18 -
33 Excellent-
I am so excited this is back!! Shall be interesting to see how this season will play out considering some of those trailers they've been showing. I said the same thing to my husband! He has this massive cult vibe look going on.
These were all of my thoughts while watching this! When the music started playing, and the wife says that this was bad the guy played drums for in college, my first thought was "yep, he raped her, that's why she did it." It will be interesting to see where they go with this, and I hope all the theories I currently have are incorrect because they're all things that have been played out in other shows and movies.
Thank you for the link! I always love reading the blogs that do updates, especially the Bar Rescue ones. Off to check that out. I was amazed at it as well, I think they would have been better off from the start had the daughter actually been more involved with business and design etc to begin with. ETA: Thank you for the link! The son is familiar because he was on VH1's Dating Naked, so glad they posted that on there.
For some reason, the son looked super familiar.. I'm not a fan of the name change, why couldn't they've just used the Mom or daughter's name? Am I the only one that found it a little weird that they were more or less able to do a 180 in such a sort time period? To go from just swimsuits to complete lines. Otherwise, super excited this show is back :)
S01.E02: Par For The Strip Golf Course
Dmc306 replied to Tara Ariano's topic in Southern Charm Savannah
Ah! I could've sworn some of the things they were mentioning at one point was from before high school though. I just hope something interesting happens with this group soon. -
S01.E02: Par For The Strip Golf Course
Dmc306 replied to Tara Ariano's topic in Southern Charm Savannah
I agree, if you're going to focused on the school connection why not make it an interesting connection.. Plus, it seems like they only refer to their elementary classmates, which is weird to me. Plus these people are in their 30s, are you telling me your life has been that boring that you still need to talk about grade school? Something interesting had to happened in high school, and they really need to introduce an interesting interloper (a la a Katherine to stir some crap up, although I'm thinking the Mr Ripley guy is supposed to be our Katherine for this show?) I don't know anything other than Mrs Let's Take our clothes off all the time although I'm a sad married woman... -
S01.E02: Par For The Strip Golf Course
Dmc306 replied to Tara Ariano's topic in Southern Charm Savannah
Okay, finished the episode. Less Ashley, and putting the mindset that this isn't an older Bravo show (because it's too something, I can't put my finger on it.) (I hope that makes sense.) For some reason i will probably continue watching this crap, atleast for a few more episodes (it hasn't reached the Apres Ski, that travel show that disappeared and reappeared, or Sweet Home Oklahoma level of I just can't with these people (although I will admit to finishing out the first season of Apres..) -
I am ready for more drunken antics, or more JD and his wife, less Landon and her airheadness.. I really wish this show would get back to being fun and entertaining, this episode was just missing something. Totally agree about Chelsea's morning after makeup, atleast pretend better, no need for a full on face if you want us to even pretend to believe y'all spent the night together.
S01.E02: Par For The Strip Golf Course
Dmc306 replied to Tara Ariano's topic in Southern Charm Savannah
That to me is so odd.. I now want to know what their actual situation is but I'm not sure if I can handle rewatching that part. She just seems like such a sad woman. -
S01.E02: Par For The Strip Golf Course
Dmc306 replied to Tara Ariano's topic in Southern Charm Savannah
These people are boring! Hey! Did you guys know Savannah is full of southerners? Southerner this and that, honey I realize this is reality tv, but I think we know this a southern show.. I have a feeling if we turned that word into a drinking game on this show, we'd be wasted and it might be a little more enjoyable.. Super blonde in the (probably) sexless marriage, leave your dang clothes on and act like an adult.. You aren't cute nor funny, and you have an older child (poor boy..) Maybe if he husband had sex with her, she wouldn't feel the need to always be taking off her clothes and hunting down that attention. (I am guessg the guys she went golfing with aren't actually her "friends" because how would you not know your friend is pretty good at golf? Or played golf in college.) I don't know, this woman just tries oh so very hard.... And I'm only 30 minutes in, yeah this isn't going very well.... -
I love the original. I had high hopes that this would be just as good, but it was boring and the cast doesn't seem very likeable. As a southerner, I prefer the quirky Cameron southern versuses these try hands that think they're just absolutely the best. I'd be good not seeing the one guys butt again, and chick's constant need to go swimming..(Install an air conditioner honey, there is no need to be jumping into every body of water you see.) I'll tune in again, only to see how much of a hot mess these people can be.
I was so disappointed with the "rebellion" as well! And the way the staff treated the one girl, (and then seemingly tried to brush it all away) was crappy. Of course they fed them some bull, and everything was once again sunshine and daisies... If this was treated more as a camp type experience that they're attending and not some "internship," then I could totally get the it's so wonderful koolaid. But it's not. Interesting side note, one day while googling I found a resume from someone that interned at Kalu Yala, and one of the first skills they listed as learning was using a lawnmower and weed eater.
Here is a Blog from someone that interned at Kalu Yala, I haven't read all of it but it seems as if while we find what we are seeing to be shady and idealistic these interns enjoy it. (I don't think the person was an intern during filming.)
Just finished the most recent episode.. anyone else enjoy Vice's disclaimer before the interns started bashing Kalu Yala? I was reading a Kalu Yala Reddit , and totally agree with some of the most recent posts. I really hope they do a follow up with some of those disgruntled interns, and we see what really happens. I'm still over here scratching my head wondering where all the past interns/staff are hiding, and why no one has interviewed them for articles.
My thing is that there aren't really that many reviews of the place period. I've seen a few posts by individuals that have been there (There was one from a few years ago.) This isn't a new place, Kalu Yala has been around for years, and I think they've had interns for atleast 4 years if not longer. I really want there to be a second season.