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Posts posted by SnarkKitty

  1. First, I will admit to feeling "a way" about this on-the-surface tropical paradise, knowing what I know about what lurks on the flip side. I can't blame folks though, I was allaboutit for years myself. I just know too much now and do not enjoy when it pops up on my teevee fairly regularly as a girl's trip or free giveaway, I either have to skip episodes all together, or forward through most of it if I'm trying to follow a storyline. So I maybe missed some things between lots of fast-forwarding and straight muting some shit to only touch on the conversations. Luckily watching it many days later means not lifting a finger, 'cause the work here is done:


    I can't even get a handle on what it was that I watched. Kenya was doing the absolute most with the absolute least. How could she even be mad at Cynthia for going with Kim's idea when Kenya didn't even show up to the pitch meeting? That's not how it works, boo. That's not how any of it works. Although, I don't know why Cynthia even thought there would be an actual working relationship between Kim and Kenya in the first place. But Kenya was out of line for even going over to Kim's chair to pull it out or whatever.


    Kim can't be getting much, she owes $212,000 in taxes she never paid when she came on this show. That we know of, there could be more debt not yet reported.


    I would have been completely annoyed if I turned around and saw a flock of brats piling on the bus for what was sold to me as a couples trip.  I don't want to have to tone down my behavior for your kids.  That's what Disneyland is for.  As inappropriate as these ladies can be, I'm surprised Kim didn't have the bus pull over on the side of the road while she dragged her kids off as she clutched her pearls.


    Kenya lemme holler at you for a second girl.  You rewound every iota of sympathy you'd amassed from when we could see that your mama wasn't shit.  I, had turned in your direction and offered you the sign of peace.  You know how major a feat that is?  You can tell from reading these boards that a bitch hated your ass and I squoze out a couple beads of sympathy.  Out of control, rude, impetuous, immature and super loose cannony.  Way out of proportion for the conversation being had.


    I saw you on WWHL tell the people you when you saw that episode you were deeply ashamed of your actions.   But even if only for an act, you're like wild west, Jerry Springer panelist boundary less.  It's not fun to look at and if Porsha was too old for it.....baby.  Ooh, while we're on that, quit trying to beast poke Kim, if she's 50, at 2.5 years apart, so are you.  Knock it all the way off.


    You know for somebody who took such glee in making Cynthia look like Jennifer Jason Leigh for even coming up with a friend contract, Nene was doing the most to protesteth the idea that Kenya was in fact Cyn's BFF. 


    Y'all know I've been much more lenient on Kenya because I've never found Phaedra's or Porsha's or Nene's reaction to her remotely in line with her (Kenya's) actions. Like, I've felt there was some insecurity on their parts, which led them to do the absolute most as soon as it involved Kenya. And if you're talking about the excuses these women have made regarding men damn near getting physical with Kenya, it's a wrap as far as I'm concern.


    That said, I cannot find it in myself to even look for reasons why Kenya was being such a beast to Kim at that sit-down whatever with Cynthia. I'm looking at Kenya the same way I've looked at the other women when it comes to their reactions to her: The shit that Kenya pulled at the table with Kim was so far across the line that even I'm like, "What is wrong with you?!" While I wish that Kim would just leave this show because I've found her condescending, there's no reason in the world Kenya should've been touching anything that Kim was sitting/leaning/squatting on.


    Thank all of y'all, ma'ams. Kenya, Kenya, Kenya. I never was so much pro-Kenya as anti-gang up, and anti-y'all are hypocrites. But you did yourself no favors here. Maybe she was reacting to being pushed aside by Cynthia in favor of Kim, but whatever, doesn't even matter. Keep your shit together, girl. You don't have to pour your rejection issues all over every situation. Take a page from Billy Dee, and stop letting people see you sweat. I'm glad you're ashamed, you should be.


    I've been watching #BlackLove on FYI and am pleasantly surprised by the professional black women featured.   


