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Posts posted by HeyThere83

  1. 17 minutes ago, DayGlorious said:

    I really feel like the season...the entire series, for that matter...could have and should have ended 2 weeks ago, cliffhangers notwithstanding. Every last thing about this episode felt trite and predictable. 
    Of course Randall was going to have a midlife crisis and walk out the door uttering a bunch of cliches about the slow lane.
    Of course Rebecca and Beth were going to turn on the waterworks and find a way to make William's death all about them. 
    Of course Rebecca just ran out the damn door when Boner showed up. And OF COURSE he drives a creepy pedo van. Not pictured: leaky full-size air mattress with grimy patchwork-pattern comforter, 8-tracks of Bad Company and Gary Wright, stash compartment.
    Of course Jesse barely got lip service. Srsly, Randall? All that conspicuous in-your-face money, and you can't spring for a plane ticket to the "fun-eral" for his own partner? Not even a half-hearted half-offer that you know he'll be too proud to accept? Ferreal?
    Of course Kate was going to act like she put the drinks and the keys into Jack's hands.
    Of course Toby was going to be pushy and obtuse about the subject of his death.
    Of course the most boring couple ever had the most boring sex ever, and of course the most boring play ever might live to see another boring day.
    Of course Jack still dresses like an extra from CHiPS, and of course no one on Earth had a freaking TV like that in 1990-Weezer unless it was kept as an artistic statement or a mantelpiece. 
    Of course mailman postcard bat out of hell ritual walk yawn.
    Tonight anticlimactic, and I don't see how it's going to get better from here.

    Suddenly I have this image of a giant storybook closing and a voiceover saying.....

    "And They All Lived Happily Ever After."

    "The End."

    • Love 5
  2. 4 minutes ago, Crs97 said:

    I fear this will take the West Wing route, which was the best show ever until Aaron Sorkin left and the other writers decided multi-Emmy winner Allison Janney needed to become the star.  Suddenly, she was inserted into every story line and her character jumped from press secretary to chief of staff.  I still shake my head and fear whenever one actor in an ensemble starts getting all the accolades.

    I think some actors are better suited for certain storylines, or at driving storylines. But sometimes writers can get overexcited and stuff stops making sense and quality goes out the window as a result.

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  3. 1 minute ago, wings707 said:

    I didn't say the shine would be taken off Randall.  No shine removed room anyone!  Just saying other plot lines will be given more attention next season.  

    Sorry....read that sentence wrong.

  4. 58 minutes ago, wings707 said:

    As group all of their stories are compelling.  Probably better stated I think they feature a particular story line more predominantly at times than others, ie, William's death.  

    I think you may be taking my words too literally.  Randall got to shine recently and I think they will give others that opportunity with a heavier focus on their life.  I am saying I think they will balance each characters exposure in the plot line. 


    Though I can't see them taking any shine off Randall. He and the actor have been too well received, and the writers seem to love writing his story. If this does not happen, I just can't think of a single reason why they then can't simultaneously write for the others with a strong focus. They could have already done that this season by simply eliminating, for instance, the whole Olivia arc which took up much of Kevin's time. If the showrunner claims that was essential to the story, I think it went completely over most viewers' heads. Waste of time.

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  5. 7 hours ago, wings707 said:

    I think we will see more of each character's story as the seasons march on.  Everyone cannot have a compelling story at the same time.  Randall will probably take a back seat next season or not be so heavily involved with drama directly related to him.  

    I am looking forward to the Miguel and Rebecca story.  How many more episodes are there?   I think Jack will die in the last episode.  Not a cliffhanger but we will see exactly how it happened and the funeral.  That leaves us looking forward to the aftermath and how it changes their lives.  That will be a good start for season 2.  

    Just curious....why do you think everyone can't have a compelling story at the same time? That is the least any drama should do, especially one nominated for a Golden Globe.

    Also, why would Randall take a back seat if the show is an ensemble and Fogelman said everyone would get equal time?

    Agree that will be what Season 2 will focus on.

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  6. 17 hours ago, Aloeonatable said:

    I follow Milo on Twitter and he often promotes this show, as I'm sure many other actors do for their shows in their social media outlets. Their job, besides giving a compelling performance, is to sell the show. It must be working because the ratings for this show have climbed and the fans are fairly rabid. 

