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Duke Silver

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Posts posted by Duke Silver

  1. ^^^ I used to frequent right wing websites, and also consumed quite a bit of Fox News.  That was mostly when I was a younger adult (I'm 30), and decidedly conservative--I mean that in a "traditional" way, not a crazy Tea Party/Trumpist-type.  Since then, I would read some things, and watch Fox News actually semi-regularly just to try & not get too deep into an information bubble.  Admittedly, since election day, I have avoided outlets like Fox News like the plague.  I just can't stomach it. 

    I have also gone to extreme sites as well, Stormfront, for example, to see what trash dogma the hate mongers were spewing.  I read a thread this past summer posted by a user there who asked "Is Donald Trump the next Hitler?"  To be clear, that question was asked, not in trepidation, but in excitement.  It made my skin crawl reading that filth.  It might be a while before I can suck it up & do things like that again.

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  2. Nice to see McCain hanging tough WRT #RussianHack, though I'm waiting to see what happens with confirmations** (especially Tillerson).  All this rhetoric won't mean anything if Trump gets all of his Putin Pals in place.




    **I'm speaking more about what his rhetoric & vote will be during confirmation hearings.  I still have zero doubt Tillerson will be confirmed; there's just waaaaay too much $$$$ and influence backing him.

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  3. 33 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

    Makes me sick to see several GOP'ers actually supporting #RussianHack...saying they are glad Putin hacked & leaked selected information.  Trump & Goons really have a mutual admiration society going w/ Putin & Goons, don't they?


    Arizona GOP'er, exhibit #2 (California GOP'er Dana Rohrabacher has been downright combative in his defense of Putin the past month or so; I have posted about that multiple times).


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