appeal to Darla for emotional support conflicts with Charley's wishes. Plus, Nova learns something surprising about Violet.

  3. 6 hours ago, Giselle said:

    Great we've got women who'll battle each other in competition to clean up Shep's vomit, roll the bastard over so he doesn't choke on said vomit, clean off poorly aimed bodily fluids around the toilet, wake him up at 3 pm and pull him into a shower to clean off spilt alcohol and spent semen, dribbled puke and pee, endure listening to his drunk ramblings using SAT words and philosophical quotes, concoct or cook the best hangover cure, The dating portion  is to see who can match him drink for drink and still guide his drunk ass home.

    Winnah, Winnah Chicken Dinnah!

    Your prize is an aging horse toothed loquacious drunk!

    I am having flashbacks to Flavor of Love, a show in which the "prize" was clearly not worth winning. 

    • Love 8
  4. Quote

    Charley's opening celebration of the Queen Sugar mills suffers a setback; Nova learns something surprising about her late father; and Ralph Angel has a run-in with someone he previously robbed.


  5. Quote

    Jazz leaves her comfort zone and tries "Dating in the Dark," and hopes it's a good way to get to know someone before revealing she's transgender. Meanwhile, Jazz and her parents attend a pride parade and meet a survivor of the Orlando nightclub shooting in 2016.

    Folks, Prior to posting you may want to review the Mod post on language.  It has been updated recently.  If you feel you are okay with the language, we ask that you skip to the bottom and review the section on defamatory language.  These are the standards we are using at PTV.   

    With that said, let's see Jazz yet again show she's really not good at dating and that Noelle is the kind of friend we would all like to have. 



    • Love 2
  6. Folks,

    At Primetimer we use the  GLAAD media reference guide to help us when talking about transgender persons.  This IS the policy here at Primetimer.  (You can find more information here also.)

    Some key excerpts for your posting reference (please click the spoiler tag for details):

    Glossary of Terms - Transgender



    The classification of a person as male or female. At birth, infants are assigned a sex, usually based on the appearance of their external anatomy. (This is what is written on the birth certificate.) A person's sex, however, is actually a combination of bodily characteristics including: chromosomes, hormones, internal and external reproductive organs, and secondary sex characteristics.

    Gender Identity: 


    A person's internal, deeply held sense of their gender. For transgender people, their own internal gender identity does not match the sex they were assigned at birth. Most people have a gender identity of man or woman (or boy or girl). For some people, their gender identity does not fit neatly into one of those two choices (see non-binary and/or genderqueer below.) Unlike gender expression (see below) gender identity is not visible to others.

    Gender Expression: 


    External manifestations of gender, expressed through a person's name, pronouns, clothing, haircut, behavior, voice, and/or body characteristics. Society identifies these cues as masculine and feminine, although what is considered masculine or feminine changes over time and varies by culture. Typically, transgender people seek to align their gender expression with their gender identity, rather than the sex they were assigned at birth.

    Sexual Orientation: 


    Describes a person's enduring physical, romantic, and/or emotional attraction to another person. Gender identity and sexual orientation are not the same. Transgender people may be straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual, or queer. For example, a person who transitions from male to female and is attracted solely to men would typically identify as a straight woman. 

    Transgender (adj.): 


    An umbrella term for people whose gender identity and/or gender expression differs from what is typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birth. People under the transgender umbrella may describe themselves using one or more of a wide variety of terms - including transgender. Some of those terms are defined below. Use the descriptive term preferred by the person. Many transgender people are prescribed hormones by their doctors to bring their bodies into alignment with their gender identity. Some undergo surgery as well. But not all transgender people can or will take those steps, and a transgender identity is not dependent upon physical appearance or medical procedures.

    Transsexual (adj.): 


    An older term that originated in the medical and psychological communities. Still preferred by some people who have permanently changed - or seek to change - their bodies through medical interventions, including but not limited to hormones and/or surgeries. Unlike transgender, transsexual is not an umbrella term. Many transgender people do not identify as transsexual and prefer the word transgender. It is best to ask which term a person prefers. If preferred, use as an adjective: transsexual woman or transsexual man.



    Used as shorthand to mean transgender or transsexual - or sometimes to be inclusive of a wide variety of identities under the transgender umbrella. Because its meaning is not precise or widely understood, be careful when using it with audiences who may not understand what it means. Avoid unless used in a direct quote or in cases where you can clearly explain the term's meaning in the context of your story.



