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Duke Silver

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Posts posted by Duke Silver

  1. 4 hours ago, Pixel said:

    Dan Rather just shared this. It's fascinating.  It's news most of us have heard, but told by the guy who uncovered it.

    The story of a year of trying to find Trump's charitable contributions

    The Trump Foundation story has been buried in a sea of shit.  I agree w/ the OpEd I posted from WaPo the other day, by a Hungarian expressing concern based on what has happened in her country: if anything brings down Trump, it's probably be nepotism/self-dealing (though #RussianHack MIGHT do the same, but self-dealing would necessarily be a part of it, IMO).

    Anyway, I couldn't help but laugh at this quote from Fahrenthold's article:



    I tried a Google Images search, feeding it a photo of the portrait, which showed Trump’s painted face.

    “Best guess for this image: Orange,” Google said.

    I got a screen full of oranges. Orange juice. Orange Julius. No portraits.


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  2. This guy kinda sorta sounds like me (though I have always been a registered Independent who was decidedly conservative as a young adult but has actually become more liberal in adulthood).  He definitely sounds like older friends of mine who were Republicans but have left the party over the past 10 years or so.

    Donald Trump and the GOP, I want my party back



    I want to get back to arguing over how to approach global warming, either with top heavy government regulation, or a free-market, cap-and- trade type system. I want to get back to shooting down dumbass arguments against “assault weapons” (which is redundant) or supporting reasonable alternatives like universal background checks.

    But I’m not doing that. 

    Do you know why I’m not doing that? 

    Because the party that is supposed to represent my values as a conservative has lost its ever-loving mind.

    Instead of arguing over the most cost-effective to deliver affordable healthcare to all Americans, Republicans continue to argue that the plan they spent thirty years fighting for is suddenly socialist because it was signed into law by a black dude, and that twenty million people need to lose their health care without any plan in place to help them.


    • Love 16
  3. 15 hours ago, AntiBeeSpray said:

    I love what they said here in the article:

    Irony is a bitch. Especially when the right tries to use the old 'Welfare Queen' excuse. So that line made me laugh. The rich as always. Trying to abuse the system. Sure there are some that aren't rich who do the same. But I'm betting it's not nearly as much as the other end that does.

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  4. Juts a reminder that Obama & Holder will be focusing on re-districting; this has a huge impact on why Congress, among other things, looks the way it does.  The most effective way to combat it?  Get more Dems in state houses & state election boards.  If you care about fair elections, get other like-minded people to care abut state/local politics/elections.



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  5. i7ntJg9.png

    I watched a populist leader rise in my country. That’s why I’m genuinely worried for America.


    Prime Minister Viktor Orban has depicted migrants as rapists, job-stealers, terrorists and “poison” for the nation, and built a vast fence along Hungary’s southern border. The popularity of his nativist agitation has allowed him to easily debunk as unpatriotic or partisan any resistance to his self-styled “illiberal democracy,” which he said he modeled after “successful states” such as Russia and Turkey.


    Populists govern by swapping issues, as opposed to resolving them. Purposeful randomness, constant ambush, relentless slaloming and red herrings dropped all around are the new normal. Their favorite means of communication is provoking conflict. They do not mind being hated. Their two basic postures of “defending” and “triumphing” are impossible to perform without picking enemies.


    I have plenty of gloomy don’t-dos, but few proven trump cards. There is perhaps one mighty exception, the issue of corruption, which the polite American media like to describe as “conflicts of interest.”  It is the public’s moral indignation over nepotism that has proved to be the nemesis of illiberal regimes. Personal and family greed, cronyism, thievery combined with hypocrisy are in the genes of illiberal autocracy; and in many countries betrayed expectations of a selfless strongman have led to a civic awakening.

    emphasis mine

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  6. Well, for Republicans, government action = loss of personal freedoms, ostensibly.  That's what many Republicans in my life would say (Trump supporters as well as #neverTrump 'ers).  I put it that way because individual analysis doesn't go that deep in the vast majority of cases, IMO.  Other things like internalized attitudes toward racism/misogyny drive fears much more than nuanced political philosophy.  JMO.

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