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Standard Staples

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Everything posted by Standard Staples

  1. I can't even make a joke of the "compromise" on the fast food on the road. He went large/excessive on everything... even adding a milkshake.
  2. Has ANYONE ever dropped 83 lbs on their own in the first month? That's "controlled diet in the hospital" type weight loss. Well done, David. Don't let Benji hold you back.
  3. Love the Benji head nod. "11 lbs? Daddy's having seconds tonight."
  4. What's the over/under on Benji's weight loss? I'm going single digits.
  5. This one's easy. The brother that seems to give half a rat's ass is David (semi-uplifting music). The one in extreme denial is Benji (flat music).
  6. Agreed. We know the producers cut and paste a lot of lines for the participants... but maybe we can get them to find+replace "journey" with... let's say quest.
  7. "I know this David's last chance." Dude, you're knocking on the door of 600 lbs. Dr. Now could not be more right about this sibling dynamic. Benji clearly feels "Eh, at least I'm not 750. I'll be okay."
  8. David barely got one excuse out. "Don't gimme dat." Dr. Now has steadily gotten more and more amazing on this show.
  9. Lots of mayo, a few lbs dropped and minimal drama. If you haven't watched, that's about all you need to know from this one.
  10. The producers will counter-program this boring, drama free episode with the latest "owwhh mah legs!" patient next week. I'm sure of it.
  11. This episode of M6PL was brought to you, in part, by our sponsors at Hellmann's.
  12. Interesting door handle on the pantry... looks like a lock and key safe.
  13. This episode has been WAY too tame and fairly drama-free. She isn't losing weight, but there haven't been any explosions, and I don't think I've heard a single curse word to be bleeped out. Next week will, no doubt, be a DOOZY.
  14. TLC has really conditioned me to expect these people to be perpetually laying on a medically reinforced bed, with every last sugary calorie brought to them on a (ridiculously large) silver platter. Seeing her making her own food (in a kitchen, not in a bed), driving herself to Houston, doing dishes, etc. makes me root for her... but these nothing weight losses are killing the vibe quickly.
  15. You'll have to go back to Season 1 or 2 for that. TLC learned a long time ago that drama (especially associated with weight loss failure) is the recipe for ratings.
  16. I was thinking the exact same thing. Honestly, the mobility and lack of lymphodema creates the illusion that she isn't anywhere near 600 lbs. The lady last week was only 50-60 lbs more, and she couldn't even walk from the jet way to her seat on the plane.
  17. I was actually surprised she caved so hard to her cravings, as she's much more mobile and less angry than many of the other participants. Maybe there's some issues behind the scenes, but she's definitely getting a positive edit, so I'm confident she will end up having lost several hundred pounds. The music alone seems to indicate a happy ending.
  18. Plenty of other docs... just none of them with TLC picking up the tab.
  19. Yeah, but that's guests giving the couple money... traditionally poised to help them get off on the right foot financially. Reverse the situation... the Polish bride and groom are announced by the DJ for the first time as man and wife, but before they can enter the room, two random people from the same town as their parents block the door, put their hands out and say, "that'll be $3.02."
  20. I still just don't understand how David Poor's first marriage didn't work out. This guy is just oozing with confidence, charm and financial savvy.
  21. Yes, a very beautiful way to squeeze the groom for a few extra bucks. You cannot enter this house unless you give each of us $3.02. Are these customs real? Or are they just playing David Poor for the fiddle he is?
  22. I said it before, and I'll say it again... Evelyn and David have physically been in the same town for a total that can be counted in hours, and they're already having constant tiffs like an old married couple. My wife and I certainly have similar passive aggressive arguments (I think everyone does from time to time), but the key difference is that we have a ridiculously strong foundation of love, fun and good memories to constantly fall back on. None of these couples have any history to support the drama. I genuinely don't understand David. He proclaims to have loved Grenada, proclaims to hate NH already, doesn't really seem to have anything in common with Evelyn, is certainly seeing her selfish and me-first attitude rapidly emerging, and he's not getting to bed her in the process.. Yet he's still moving full speed ahead to a marriage. Something just does NOT add up.
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