    I like Monet, and I'm on Season 3 of Married at First Sight. So it doesn't all have to be fighting housewives for me. I tried to be there for #BlackLove, because, black love. I started out DVRing, then just catching it, then not even bothering. Because I just can't with relationship woes; it's one step forward, two steps back every week (to me). All the NYC scenery porn and "hey they're a block away!" scenes shot in Harlem aren't enough to keep me in. But if you're in a relationship phase, it's probably a very good show for that person. The people are pleasant and professional. Yeah, there's some active thirst in one, but still good TV. For some.


    Again, if they're saved, the look on his face wasn't about him not wanting her to cuss, but it would be the duty of a God-led man to remind his wife of her duty if she slips up. 


    He'd better hope Jesus doesn't follow him on Twitter.

    • Love 6
  2. Maybe Tres is the one who deserves the benefit of the doubt, and Vanessa, who at 25 with one long relationship couldn't WAIT to be married is the one with the issues. And is in fact exactly as insecure as she projects because she's insecure, not because Tres is cute and charming. Her own mother has said she behaves this way, and it started long before she met Tres.


    I saw it upthread that David and Vanessa should have been paired. Maybe - they're both so into the need to be Married! With a capital M! Right now! And think everything should have been settled with "I Do." Add water and presto, instant marriage. Vanessa won't accept the messy steps getting there, and David won't acknowledge them. Match made in MFS heaven.

    • Love 5

    -Jenna came in and sat on the couch next to Tres for some time and never sought out Vanessa. Finally Vanessa came over to Jenna and Jenna acted like she couldn't wait to meet her. That was fake. Jenna would have come off as more polite and genuine if she had asked Tres to take her to his wife, the other host. Also when Jenna made the comment that Tres is not used to married life and still needs one day a week to live like his old self, that was completely wrong and self-serving. Jenna seems to not get it that Tres and Vanessa are one. Even when Vanessa encouraged Jenna to go out and mingle with other guests, Jenna seemed to not want to do it. She seemed to want to stick close to Tres and every scene we saw of her she was staring at Tres like she wanted his attention. Does anybody remember that old Coupling episode where Susan says that when your man friend gets a new girlfriend you always have to overnice the new girlfriend or you look like a bitter friend. Jenna didn't follow girl code.


    I'm glad this was mentioned because I thought the exact same thing - Jenna came in, and sat right next to Tres, claiming that space. Buddy for years or no, that was a wrong move for a man with a wife, who you don't even know yet.  Jenna was supposed to fall back. Not only did she not, she gave off energy like she DGAF about meeting Vanessa, and Vanessa had a similar energy towards her. But Vanessa had title and proximity (to Tres' waist, heh), so Jenna was left looking put out in that meeting. 


    Neither of them did anything to make the situation better. If I were going to put the onus on either, I'd say Jenna should have extended herself to make her friend's wife more comfortable because she doesn't know Jenna, and she should have been "extra" to make it clear "girl, I don't want your man, we're just buddies." Not give off jealous ex/wannabe vibes like she did.

    • Love 5
  4. <snip> Poof! :)


    Just finished watching the episode and I have to say what struck me most is how all three women seem to expect the men to conform to what <they> need.  None of them seems all that interested in what their husbands might need or want from a marriage.


    Ashley seems to want somebody who will always be there to hold her hand and get her through life.  Sam wants somebody who sees how awesome she is.  And Vanessa seems to want someone who will sense her every mood and read her mind, and respond accordingly.  None of them seems to think they need to give a little to get something in return.


    Preach! Vanessa especially made me side-eye her when she was so caught up in HER abandonment issues, she thought nothing of how taking off for the night would affect Tres. And you know, KNOW if he had tried that, it would have been game over:


    "Jenna (Nola) is my friend (dog), and yeah, I know she was my friend (dog) before we got married, but I would think as my wife (husband), you know, you would care about my friend (dog) and she would become OUR friend (dog). And you just sort of blew her (me) off and said go in the back yard (went to the gym). I expected you to at least support me in making my friend (dog) comfortable. I have to sulk some more, and then leave you here overnight to think about this (aka make YOU think about what minor thing you've done to disproportionately upset me this time.)"


    While I do believe men and women can be just friends, as a woman I have to say that every one of my friendships with men ended because they wanted more or at least wanted to sleep with me..... <snip> So I think in most cases there is some sexual interest there on one or the other's part.


