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Posts posted by afterbite

  1. Saw it earlier this week. I remember liking the first one, but this one bored me, sadly. The humor didn't hit for me - some of it felt punch-downish, and the rest just didn't land (for me). I have absolutely no investment in the Wichita/Columbus "romance", so all of that was a big miss for me as well. I was hoping for and expecting more. Maybe that was my downfall.

  2. On 7/24/2019 at 7:50 PM, NeenerNeener said:

    I just finished the book, neither of these things was in there, nor did Myfanwy get up close and personal with any of the Gestalt bodies in the book.

    I'm so glad you posted this, because it's been a while since I read the books. I didn't think either of these things happened (especially the Gestalt thing, because the therapist business just happened), but couldn't remember. I spent the first 2 episodes convinced that Gestalt knew about the memory loss and made up the 'we slept together' thing to test the extent of it and to see what Myfawny would say in response.

    I've spent the last 2 episodes wondering which of them she slept with. It sounded like a one night thing, but I can't escape the mental picture of the other three just sitting around, eyes blank, focused in on the action.

  3. This article talks about the styling choices for Captain Marvel in the Endgame trailers we've seen. I hadn't really put much thought into the fact that this is actually the 2nd film in which Brie has played Captain Marvel - they filmed Endgame first. This movie is often described as an origin story without prior introduction of a character when looking at the box office and the various ways it fits into the rankings in re: how many $$ were taken in. This is true, but it's also interesting that we'll see a whole movie of the actress evolving into the character after we see a whole movie of her being the character.

  4. 32 minutes ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

    Except I don't think you mean "everybody". You mean the "whiny, fragile fanboys who are totally different than a certain portion of shippers who shamefully dogpiled Emily VanCamp just because she decided to take an acting job. Because men."

    I think there are definitely the loud-mouth fringe people who are the 'whiny, fragile fanboys', but a distressing number of guys (distressing to me), can't seem to bring themselves to discuss this movie, even in a positive light, without saying 'Yeah, there was your girl power rah rah, but otherwise, this movie was fine. It wasn't too political.' This, to me, reads as 'If a guy has a 'guy power moment', that's normal. It's not a 'guy power' moment. It's just par for the course. If a girl has any scene where she infers that she doesn't care what a guy thinks, it's 'girl power', so okay, okay, let the feminists have it and move on. It was enough that we noticed it and thought it was cheesy, but we're not like those other guys brigading Rotten Tomatoes.'

    I'm not saying that I think this way of discussing the movie is deeply malignant, but it's really, really irritating. There's an underlying assumption that if something is empowering for women, it's girl power. If it's empowering for men - what even is that? That's just normal, right?

    • Love 19
  5. I thought it was a blast. It did start a little slowly and has some of the same problems that every origin story has, but overall, I thought it was delightful. I loved it when she came into her own. I loved her friendship with Maria and Maria's daughter. I didn't really watch the trailers and don't read the comics, so I was absolutely not expecting the twist of Skrulls as good guys (or Skrulls as hilarious). The 90s references made it all the sweeter for me. Loved the air battle in the grand canyon - it seemed like it could have come out of any one of those pilot-helmed movies of the 80s and 90s. Loved her entrance on Earth.

    The pacing wasn't always the best and there were a few moments when it felt like she was still settling into the character, but I will definitely be seeing this again. I even really liked the Kree as enemies here, because it gave it a nice, small scale feeling (up until then end with Ronan, which I didn't exactly love because it was a tad too hammy for me, but I'll give it a pass because Captain Marvel got to wreck a whole lot of stuff and I'm into that.)

    I'm hoping that Captain Marvel takes the path of Captain America - moving from an origin story with some typical origin story quibbles into a second entry that's absolutely top of the Marvel pantheon. 