    While anyone may wear clothes associated with a different sex, the term cross-dresser is typically used to refer to men who occasionally wear clothes, makeup, and accessories culturally associated with women. Those men typically identify as heterosexual. This activity is a form of gender expression and not done for entertainment purposes. Cross-dressers do not wish to permanently change their sex or live full-time as women. Replaces the term "transvestite".



    Altering one's birth sex is not a one-step procedure; it is a complex process that occurs over a long period of time. Transition can include some or all of the following personal, medical, and legal steps: telling one's family, friends, and co-workers; using a different name and new pronouns; dressing differently; changing one's name and/or sex on legal documents; hormone therapy; and possibly (though not always) one or more types of surgery. The exact steps involved in transition vary from person to person. Avoid the phrase "sex change".

    Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS): 


    Also called Gender Confirmation Surgery (GCS). Refers to doctor-supervised surgical interventions, and is only one small part of transition (see transition above). Avoid the phrase "sex change operation." Do not refer to someone as being "pre-op" or "post-op." Not all transgender people choose to, or can afford to, undergo medical surgeries.


    In 2015, The Washington Post updated its style guide to include the singular they to describe people who "identify as neither male nor female." It is increasingly common for people who have a nonbinary gender identity to use they/them as their pronoun.

    Always use a transgender person's chosen name. Many transgender people are able to obtain a legal name change from a court. However, some transgender people cannot afford a legal name change or are not yet old enough to legally change their name. They should be afforded the same respect for their chosen name as anyone else who uses a name other than their birth name (e.g., celebrities).

    Use the pronoun that matches the person's authentic gender. A person who identifies as a certain gender, whether or not that person has taken hormones or undergone surgery, should be referred to using the pronouns appropriate for that gender.

    Defamatory Language:

    Defamatory: "deceptive," "fooling," "pretending," "posing," "trap," or "masquerading" Gender identity is an integral part of a person's identity. Do not characterize transgender people as "deceptive," as "fooling" or "trapping" others, or as "pretending" to be, "posing" or "masquerading" as a man or a woman. Such descriptions are inaccurate, defamatory and insulting.

    Defamatory: "tranny," "she-male," "he/she," "it," "shim" These words dehumanize transgender people and should not be used in mainstream media. The criteria for using these derogatory terms should be the same as those applied to vulgar epithets used to target other groups.


    We recognize that for many people this is a new area and the language and terminology can be confusing.   Intent matters.  We'll all try our best.  If we make a mistake, we'll learn from it. 

    In the forum, please keep your comments to actual show content.  Feel free to PM the Mods if you have an issue. 

    Your I Am Jazz Moderator - @PrincessPurrsALot 

    • Love 4
  7. So you're in the thread and someone's posts are annoying you.  They are not egregious.  They just work your last nerve.  What to do?  Ignore the user! 

    Primetimer offers an ignore feature that allows you to hide content from users you select.  This will not hide posts that quote the ignored user, but otherwise they are gone from your feed. 

    How can you do this?

    The easy way - You see a post from the user, hover your cursor over their user name.  A pop-up box will magically appear.  Click on "Ignore user."  Presto-change!  They are out of your feed! (The back button will return you to your place in the thread.)

    You can also do the more formal path if you cannot find a post from them or if you want to ignore multiple users:

    1. Go to the top of your screen and click on the down arrow next to your user name.
    2. Click on "Ignored Users".
    3. Type in the annoying person's name.
    4. Select your preferences; Ignore Posts, Messages or Signature (if you leave them unchecked it will automatically ignore all three)
    5. Click "Add User" and you will see a list of users you are currently ignoring.
    6. Return to the forum and have fun.

    If you see something that you REALLY think needs reporting please do so. We are here to make this experience a mostly pleasant one and we hope that you can afford us the same courtesy.  If you need any help using this feature PM the I am Jazz forum Mod@PrincessPurrsALot

    Thanks and happy posting!

    • Love 1
  8. Folks,

    We've allowed some leeway for a more general discussion of issues regarding acceptance of transgender persons in the US.  It's time to get back on track.  If you have something to say that is not directly related to the show, let's keep it out of the episode threads.  Please remember this is a TV forum.

    @17wheatthins and I are the new Mods for the I Am Jazz forum.  If you have a question regarding Mod actions, please reach out to us via PM.  If you are questioning why a post may have been hidden, ask us directly.  Debating Mod actions in the threads is not allowed.