    I don't feel manipulated and I also don't cry that frequently while watching this show. I simply just enjoy the show. 

    I see show promotion all the time that isn't incredibly annoying and obnoxious. But that brings me to my next unpopular opinion.....the ratings. Even the promotion of the ratings bugs.....this must be the first show in the history of shows to do good.

    But yeah, the ratings have been consistent. That's why I thought this was an appropriate place to put these opinions.

    On 2/23/2017 at 9:38 AM, ShadowFacts said:

    Possible unpopular opinion:  the scales have been tipped so much in favor of Randall's story (and I like his whole backstory and current story) that Kevin's and Kate's are insipid.  It has been a popular opinion that Kate has to be about more than weight, but I find Kevin equally lacking in dimension.  Maybe the writing can remedy this going forward, I'll have to give it a little time. 

    I feel like you can usually tell when there is more investment in a character and/or actor on some shows. This is one of them, I think. I know Fogelman said all the storylines would be getting equal time, but it doesn't feel like it, and there is also a noticeable difference in the quality of the time dedicated to the characters. Their ranking seems to be, when it comes to the three kids is 1.)Randall 2.)Kate 3.)Kevin. I swear it's like I can hear them saying.....need something for Kevin to do this week......let's twist it up this week with an ex-wife and call it a day.


    I have always wondered why sometimes shows even bother with certain characters or storylines that they seem to not be all that invested in themselves?? That happens a lot on soaps and I just find it odd.

    • Love 5
  7. 1 hour ago, After7Only said:

    I agree to some extent.  Kate really hasn't had much of a compelling storyline.    JH has the charming but selfish part of Kevin's character down.  But I think there's a lot more nuance, sensitivity and complexity to the character that JH touches on, but an actor of SKB's quality would knock out the park.    He's supposed to be a lovable scamp.  But's he so far been more scamp than lovable.  

    I thought CM did a good job with her breakup scene with Toby.

    I think the Kevin role is pretty lame, but having said that.....this is one of those roles that I would like to see what another actor would do with it because imo Justin is quite limited as an actor, with little to no range. It's like with his role as Patrick on Revenge.....he did nothing with it. Actually, I thought he was simply not good.

    Sterling is great.

    • Love 2
  8. 11 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

    I don't watch those aftershow things but the network puts them out, and I doubt the actors have any choice but to participate.  I think ratings-wise it's considered a mega-hit so they do have that reason to take it seriously.  I figure the aftershow is for the people who don't understand the messages even with all the in-show anvils, so it looks like torture.  I don't even think anyone here watches them, or if they do, it's rarely mentioned.  

    I think compared to the Twilight drivel, anything by John Green is practically Pulitzer material.  But it's all considered 'young adult lit', too.  

    I don't watch the aftershows either.....I was thinking it was yet another time for everyone to pat themselves on the back about it. And to reiterate how much better it is than other shows. Maybe not though.

    I think the way the show promotes the crying stuff is sooooo over the top and actually very ANNOYING. The actors are annoying when they talk about it, the commercials are annoying when they talk about it, news anchors are annoying when they talk about it. I get that this has become their "thing" but it is so damn obnoxious to the point I roll my eyes at the single mention of a teardrop. I rolled my eyes at Milo's letter or whatever it was he had yesterday. I rolled my eyes at the dumb video of the actors apologizing for making everyone cry so much. I roll my eyes at Fogelman tweeting about which episode will make everyone cry the hardest. I'm expecting another one from him saying "If you think this was bad just wait til you see......" It's not only annoying, IMO it messes with the quality or potential quality of a show by going into a writers room and thinking of ideas on how to get people to cry the hardest rather than writing good stories that make sense. If people are moved enough to cry....great. I imagine the writers room for TIU writing last weeks episode and someone saying that Kevin rushing off stage was silly, and Fogelman replying.......but they will CRY BUCKETS AND THAT'S WHAT REALLY MATTERS HERE! NOW SOMEBODY WRITE ME A DAMN STORY THAT WILL FLOOD THE COUNTRY WITH TEARS NOWWWW!!!

    • Love 12
  9. Forgot to say...did anyone think Nicole Kidman's character was looking kinda oddly at Jane when they were sitting with Madeline and talking at that cafe?? Not sure if there was a reason for that or I was just seeing things...

