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Everything posted by AmyB

  1. So i went and looked this dude up. He has 35 followers on twitter. I have more than him! And I am a nobody! Wow. Where did they dig him up? 5 videos on youtube and only 19 subscribers. Yea Paola you career is really taking off.
  2. Anyone catch the name of that artist the video is for? I so want to look them up. No my dvr has a new episode for next week listed. And mo and danielle don't face off till next week. Ugh they are dragging this on forever! I am just glad i know the outcome of it already lol.
  3. Sorry I have been absent awhile. Work has been insane and then of course baby takes all my energy! So finally got on her page and saw that post. She is sooo desperate. She truly is! It makes me sad she is just one year younger than me. I doubt there is a 5 filming. Given how rapid tlc has been with annoucing shows lately I don't see them holding out long to announce the renewal/cancellation. I figure if we don't hear anything by the first of the year than its a no go. I didn't know Will had surgery. :( glad it went well and was begin. I know how scary that can be.
  4. I told my husband, just give me chocolate (specifically Reese's) lol. i don't wear jewelry other than my engagement and wedding rings.
  5. I am curious if tlc got the video of Mo's facebook live feed he did at the courthouse and will use it in the show. I think they might and also may be why Mo disappeared off social media.
  6. I am not saying its right but thats how it is. It sucks but nothing we can do about it. Omg my husband just goes have Alex's brother marry Danielle and there is the loophole to get him over quicker!
  7. Omg yes! And Mo could totally use that in his court hearing to show harassment and stalking. He is no peach by any means but she is way worse.
  8. Yea totally!!! First question out of his family's mouth is where is the tv. Like really that's the first thing you ask your son? Wow.
  9. Omg Pedro is taking a 50 inch tv back to the DR! Wtf! And wants Chantel to buy laptop for his mom. Culture or not that's is extreme!
  10. I don't think he has it yet. If i remember correctly when he was talking to the one attorney he mentioned he could be deported cuz he did have it. I could be remembering it wrong though lol. I do remember seeing the court proceeding for divorce vs annulment though.
  11. Yep. He just wants his party girl back. jealous little bitch.
  12. Danielle is psycho! She is facebook stalking her ex. Like who cares if he is "talking to another girl" She is "dating" another dude. She needs to let it go!
  13. That's what I was thinking too. Unless she really is that naive and belived her parents esp since they don't have it. And something that just popped into my head. Could Loren have been adopted and they just never told her? She really doesn't look like either one of her parents. I do feel for her though cuz it has to be tough living with touretttes.
  14. Can ya'll drink wine for me. Man I miss wine. Esp next weekend when GOT comes back. I got awesome dragon wine glasses that I wanted to drink out of for the premiere (still will just cranberry and sprite lol) i love sweet wine btw :)
  15. Looks like TLCis scraping the bottom of the barrell. Saw this comment on their facebook page. That chick apparently is a total fraud.
  16. Because she wants to mislead her fans and make them think her "lifestyle" is so fabulous and they don't have to do anything to lose weight. It will just come off all on its own if they live like her.
  17. Twit posted this pic and the comments on both facebook instagram are oh girl you've lost weight. Well we all know she has come out and said she has no intention to lose weight so it is highly doubtful she has. Its more likely just the angle of how she is standing.
  18. Nope not one bit! And she would be a plus sized model i would actually look up to as a role model. Just saw her on lip sync battle and she was hilarious.
  19. Yea exactly. She did this soley to get attention and try to get noticed. Thinking by drawing attention to herself someone "agency" will pick her up. Honestly it's sad and pathetic.
  20. I had to comment on that one. Slow news day for abc i guess. She just wanted to get attention. I really want to hear from the guy though. I am sure he has a much different view of what happened.
  21. I saw that and wasn't sure if she was being sarcastic or was actual serious. If she was serious than she really is not that smart.
  22. She is devoting way too much attention to this chick and her flight. He was privately texting someone. He was not making direct comments to her. She invaded his privacy. We aren't the freaking thought police. Get over it.
  23. Yes!! Higjly agree with this! She seems to constantly be seeking approval, validation and attention any way she can get it. That type of behavior is very telling and shows she is truly not happy with herself or her "life" if she has to seek constant validation for it.
  24. No but it be funny as hell to have her on there cuz Dr Now wouldn't give in to her constant whiney me me me attitude. He would at least give her the cold hard truth but of course her rabid would say he was mean and unfair. She won't lose the weight and no matter how much she wants to say she is faboulous and her life is great it is not ans she is just deluding herself. Hell the extra 6lb I have gained from the baby is already giving me a hard time walking the one mile from my car to my job (and been hard running), and I am still well under 200lbs. I couldn't imagine being 380 and trying to do that. It would take me an hr!!
  25. She has nothing better to do than share that Natalie's crap. I am not convienced this chick is even real. She looks strangely similar to twit too.
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