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Duke Silver

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Posts posted by Duke Silver

  1. Ohhh, this old chestnut...not tolerating intolerance is bad!!!  Demanding inclusion of those of different races, creeds, etc. means one must also welcome bigotry & racism!!  Refusing to accept intolerance invalidates demands for equal rights!!! /sarcasm

    These fucking bigoted, illogical clowns.  Unreal.

    • Love 12
  2. From Masha Gessen:

    The Most Powerful Men in the World


    Putin made it clear that he views the outcome of the American election as the end of a struggle for world domination—hence the reference to his September 2015 speech at the United Nations General Assembly. Back then he traveled to New York for his first address to the UN in a decade. He offered the United States a deal: Russia would help in Syria if the US government would withdraw its criticism of Russia’s actions in Ukraine. President Obama snubbed the offer, and Russia responded by entering the Syrian conflict on the side of Bashar al-Assad. Putin framed Russia’s actions in Syria as a battle against the American-dominated world order. It is this battle that he sees himself as having won on November 8.




    Does this mean that we are entering a new Cold War? No—it’s worse. The Cold War was fought by men who had different visions of the future—the ideologies of the two sides were battling for the right to define societies to come. This made the prospect of mutually assured destruction an effective deterrent. We now know that on several occasions one or the other side took a crucial step back from the brink.

    Trump and Putin, on the other hand, lack a concept of the future. In Putin’s version of the clash of civilizations, we have only a threatening Western present versus an imaginary Eurasian past. In Trump’s case, the threatening present is global while the alluring past is American. Both men traffic in appeals to the local and the familiar from the past against the frighteningly strange future. They are also both short-tempered, thin-skinned, not very bright, and disinclined to listen to advisers—all major risk factors for escalation. But it is their shared inability to look ahead that poses the greatest danger to the world.


    • Love 6
  3. So after getting a few days worth of headlines & media attention about some sort of special insider knowledge about #RussianHack, Trump & Goons are predictably walking things back.  (A friend of mine texted me this morning in anger about NPR, something about merely repeating Trump's claims w/ no emphasis that it was him merely claiming to have such info.).  Anyway, yeahh, great job media...keep helping Trump spread his b.s., way to question power.  :eyeroll:

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  4. 16 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

    It can still be enough to cause roadblocks to Trump & Goons legislative agenda.  Elected officials need to be elected.  They sure as fuck better care about public opinion (and they do).

    And this is why I was trying to get people to not place all their hopes in the Faithless/Hamilton Electors.  Too many people I know IRL were crushed by the inevitable: Trump winning the EC vote.  They've given up.  The fight is just starting.  If you think it's all over now, then it is.  I get being bummed, but fuck...come on.  Resist and don't just accept that Trump & Goons will get everything they want.

    • Love 11
  5. 12 hours ago, navelgazer said:

    I respectfully disagree.  I think the only way the Democratic Party will ever hold positions even remotely left of center is for the leftist ideologues to finally hold positions of real power within the party, power enough that the Third Way corporate Democrats know it's time for them to either come left with the majority of the party or they can hit the fricking highway and go be the moderate Republicans that they really are.  


    Being Republican Light is a waste of time.  Republicans do it better, so why bother?  A Progressive message is the only way for Dems to regain power.

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