    • Love 5
  6. Excited to see a topic on this movie. I saw it last week and loved it. It's complicated and frustrating and hilarious. All of the women had really satisfying story arcs, in the sense that they had complex motivations and were imperfect but also understandable. I was reminded of Keira Knightley's comment (paraphrased) that she loved doing period pieces because she got to be a fully realized character in them (and not, I presume, a rather one-dimensional love interest like many roles sent in the modern day are for winsome young women). Everyone here was sympathetic and somewhat reprehensible all at once, and I loved it. I probably enjoyed Weisz's role most of all. It was a delight to see her stomping about, being surly and manipulative, and just not being in the mood to put up with any of this foolishness. It made it all the more poignant to see the moments where her true affection for Anne shone through. Colman was a delight, giving such a layered performance that you could see that she spent most of her time as a shell of the woman she once was but also, on occasion, demonstrating the keenness that she'd developed over time as a figurehead who had to know that most everyone in her life was trying to manipulate her in one way or another. Stone did an amazing job humanizing her character just enough for us to understand why she was doing what she was doing. It was extremely frustrating to know that she was just trying to find a place where she was secure again (and then getting a little greedy, but wouldn't we all) while also being so short-sighted and indifferent to the suffering of others.

    Good catch @Black Knight on the significance of the last scene. I took it as a statement that they had all put themselves into a specialized version of their own personal hell because of the decisions they'd made and that it was showing that they'd trapped themselves together in it, but I like the nuance you talked about quite a bit.

    • Love 7
  7. My primary problem with the incest portion is that there was no real pay-off. There should have been a point where that secret was revealed outside of the Emily and Stephanie circle. It was just one element of the nonsensical ending, though. Mousy little Stephanie clearly coveted everything Stephanie had, including her house, her wardrobe, her husband, and her cocky, nonchalant way of moving through the world. She isn't a heroine in this story. She absolutely was moving in on Emily's life, becoming the lite version of Emily 2.0. Maybe she spent a few days sad that Emily wasn't around, but the search and the posters, etc., were all about her. She thoroughly enjoyed stepping in to support the grieving husband. She parlayed it all into success via her vlog. It became a battle of wits, and she wanted to win. The problem is that the evolution felt rushed. She went from wine-date mommy friend to clever schemer without enough there to support it.

    All of this culminates into backstab after backstab, with her as the triumphant winner. She defeats the master and catapults herself into fame and fortune. The problem I had with it, though, was that, story-telling wise, she didn't earn it. I couldn't celebrate with her at the end because she wasn't dastardly enough to win my affection. She was kind of inept and clumsy and awkward while also being not a very good person, and I didn't want her to win. If anything, I would have preferred an ending where she and Emily conspired together to frame and/or murder the husband to their mutual enrichment, with the movie showing that they'd then locked themselves into an ongoing battle full of distrust and manipulation and conniving - an uneasy, destined to implode in a dramatic fashion kind of sociopathic partnership. That's what Stephanie had earned, in a cosmic sense. Not a victory.

    Anyway, I thought the ending was abysmal. I hated it. In a surprise, Lively had enough swagger to almost make me forgive the tired psycho bisexual trope. I'd estimate that the movie was maybe only 65% as good as it possibly could have been.

    • Love 11
  8. I saw it and it was that bad. The most offensive part is that it wasn't really all that funny. It was a mix of 'not quite'. It was not quite a mystery movie, not quite a parody, not quite a(n actually funny) comedy. It threw a couple of gross-out humor gags in a subpar mystery plot and relied too much on 'puppets are doing this - isn't that hilarious!' without actually making it hilarious. That said, the lady in the row in front of me literally shrieked with delight multiple times, so there are those for whom this landed squarely on their funny bone. I thought that was going to be me and was sad when it wasn't.

  9. For those worried about the dog:


    It lives.

    This movie was just not very good. The dialogue was elementary. Like, really, really bad. The non-shark plot bits were also really not very good. Some of the shots are pretty, but this is Syfy level with a blockbuster budget. I wasn't expecting much of this movie. I knew it was going to be dumb. I just wanted to be entertained, but the overall badness of it seemed to suck away most of the joy I could have taken in the rampaging, enormous shark parts. The fact that it was PG-13 took away from the overall menace, I think. Even though people were in danger, they only felt like they were in danger maybe 35% of the time they were supposed to be in danger. I didn't need it to be super gory, but people either got eaten in scenes with no blood (which made them come off as comedic half the time) or no one got eaten. And the romance subplot... I can't remember when the last time was that I saw something so hamfisted.

    Highlight of the movie: Jason Statham singing 'just keep swimming'.