    I do think men and women can be platonic friends ... when the man is gay or has no interest in sleeping with the woman. Which is zero percent of the time. Even if the guy never, ever approaches in an inappropriate way on his own, he'd have sex with the female friend, if the woman gave any opening. Unless he's married. In which case, he'll only take her up on it 50% of the time.  Chris Rock had it right - women have platonic friends. Men have women they haven't had a chance to f**k (yet).  Chris Rock - Women's Platonic Friends.  Hilarious, and true.



    ETA: My daughter, who's had her Yorkie through several apartments, grad school and jobs since graduating college in her 20s (and who is still single) will surely be amused to know it's ridiculous that she has a dog. Never mind the love and care she's given him, and the sacrifice of going home first to walk and feed him, before going back out with her friends for the evening, or on a freezing/rainy morning when she'd rather stay in bed. Or how she finds a sitter (like me) for when she wanted to travel. And forget the comfort and joy he's brought her for the past 10 years, especially after losing her beloved big brother. Nope, she's in her twenties, on a budget, unmarried, formerly in apartments - so no unconditional love and companionship and opportunity to learn how to put somebody else first for you!  


    And Vanessa's dog craps on the floor because she never bothered to train her properly. A big mistake many small dog owners make. Small dogs can use pads while owners are at work, if need be. But they don't have to - my daughter's doesn't. And he doesn't have to be walked every five hours. It's called feeding schedules & training. Vanessa should look into it, or she's really going to have some problems in her marriage. Everyone isn't like Doug, happy to pick up shit wherever it lands, JAIME.

    • Love 5
  5. The problem is, there are all these BIG ASS RED FLAGS she should be paying attention to, but instead she's brushing them off as "that was the person he used to be. I love who he is now. I made mistakes too, we're the same." Uh, no. You made a couple of mistakes as a teen and young kid. This man is has 30+ years of "bad decisions" on you. Those aren't mistakes anymore, sweetie, that's a fucking LIFESTYLE.

    • Love 17
  6. Actually, my youngest daughter is 22 and I still call her Boo boo to this day and she likes it. Now mind you I don't sing song it to her because that's just nauseating. My late father gave her the nickname when she was a year old and it's a cherished term of endearment between her and I, of course YMMV.


    That was my younger sister's nickname and everyone from family to neighbors called her that. When she was 19 and a real boyfriend (and eventual ex-husband, ha) came into the picture, he heard us call her that, tried it on for size, and that was the end of that nickname! It was banned from then on. It took a while but we eventually learned to call her by her actual name, 'cause whoa to us if we didn't.


    It was good for us, though. Helped us to break the nickname habit with my younger brother. (I know you want to know what it was. He was nicknamed "Pig" as a fat, greedy baby. And Pig he was called - by everyone-  until he was 16.)

    • Love 1
  7. And I would assume that they were equally offended by LVP's orangutan comment.  But you know what happens when we assume ......


    ... one risks being disappointed when things have nothing to do with race aren't on par with actually legitimate racially suspect things and therefore not elicit the anticipated, nay awaited comments?

    • Love 1
  8. Did Brandi really say "yuck" to Crazy Ex-Girlfriend licking the stripper pole ... right after tongue kissing the dog??! Umm.. pole please!


    This week's episode wasn't as chock full of chucks moments for me as others, but we remain grateful, oh Bravo gods. My tops:




    - Cute how excited Sisters of Sunset were to see the Persian restaurant and talk about what they would order. I guess it really IS important for people to see themselves in the shows they watch! The more you know... *Cue rainbow*

    - Julie: How can you possibly forget that (you're young and fun) living in New York? It's where you never forget that! Brandi: In New York we're dorks, but in Tampa we RULE!

    - Princella: They at the crib! They at the crib! Lamont (admonishing): That's her best friend. Princella: It's about to go down. Lamont: That's her best friend! Princella: It's about to go down.

