This episode totally bored me. Everyone was more concerned with arguing over relationships than fighting evil (except for Kaleb who was too busy making weak people stand up for themselves). Dorian passively hands over the urn to the Mummy without fighting or even running (just gaping), Hope supposedly being the most powerful supernatural being of all barely manages to use any magic to stop the evil, only one witch Josie being any good against the Mummy, Alaric passively hands over the urn they tried so hard to get to Clarke without a fight (despite him having hostages, there was no distraction so said hostages (also passively accepting being captured despite one being a powerful witch) could get away. I want action, not tears and sarcasm and people with powers doing nothing. the only real bit of action was Dorian punching Alaric but the scene was not built up enough or explained well to be justified. Really weak episode! Was the usual writer off sick because this one didn't seem to know the characters very well at all. Disappointing!!!!
"Hero 101, Ric: you don't give the bad guys what they want, especially if we don't know what it does. I mean, this thing could spawn Armageddon.”
— Dorian to Alaric in Mombie Dearest