    • Love 5
  10. Also caught it on HBO. It's more of a parody of a thriller than an actual thriller (even down to the lead's name, which I know comes from the book and isn't pronounced that way in its original language, but they straight up went with and had multiple characters say "Harry Hole!"). Every super serious cut to a snowman gave me the giggles. I can't believe they had this many good actors in a film that managed to be this bad. So glad I didn't shell out for this mess at the theater.

    • Love 1
  11. 6 hours ago, VCRTracking said:

    Han at the end of Return of the Jedi was a respected Rebellion general but fans had no problem embracing the way he was depicted in The Force Awakens back to his old ways a rogue smuggler making deals with shady criminals.

    I do wish they hadn't done this. I think I read Bloodlines (one of the new, accepted as canon Star Wars books) just before TFA*, and Han and Leia were happy together and he essentially sponsored something like Indy space racing. They weren't always in the same physical space but they clearly had a good and supportive relationship. I'd have preferred that to Han the crotchety old smuggler.

    *May not have been before TFA when I read it. I'm horrible with time.

    • Love 3
  12. 15 hours ago, wallflower75 said:

    Good Lord.  Has the world gone completely insane, where you think telling someone to kill themselves because you didn't like their movie is okay?  Forget weeping for the future--I'm weeping for what's happening to common decency now.

    Common decency left the building a long time ago. I may or may not sometimes write stories using fictional characters that I may or may not post on the internet, but I have absolutely been sent messages telling me I should kill myself. I only get a couple a month, though, so I get off pretty lightly.

    • Love 2
  13. 17 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

    Poor T-Rex became a running joke of just coming out of nowhere to chomp on other monsters and people that were baddies to the leads. On one hand unless there is an earthquake happening as she's approaching there is no way it could sneak up on anyone to catch them by surprise which she supposedly did a few times. On the other hand it was funny how many times just would roll through just to chomp conveniently and keep moving.

    Blows my mind that the teeth pulling animal trafficker was the same guy that played the killer in Silence of the Lambs.

    Every time the T-Rex reappeared to gnash something and flex and roar, I got the sense it was like it was saying "You other guys think you're the stars of this movie, but let's be real. None of the people watching love any of you more than me."

    When I finally figured out who the teeth pulling trafficker was, I just barely kept myself from saying aloud OMG! Buffalo Bill!

    • Love 5
  14. @JessePinkman I went to see this based on your recommendation and am not sorry I did. I wasn't particularly jazzed by the previews, though the part with them going in the water looked cool. The critics didn't seem to love it, so I was even more on the fence. You'd been won over, though, so I thought I'd give it a try.

    Look, parts of this movie are as hammy as they come, but other parts of it are deeply, deeply satisfying. They play with our emotions in a very obvious way, but I kind of have to give them props for it because they do it well. I'd have loved it more if someone hadn't brought their kid who made dinosaur growls back at the screen every time a dino roared, but thems the breaks. (You might read this and think it was cute, but it was not. Not at all. Imagine watching a pretty poignant scene and wanting to soak it in, only you can't because there's a kid bellowing loud enough to wake the dead like a deranged cow.)

    Anyway, great action, satisfying kills, and enough to bring me back into the fold after the disappointment of the first movie.

    • Love 5
  15. @VCRTracking The thing is, this has always been a trilogy. Do they have to be set in stone? No. You can make modifications, like keeping Poe or changing the tenor of Rey and Finn's relationship. What you'll never be able to convince me of (and what I sincerely doubt I'll be able to convince you of in return) is that not having a plan was acceptable. There needs to be a storybook, and I just don't think there is one. Without that, what you get is what a lot of people see as a really shoddy narrative.

