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13 Good
  1. I doubt she was a severe drug addict (for other reasons), but just because Kirsten is obese doesn't mean she wasn't addicted to meth, heroin, whatever. Don't buy into stereotypes. Addiction is possible in any body type.
  2. You think Mariah is gay because she uses rainbow filters?
  3. LOL I haven't finished the episode yet but OMFG Kody at the ceremony was an unmitigated DISASTUH. Um, your personal diary entries from 18 years ago? He doesn't understand what the word "meander" means. He made it completely about him, as usual. Maddie, poor girl, what made you think having your father do the ceremony was a good idea!? I was laughing so hard. It reminded me of that episode of The Office where Phyllis gets married and Michael pushes her elderly dad in the wheelchair down the aisle and is pissed off when the dad gets up because he's stealing attention from Michael. And then when Michael yells too early, "NOW PRESENTING MR AND MRS....!!!!" Forgetting the rings. The knighting. Oh my God, this was hilariously bad. Thank you, Sister Wives. You're generally a snooze but this episode was pretty funny. Okay, I do have some nice things to say: the wedding party looked absolutely gorgeous. Maddie was lovely. And I cried when Erica was crying -- it must be a really hard day for their family. I was happily surprised to see Janelle so emotive. It was cool that Meri was such a crucial part of the day. It must feel good for her to feel a part of the family in a key way when I'm sure most of the time she feels so left out.
  4. Tyana's accent is totally fake. It's embarrassing. Why does she do it? Peter is terrible and scary.
  5. Jeez, criticizing little kids' looks is lowest of the low to me. I think Truely is adorable. Tony and Mykelti should be ashamed of themselves. I cannot believe how brazen they were in asking for money. Um, you're a grown adult technically. You may not have the money to fund a wedding, but you should take that as an indicator you're not ready to be married period. You can't support yourselves yet. Wait a few years, find some solid employment, then get married and start a family. I think Mykelti is really pretty (so is Aspyn, for that matter). She can do so much better. Ugh. Aspyn is calling her "baby" because it's a term of endearment.... Why hasn't Meri left already? She's clearly miserable and it's not going to change. I don't like her much, but I really feel for her. I think she'd be sooo much happier, and consequently a better human being, if she left that garbage fire (Kody).
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