    - LMAO at the Golden Girls getting all involved and scolding Rob and Ro for arguing: "One at a time!" complete with wagging finger by Sue. They must remind them of their grandkids.
    - Kenya: What wouldn't you compromise in a marriage Amanda? Amanda: The poop chute. No going in the poop chute. Kenya: Ahh..*bleep*
    - Lamont: Rashawn, date! Date forever! Rashawn: Who? Who do I be around?? I'm around y'all everyyydayy!


    Really disappointed we didn't get to see the GBFs reaction to Newlyweds this week.


    - Emerson on Joel McHale's appearance: I feel like he's about to make fun of Tyra Banks.
    - "I'm prepared to go all in, and blow apart perhaps the evilest conspiracy the world has ever known" Emersen: Capri pants.

    • Love 3
  9. No, it's a stereotype because ... it's a stereotype. There's a hundred movies showing that "hustle/bustle" lifestyle, because the actual truth - people get up, go to work, hang out after work and then go home and run chores on the weekend - like everywhere else, at a leisurely pace - is boring. Every day is not a street scene from Wall Street or Working Girl. Heh.

    I'm guessing commuting to NY and working in NY is the same experience but even more so. You have to understand, when you're waiting in traffic, in lines at the store, at the gym, and then you're rushing through things to get to the next thing, and when it's hard to get by financially, you're not really *enjoying* life. There's no time to enjoy, it's just rush, rush, rush, collapse at the end of the day. I totally get why Ro (or anybody) who doesn't get off on being busy and distracted 24/7 would want to get the hell out of NY.


    Lines are WORSE in other places because people all have to shop at the same time. We have 24 hour everything, somewhere. You don't have to do anything at the same time as other people unless you want to. I used to hit the gym at 3am just because. And I am not mad at a midnight shopping trip - everything is being restocked, and nobody else is in the store. Traffic is WORSE in other places, because there are no options. 90% of us take the train or bus or walk. So there's no sitting in traffic for hours like other places.


    Now, is there hustle/bustle because people here move quickly? Guilty! We have places to go and we want to get there right now. But it's only rush, rush, rush, collapse if that's the life you're creating. And if you're calling yourself a "power" couple, then yes, you are creating your own stresses. Which would exist in LA, or Chicago, or DC, or anyplace people go to be power couples. Expensive ... well, it's NY. You know that coming in.


    Really, Rob and Ro have it BETTER than most, because their condo was built like a little city. It was a hospital complex (as mentioned before) so within the grounds they have a supermarket, bank, gym, dog run, dry cleaners and concierge services. Their "commute" into Manhattan is literally two train stops totaling 6 minutes (and there's a shuttle bus to take them from their door to the train stop!). Not sure where in the city they work, but that's probably no more than another 10-15 minute train transfer, if that. If either works downtown/Wall Street, there's not even another train ride. They pay for the conveniences of life, but they damned sure have them. And can afford them. So they don't have any of that described drain unless they chose to.


    I'll would agree it's probably a rougher lifestyle for them as transplants, mostly because they don't have familiar surroundings, or friends and family in large part. Busy or no that makes for less life satisfaction. (Hell, being busy is probably better, because you don't have time to sit around missing folks!) But other than that, nah. It's all hype. Most of us are living happily, normally and relaxed, especially in the spring and summertime, sipping chilled wine on a blanket, watching free movies in Central Park. :)

    • Love 3
  10. Good start to this inaugural series. But too many conflicting theories - eat within 2 hours of waking up! breakfast most important, can't go without after fasting all night. Now Wild Diet is saying don't eat breakfast/fast til noon.


    "I need to not talk, not listen, blah blah blah." Translation: I need to be left alone to sit and get fat. You don't apologize for being Taj? Taj is an annoying pain in the ass!  You should apologize for that! As a teacher she should be ashamed to show up on TV showing such a stubborn, recalcitrant, intractable personality to the teenagers whose minds she attempts to mold daily. They're old enough to watch and you know they are, especially since they've been shown on TV. How on earth do you encourage someone to work harder when they stop when they "don't feel like it?" She's so frustrating. She should at least give Jennifer professional courtesy as an educator.