    The thing that gets lost behind all of the butthurt fanboys who can't seem to make a comment without throwing in 'SJW' or 'agenda' or 'fire Kathleen' and who make themselves painfully known on most forums (though thankfully not this one) is that this lack of planning has taken what seemed to be a sure-fire symbiotic relationship and put it in serious jeopardy for fans of all stripes. Fans wanted more Star Wars and LucasFilm/Disney wanted to provide more Star Wars in return for armadas of cash. "Fanboys" make wild claims about the supposed "fanboy" boycott that tanked Solo, but what I suspect actually happened was that TLJ tarnished the brand among a surprisingly wide swath of fans. This is not universally true, of course, but my anecdata shows that people who like SW for diverse reasons were all equally disappointed. Enthusiasm dimmed. Solo wasn't helped by a host of other factors, but TLJ opened that fissure. The 2nd week drop for TLJ was massive, and I imagine that aside from word of mouth, a lot of that was because people weren't going to see it again. I can only speak for myself - I saw Rogue One in theaters 3 times. I saw TFA in theaters at least twice, but maybe three times. I saw half of TLJ and already knew I wouldn't be seeing it again. I saw Solo because I have MoviePass.

    I might reserve judgment on TLJ if there seemed to be any hint that there was a cohesive, master plan in place and that what we saw would have a satisfying pay-off in the next film. There's nothing to indicate that, though, and so I have significantly diminished hopes. I'm not going to buy an advance ticket for Ep 9 as soon as it goes on sale, like I did for TFA and TLJ, because I have scant hopes for the trilogy at this point.

    I liked the Porgs. I'll give them that. I can't give them much else, though.

    • Love 5
  16. 2 hours ago, VCRTracking said:

    I want to live in this world where the sequels in a franchise not based on a book series have always been planned the same time as the first movie is written. Are there unicorns there?

    I don't quite understand this line of thinking. I tried to think of franchises like this. I thought of a couple:

    Terminator: The first movie was released in 1984. The second was released in 1991. The third was released in 2003. That's ample time to craft a story that builds on the one before it.

    The Fast and the Furious: These have a very loosely connected storyline, but aren't necessarily designed to hang together. The theme is pretty simplistic - family, fast cars. Each is fairly self-contained, also. I wouldn't put it in the same category as Star Wars.

    The Hangover: Pretty much the same as The Fast and the Furious. Self-contained.

    Indiana Jones: Same director across all. First one was in 1981. Second one was in 1984. Third was in 1989. Again, self-contained stories for the most part.

    Etc, etc. In general, these movies don't set up stories that have to span multiple installments to be told. SW does, because it sets itself up that way. It decides it's going to be a trilogy at the outset. For that reason alone, there should be a storyline that actually describes what's going to happen across three movies

    • Love 3
  17. 15 hours ago, SuburbanHangSuite said:

    THIS!!!  My son is 10 and I learned over to him and said, "What in the world did we just watch??". He was equally horrified.  So I went from amusement to horror to, " Awwwww!" In the space of just a few minutes.  

    I turned to my friend halfway through and said 'I find this really disturbing.' I get what they were going for, but I just did not like it at all. There was something incredibly uncomfortable about it.

    • Love 6
  18. I was at least moderately interested in an Obi-Wan film, but I also think that maybe they should put a hold on all SW related projects after Ep IX. I'm not talking about another decade-long hiatus, but I think they could use at least a couple of years. There's so much divisiveness around SW properties at the moment. It feels like they're in danger of falling down the DCEU well, where people start disgruntled and end up actively loathing. Maybe Ep IX will restore peaceful zen to the fandom, but I just don't see that happening. A few years (at least) could act as a palette cleanser.

    I know we've been caught up in the franchise game for a while when it comes to movie releases, but there just seem to be so many right now. This may also be a problem. Disney was talking about and/or actively moving toward at least one if not two anthology films (Boba Fett and Obi-Wan), a trilogy from Rian Johnson, and a trilogy from the Game of Thrones guys. (I can't recall if these 2 trilogies include the planned trilogy that's supposed to follow 7/8/9.) That's... a lot of movies.

    • Love 4
  19. I see Disney is asking theaters to add a strobe light warning to the film. Interesting that it took some bad publicity to prompt this. I turned to my friend in the middle of this movie and said, "It's like they wanted to cause seizures." Heh.

    • Love 2
  20. 5 hours ago, Notwisconsin said:

    it reminded me of rosemary's baby.

    With a dash of the original recipe 'The Wicker Man' and a hint of the Exorcist, maybe.

    • Love 2
  21. I noticed the symbol on the pole - they lingered on the pole a couple of times so we could see it, though admittedly it was difficult to discern. I didn't realize one of his teachers was in the cult. I did see that the guy who smiled creepily at grandma's funeral was, though. I was actually glad that closed that circle, because for a moment I thought that guy was just an extra goofing around in the background who somehow made it into the scene.