    Of course, if you have something to say that is directly related to the show, post away! 

    Princess PurrsALot

    • Love 1
  9. Quote

    Thomas and Kathryn reveal how they truly feel about each other; Kathryn shares her addiction struggles with the group; Landon comes clean about her motives behind the Key West apology and her budding relationship with Thomas.

    Princess PurrsALot hopes it's more interesting than Part 1 . . . .

    • Love 5
  10. Sugary Ones,

    A quick reminder - If you have an issue with a post, report it.  Don't engage.  The Mods will review the post to see if it is inappropriate.  We are all here to discuss Queen Sugar, from the lightweight topics to the much more serious issues that are raised on this show. 

    Thanks for posting and adding to the discussion.


  11. 2 hours ago, notnowimbusy said:

    I feel for Shannon - that weight thing can catch up with you quickly without noticing.  But, there is nothing more depressing than getting dressed and realizing nothing fits like it should.  Squeezing into something and trying to find a "big top".   She really should buy a few basics.   I'm surprised Dr Moon didn't help her ;-)  

    Please don't let them take another trip to a wonderful place and embarrass themselves by being loud, not liking it because it's outside their OC comfort zone, getting into fights, etc.  I know Iceland is coming, but it would be better to take them to a big mall. 

    I want them to go to Iceland.  I want them to be dropped off by helicopter on a remote glacier.  And I want the helicopter to leave them there and forget where they are.  After all,  even with the sound of the helicopter and headphones on,  the pilot would hear Vicki screeching and know that she needs to be removed from civilization.  If drunk Kelly is there, that's one more person to make the pilot stabby.  She would be foolish enough to play her childish "I'm not touching you" game while the pilot was trying to land.  Then Tamra would flash her evil little black eyes and he would know her demon self too needed to be banished. 

    I too immediately thought of Dr. Moon.  I guess Shannon wouldn't want to check in with a gynecologist or endocrinologist when she can have good old Dr. Moon hold a magnet over her belly.  I wonder how much he has been able to bilk her for to address her weight gain? 

    • Love 11
  12. Quote

    Charley's therapist appointment brings to light childhood issues. Nova reunites with Dr. Robert Dubois. Davis meets an intriguing singer. Ralph Angel meets an old friend during a high-pressured situation. Darla finds an unexpected job.

  13. 9 hours ago, Lizzing said:

    As I haven't had a manicure since one gave me a nasty nail infection over 20 years ago, can someone tell me why it looked like Polly was putting clear coat on the woman's skin (on the top of the fingers, between the first knuckle and cuticle line)?  I can't figure if that is a legit thing to do to for some reason I don't know, or if we're to take Polly isn't all that good at her job.

    I do love the craziness of this show; that water dance was something completely unexpected yet somehow oddly beautiful.

    Polly was putting cuticle oil on the woman's skin.  The timing seemed off for doing that step, but it's not unheard of to add extra late in the manicure. 

    • Love 5
  14. Quote

    Charley searches for a more permanent home for Micah. A whitefly infestation threatens the farm. Nova adjusts to a new editor who wants her to change her approach. Darla makes a decision that has serious consequences.

  15. Both popovers  and Yorkshire puddings are made with a thin batter in a hot pan.  However, YPs grow up the sides as e saw.  Popovers should have a solid top and be airy inside.  Both are delicious when done well.  I was surprised about the difficulties with the Yorkshire Puddings because I have a friend who is a terrible cook but makes great Yorkshire Pudding. She does only do one big pan of it that you then cut into pieces. She makes it in the drippings from the roast.  And now I'm hungry.

    I spaced out during the churro portion.  I don't like churros or other fried dough [** ducks  to dodge lobbed doughnuts **].  I've never understood the appeal. 

    • Love 2
  16. Quote

    Cameran unveils her latest accessory; Craig and Naomie discuss their relationship; Shep gives Craig and Landon a hard time; Austen proves himself to be a more sympathetic version of his mentor; Thomas issues a threat that leaves the cast speechless.

    Yes, part 1, because we can't fit all the crazy in one part! 

    Note:  The episode airs at 8:00 PM on Bravo. 

  17. Quote

    Jesse, Tulip, and Cassidy get a tip that God may be in New Orleans; Tulip is hiding a secret and their stop in New Orleans risks exposing her.

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