    Glad Jennifer was like, I'm sick of your shit, Princess. You have more excuses and I'm done. YOU'RE displeased? Fuck that noise! Trainer's are supposed to push you. If you want to work at your own pace, work alone. "There is no 'my way or the highway with her.'" I do not think that means what you think it means, Princess. Any good teacher can teach any student. Right.  "Brick wall, here's today's lesson." Mark & Kelly, come get your girl.


    I see you, editing. Jasmin is talking about how she couldn't have said those things on her chart about herself in the beginning, and you can see there's another chart on the wall. Next minute, Dawn is asking if she wants to see the original chart, and then unrolls and hangs it - right where it was in the previous scene already shown. Why even bother to rearrange that? Makes no sense and didn't materially change the scene - but it did remind that reactions and conversations don't even happen in the order shown, and sometimes does change things.


    On a gross note ... I saw Shaun spit at least 3 times on people while talking to them. Yuk! Is this the downside of HD? I just switched over after not bothering to watch the HD channels for years.

    • Love 2
  11. I was absolutely sympathetic to June and her loss. But she had to have been well past obese if she was already in the 300s when she gained the remaining weight. I get not caring and numbing yourself. But she tried to give the impression it was the reason she had gotten so big, when in reality, it was what made her big-ger.


    I think Dr. Now was wrong about Ceilie. She wasn't trying to control her by keeping her fat. She just didn't want to hear shit and didn't want to find a new place to live at the moment. I noticed she was out of most of the rest of the episode also.

    • Love 5
  12. Vanderpump is somewhat standoffish, and usually works more slowly, her pre dinner interrogation of Kathryn was strange. She asked a bunch of questions that Google could've answered, and those questions were plainly invasive. "How old are you?" before Kathryn even sat down. Producer shenanigans? Kathryn seemed oddly keen to bring up her husband is black. Like weird expository dialogue from both of them.


    She seemed very ready to pour that tea, a little too ready IMO. And Lisa seemed somewhat intrigued and titillated by it. Nice quip, Kathryn, but your hubby looks of the variety that does, in fact, crack. 


    I confess, I don't know whether to "like" or not; I have no idea what "Gipsy's tea" means. Either way, bashing Kyle for Portia having a tiny bit of airtime is as petty to me as saying she nefariously misused the word "barbecue" in order to deliberately embarrass the other women into showing up underdressed to a dinner in her backyard. It's all "bitch eating crackers" to me.


    Reposted just because I enjoy this whole meme so very much.

    Yep.  What she said (or moreso how she said it I suppose) is no better than what LisaR said in the bajingo waxing episode.  But for some reason people aren't freaking out about it like they did with LisaR. Puzzling.


    It didn't bother me because I didn't assume she was being "urban" (the "n-word" equivalent for ghetto), I assumed she was doing her best impression of Khloe Kardashian. Or Iggy Azalea. Or Bethenny. Or Eminem. Or (insert appropriator of choice.)  What Lisa did was indisputably different. And always offensive.

    • Love 7
  13. Why did Yoyo even bother getting out of bed. Who wants to see and listen to some raggedy assed albino funky footed sasquach drone on about her bad health. She looked like she was walking to the liquor store to buy a bottle of Night Train.



    I'm sorry, this had me on the floor. I legit guffawed reading this on the treadmill. I can't believe you worked Eddie back on this!

    • Love 8
  14. And all she has to show for it is a record. Porsha has exactly as many nice, and as many mean bones in her body as the rest - which is to say, if she likes you, or needs something from you, she's nice. If not, she's a right bitch, and one who at her too-grown age will commence to "setting you straight" with her hands instead of her words. Bravo, Porsha.


    Thank you for giving me the education. I thought it aired on radio in addition to television.


    You actually had it right. Several radio shows in different cities, including the one she's on - the Ricky Smiley Morning show - are recorded while on the air and then the clips are used to make the show "Dish Nation."



    Looking like a Fifth Avenue Christmas display in their Burberry outfits, Kenya and Ayden sit down to make a birthday card for Apollo. Another adorable moment between the two, Phaedra's really turned it around, both in terms of how she comes across onscreen, and life in general after Apollo's sentencing. Frustratingly impenetrable, her scenes with the children haven't just made her accessible, they've humanized her in a completely unexpected way. Mostly, though, it's just fun seeing a mother on the franchise parenting in scenes that feel, well, real.