    • Love 19
  10. See, I was thinking the show speeds through things incredibly fast, and leaves the bulk or meat of a story completely out. And then they seem to spend time on other things like the Dr.'s story when the series is brand spankin new. Or....they introduce new characters like Olivia who seemed completely and utterly pointless. And if Fogelman claims she was necessary to Kevin realizing he was still in love with his ex-wife, well then that was told very sloppily. It makes it seem like they just decided it mid-way through the story. In general, I think they need to really work on the pacing and consider the overall structure of the show because I see how it become detrimental.

    • Love 6
  11. 9 hours ago, Cattitude said:

    I'm glad I found a place to vent my UO. I don't like Kevin and have little sympathy for him. I find him to invent problems of his own making to get attention. Kevin is one of three children who has all the luck, while his siblings have real problems. He is jealous of their real problems so he acts out to get attention. Randall and Kate need more of their parents time b/c they have real issues. Kevin has a good life and is popular and well liked....poor baby. ugh! I just have no sympathy for him. His siblings have successful lived despite adversity. He has a successful life but seems to keep sabotaging it and playing a victim when he has a GOOD life. Why again should I feel bad for him.

    I just don't find his parents not giving him as much attention something to feel sorry about. I don't feel they love him any less he just doesn't have REAL problems. More attention doesn't equal more love, you give each child the amount of attention needed and that doesn't equal loving one more than the other. I've never seen his parents not include him in parties, outing or the fun. I find they love him as much as Kate and Randall so I can't feel sorry he doesn't have problems in his life. He seems golden to me. Why should I feel sorry for that.

    I most certainly agree. This story is so poorly executed.

  12. I don't think so....unless I missed something. But I know for sure Dan said after thinking about it, he decided forgiveness the next episode was too soon. I remember LOLing at him even considering that to begin with. So I am assuming we are to believe things are not as they were at Thanksgiving? It seems like it was kinda just dropped....

  13. 8 hours ago, Racj82 said:

    It wasn't as quick as you are making it out to be either. They had the breakthrough during the fight like I said but it didn't magically heal them. They are just in a better place. A place where Kevin could actually be there for Randall in a way he wasn't before at least. But, they aren't best buds. It's not all under the bridge. I never got that impression anyway. This is also much more than that. We've been watching Kevin evolve all season into a more responsible person. This is a extention of that. Issues aside, they are still brothers.

    I am trying to recall when else this issue was touched on by them after the fight and I can't. I remember they went home that night, watched the Manny together and shared some laughs. Since then Randall has been preoccupied with William and his family and Kevin went off to do whatever with Olivia and Sloane. For me, 1-2 episodes is very quick for something that supposedly was such a big deal for most of their lives. The show was so anxious to get to the next big tearjerker moment that it didn't matter how silly (to me at least) the way in which Kevin had another big realization. It didn't ring true to me, especially because I think the writing for Kevin has been erratic and sloppy. But I think this had more to do with advancing the plot in terms of Kevin and Sophie rather than further exploring Kevin and Randall. And of course to provoke tears. It is OK to tell a story without tears flowing every other minute but they seem afraid to do that.

    • Love 2
  14. 1 hour ago, Racj82 said:

    I'm not sure what else they needed to add. We've already seen the breakthrough the brothers has after their pathetic fight. Kevin was the only one that could truly see what Randall was going through since beth was gone because he was the only one around to pay attention to it. He also knows Randall's issues. Everything about that plot between those two have been layed out. Lastly, Kevin being described as his dad's son really hit him. He wanted to step up and do what his father always did instead of turning his back on Randall like he used to 

    Well that's the thing...it was all resolved in one episode back in October. Years of resentment went away after rolling around in the street for a minute. Typically I think that sort of thing takes a while to work through, with back and forth dialogue, and sometimes suffering setbacks.  Kevin had another very quick realization tonight that he is a heroic figure like his father and swung into action. I guess I prefer a little more fill-in-the-blanks in between for these big moments to feel earned.

    • Love 2
  15. There hasn't really been any journey with Kevin/Randall to get to this point, so I am mostly meh on it. These moments matter to me most when we see the path to getting there. But I think this show leaves that stuff out way too much. This was to move Kevin's plot along, I think.

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