    I also liked the detail where there was a picture of the family on vacation hanging in what I presume was a cult member's house. You can see it when Annie looks through the photobook and finds mom being showered with coins and creepy cult people having a party.

  22. 13 hours ago, Cranberry said:

    I mean, they didn't say it out loud, but nobody can convince me that Lou wasn't 110% gay. Debbie feeding her off her own fork and the lines about them having a "rough patch" and the like were pretty intentional, too, I thought!

    I say this with the understanding that it's one part of a larger phenomenon, but I think people are growing increasingly disgruntled by subtext or after the fact reveals. You know, the have your cake and eat it too - wink wink at the queer audience, but dear god in heaven, let's not actually make anyone really queer.

    I am not as disturbed about it as some, but I do find it irritating when you see it over and over and over and over and over and over.......

    • Love 14
  23. 8 hours ago, VCRTracking said:

    A mentor and best friend she knew less than a day.  When Rose risks her life saving Finn for just the same amount of time, she's "craaaaaaaaaaaaaazy". That same level of deep attachment of Rey's in such short amount of time coming from loneliness and abandonment issues I can see also her lead to connection with Ren despite his actions.

    I don't think the two can be compared. Rose saw Finn as a hero to the rebellion. He may have lost a little of his shine in person, but they went off on an adventure together. She was trying to save a friend, not a foe. The only exposure Rey had to Kylo was negative. He captured her. Attempted to torture her. Killed a man she admired in front of her. Tried to kill her. I guess a real world example would be having someone carjack you and a nice work colleague you've just met. The carjacker ties you up and throws you in the trunk. As your carjacker drives away from the scene, they participate in the bombing of other cars on the road. The carjacker kills your coworker, right in front of your eyes. The carjacker gets into a deadly fight with you that only stops because they have to flee. Then, they show up at your home. Instead of defending yourself or fleeing in terror, you start Skyping with them.

    If Finn had taken on Kylo's role starting on the crosswalk, I could see her giving him the benefit of the doubt and reaching out. They hadn't known each other long, but they had a positive relationship. She would no doubt want to know his reasoning or understand why he'd done what he'd done. I absolutely do not see her looking at this dude (Kylo) that has tried to kill her, been instrumental in destroying multiple planets, etc, and going 'Oh, what a sad, lonely boy. I too am sad and lonely. We should chat."

    • Love 3
  24. I've been waiting for a forum on this. I saw this movie on Sunday morning. There was one other person in the theater, and when the movie ended, I desperately wanted to start a conversation with her. I think it would have consisted of the two of us repeating "What the f***?" at one another.

    My primary issue with the movie is that I think I would have preferred it absent the actual demon. Before the demon part became an established fact, I thought this movie was one of the best depictions of mental illness/psychosis that I've ever seen. Toni's character Annie was spiraling, convinced there was some kind of evil that was going to destroy her family, and she couldn't really convince anyone to help her stop it from happening. You could feel her mounting anxiety and desperation - it was so real for her. Her husband, who loved her and tried to help her, wasn't on board with what she was seeing. You could see the clock counting down on her kids. Peter, at least, looked like he'd been set on the path. It was, to me, very much like what it might be like to be trapped in a delusion you're sure is real. In that version, in the end, Peter's psychosis would have become that he was a demon reincarnate.

    But no. Still, I was okay with the demon story until things started to edge into cheesy. I maintain that the movie would have been far more frightening if no one had left the ground. No Annie hanging from the roof, flying, etc. If she'd sawed her head off while on the floor, standing 10 feet away from Peter, it would have been more disconcerting. She could have still been possessed, without the movie suddenly becoming a parody of itself for those 5 minutes. Once they were in the treehouse, it went back to creepy, but the mood had already been ruined for me.

    I was amused by the thought that if I was Paimon, I'd be pretty upset. Here I am manifest on Earth, and all I get is a cult of old, naked people.

    One of the creepiest things (to me) that no one seems to be talking about - one of Annie's models showed her with a newborn Charlie, and her mom was there, offering her breast for breastfeeding.

    And that's my initial thought-dump.

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