    LOL, for real, though? Spoken like a man who would hand his VIN number over to Apollo ... "Well, as long as you PROMISE me you're a changed man, here you go!"

    • Love 4
  15. I always wonder about a) the man who would leave his existing kids in one state to chase someone and be a "step" dad to THEIR kids in another state, and b) the WOMAN who would be okay with that shit! Who then go on to get pregnant by said man. (Yes, I'm looking at you creepy dude from Little Women LA who left his kids to be with one of the littles...after contacting several of them on social media ... hmm, sensing a theme here.)


    * Unless your kids are in another state because your ex-wife/partner picked up and moved and you couldn't because your industry wasn't easily transferable (like, my husband works for NYC, and as much as I would love to be an L.A. transplant, his work isn't transferable on the same level) I'm going to wonder about you.

    • Love 5
  16. You don't know how right you are!  Check out the TTM "bros" in the video who put their idea on Kickstarter back in 2014.  Unfortunately, they only raised $1,375 of their $8,000 goal, even with a promised freebie to investors.




    That video is a SNL spoof, right?


    "The TTM lifestyle is important. Because you want to know other people who want things. It feels like you're part of something."


    "I like this shirt, because it makes me feel skinny. But I can move around in it."


    "This shirt is so soft. I can really wear it."


    "The words Things That Matter are sewn under the pocket of the shirt. Right near your heart *taps heart* where it counts."


    They're not serious... right?

    • Love 10
  17. I think that Matt is horrible for a lot of reasons, and it pains me to say this but ... you can see he's playing with the nephew when he does that. The kid giggles and it's pretty clear that Matt is just doing that "rahwr, monster!" kind of thing that kids like and guys/dads do, shoving him out of the way with an exaggerated gesture. I keep seeing more posts about it, and each telling gets more amped up so I had to say something. Maybe a rewatch while forgetting he's a lecherous loser?


    BTW that scene (and the parents one) wasn't deleted, they both showed on the original show.

    • Love 6
  18. Welcome, Lexxy! And I agree, it was gross watching her put on a show for the actual parents of the kid who died. She was his on and off girlfriend of a few months, who didn't seem very happy with him at all around the time he died. These are his parents who raised him for 18 years and clearly loved him very much. But SHE'S the one who's one step away from prostrating herself on his grave in grief? Give me a break!


    Those were my exact (posted) sentiments following that episode. I was incensed as a BP myself.

    • Love 3
  19. How can this show just keep getting better and better??!  Maybe it's because some of the couchies that used annoy I've gotten used to and even like (tolerate?) now. Like My Three notSons. And Shahs of Sisters.


    My most favorite quips this week. I like to think someday, when they take this show off this thread will be discovered and some future PTVer will see what they missed and rant and shake their fists at the sky and ask "why, god, why is this no longer on??" Then give Andy Cohen the beating he so roundly deserves. Just because.


    Real Housewives of Potomac



    * So basically, it's Real Housewives of Outside of DC?
    * You don't Divorce somebody and keep them in your house! 

    * She can't even smile right, it's upside down princess smile.
    * I don't like her. "She gon' be goood drama though!"

    * Holy cow! We know where Potomac is now ... Shadesville!


    * That's her man or is that's her father? "Her man." Stop it! 



    *I can't take herrrrrrooomygoooddd. No! (everyone stares at Lamont)


    Golden Globes



    *I went once. "Did you?" Well my son was nominated. Everyone asked me how it was and I said "eternal."

    Bwah! Gotta love Teddi's unfailing refusal to enjoy anything.

    (On Taraji's win): "I heard she's crazy." "I hope so (Sue)."

    (About Leo): "I know him (Sue)." "Leonardo DiCaprio?" "Oh, is that who that is? (Sue)" 


    Brandi's face was super red when Mel came out! Like he was going to expose something about her, lol.


    Hell's Kitchen



    * I cooked something once. It was good." "According to who?(Princella)" "It was good, right? It came out ... it was .. ... wasn't it?
    * They makin' him mad. Gordon's gonna lose all his hair he worked so hard to get to look good for us.



    *I was a good cook. I cooked 3 meals a day for 98 years (Sue).


    Skin Tight



    * Brandi - watches woman unfold layers of skin from her pants...throws her handful of M&Ms back in candy dish
    * Julie - Stares in fascination while still eating her M&Ms


    * (Kenya staring) Oh! My! Am! (can't finish the word Amanda)


    *Oh my god I can't see this. (Dad)
    *That is legit muffin top. (Daughter #2)


    *I'm gonna start a go fund me. "For what? You think people gonna give money for YOU to have a straight up surgery? They're going to give you money? They're going to tell you to do some push aways (Lamont)" What's a push away? "This - push that damned stuff away *pushes plates*"




    *(Golden shower scene) "That's awful" "Some people are into that"  -cut to -


    *(Golden shower scene) Brandi: "Oh, I'm so into this now."
    *Is he like, a criminal? "Isn't everyone who's rich(Brandi)?" Right.
    *If I had 700 million dollars I'd take 63 million and it would be me in a commercial (sings) Go fuck yourself, go fuck yourself.."I could make that commercial for you right now for like, 2 thousand dollars.(Brandi)"


    * (Scott, confused) What just happened? "Boop boop boop, math. (Emerson)" "Technical ... financial ... jargon (Blake)"
    *That's ONE house? I would do a lot of things wrong for that view.




    *[bad English accent] I think we should talk like this when we watch this show. "In faux Madonna?(Emerson)" 



    * I hope it's good. "I hope they have a little sex on this. That would be nice.(Ayn)"
    * I need more sex scenes. "No, it gives you too many ideas Ayn (Sue)." I already have those ideas. "What are you going to do with them? (Sue)" Nothing.



    *Aliens got your ass. "I don't think it was aliens, it was probably some resistance bombers, blew up the checkpoint. You just picked the wrong damn day to be smuggled into Santa Monica.(Emerson)"


    Prancing Elites



    *(Teddi, irate) Why do you say southerners are prudish? I don't get this. I lived in Atlanta for 32 years - "And you're prudish.(Ayn)" Bullshit!


    *Why is their makeup better than mine?? Are you usin' mascara? Is it lashes? What is it??!!"

    • Love 3
  20. I've gotten the impression that Tyler is much more receptive to Butch in his life than Amber. She seems like she kind of wrote him off emotionally. The dig at him actually made me snort laugh. Sorry but I'm not a Butch fan, and if I had a parent like him, I doubt I could ever be as forgiving as Tyler has been. Butch is a douche. He uses people. He used Kim, April, Tyler&Catelynn, MTV (I don't think it's a mistake that he met Amber and Maci on camera) and countless others. He gives zero fucks about anyone but Butch. I know he has a large following like Barbara and had a similar set up web show thing, but he doesn't even come close to my Babs. (I also have plenty of criticisms of Barbara, but that's another thread!)

    Is Lexis pronounced like Lexus the car, or like Lexi with an s at the end?


    He's 100% user of people and substances. I saw some wedding photos he posted and noticed his Twitter handle is ButchBaltierraMTV. Now you're no damned teen mom, why the hell do you need MTV as your tag? Except to milk this thing? They want to know why he's come around about the adoption? Because he had no idea how long and lucrative this thing would get in the first episode where he read them for filth for being terrible people who "gave their baby away." Now his only regret is that there wasn't a Teen Mom franchise around when Amber or Tyler were born that he could have profited from. From a TV standpoint, he's terrible...ly entertaining in a WTF am I watching/what will this ass do now? way. Much like Debra. In reality, they're both awful people, and Butch is the absolute worst.


    Now Barbara is a little different IMO - yeah she wasn't mother of the year or a very nurturing parent, but she definitely seems to have learned from her many battles with Jenelle, and she takes good care of Jace. Is she cranky sometimes? Yeah. But so what, she's at an age where she's earned the right to be. And Jace doesn't seem worse for living with loving but occasionally cranky grandma. No more than most of us were scarred by spending time with cranky grandma every day while our parent was at work/whatever.

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