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  1. @GreatKazu Gary didn't mention anything about a obligation.
  2. @GreatKazu it might not bother some people but if I knew something was going to kill someone and didn't tell them then they died from it I would have regrets for not telling them. If I told them they chose to do it anyways I wouldn't have that same guilt. And I've said several times what Tyler is saying isn't working as far as weight loss. The point I was making that it wasn't fat shaming when he's trying to encourage her to be healthy. But the first post has gone so far from that at this point it's taking a life of its own lol. This is completely on cait she has to do something to lose the weight no one can do it for her. But I don't feel like Tyler was fat shaming rather than trying to help th only way he knows how. It would be great if him and her mom were more supportive but it's not there job too. She will lose the weight when she's ready to i guess
  3. I think you may be right especially about Farrah it's like she is always "on" when she's filming which is strange if I'm right cause that means she thinks about the stupid shit she says and still decides to say it. Just the verbiage she uses while talking makes no sense. It's like she trying to string every intelligent sounding word she knows the definition to together to make an impressive sounding sentence. But I'm always like what the hell is she saying lol
  4. @SPLAINBy the time she ends up in the hospital it is too late. I feel like the key is prevention in this as well as most medical situation. Maybe it's the. Nurse in me that thinks it's perfectly fine to remind someone of there health and ways to improve it(especially when they are constantly complaining about it). Sure they may not take the advice, but at least you wouldn't have regret later. You will never wonder if only I had of said something maybe they would have changed. Is what Tyler is doing working? Nope not even a little bit. But I think that he genuinely believes that cait is wanting to lose the weight. (She's not) I think he hears her repeatedly say I'm fat and I want to lose this weight so when he sees her stuffing her face he's like hey that's not going to help her get what she wants. If someone keeps complaining to you my blood sugar is so high I hate it I wish it was lower while eating a doughnut wouldn't you say that doughnut may be why your sugar is high. My point with the example was if he was riding her about a different health concern no one would be accusing him of "verbal abuse/fat shaming". It's kind of gone off in a tangent since the first mention of the blood sugar example I gave. so I don't really have an opinion on the other stuff you talked about as far as Caitlyn and her mom or telling someone I told you so in the hospital.
  5. And I think it's great that he calls you. Gary told his daughter to call as well and she didn't remember too. Does it suck? Yea I'm sure it makes him worry more. But the fact is if she doesn't remember to call then Amber has no legal obligation to talk to Gary again until she drops her off unless there court order says other wise.
  6. You don't understand what a judge signing a custody order means. It absolutely means the judge concerns his or herself with what's the best interest for the child. There is not state in America where this is not the case. " Court Approval Custody Agreement The court must approve of the parenting plan submitted by the parents before it will become effective. When the judge reviews the parenting plan, their primary concern will be whether the plan meets the best interests of all the children involved. The court may also consider any allegations of domestic abuse, substance abuse or any threats to the child’s safety in determining the custody arrangement. Once the Family Court accepts and adopts a parenting plan, it becomes a Court Order and must be obeyed. This means that both parents must abide by all of the terms and conditions of the plan. One parent cannot unilaterally make changes to the plan without the other parent’s consent. If the parents disagree on changing the plan, they must go to court to seek a modification of the agreement. If one parent violates the plan, this does not give the other parent the right to violate the plan in retaliation. Anyone who violates a court order may be found in contempt of court and fined, and in some cases they may wind up in jail." And as for the rest of it, agree to disagree I guess. I see a sparkle in his eye when he makes amber look bad. I believe he gets some enjoyment out of it. If you don't see it the same way that's ok too. He can want her to call all he wants but if the child doesn't do it short of a court order making amber Call herself he's just shit out of luck. I get him being worried but if he's that concerned about her safety there he needs to go back to court
  7. @GreatKazu when the judge signs off on the agreement that both parties reached he is signing that the order is in the best interest for the child. Which means he approved for amber to have unsupervised visitation ie a fit parent. My husband and his ex had an agreement of 50/50 physical custody a week at each home. The judge would not sign the order because of the child age he stated that it was not in the best interest of the child to not have a primary home until he was older. They both agreed and the judge said no because he looked at the child's age and said it wasn't in his best interest. Can judges make a mistake absolutely 100% they can. Can they have 50 orders on there desk and just sign it without giving it much consideration sure. If Gary is uncomfortable with weirdos in the house then he should go back to court
  8. @poopchute I feel you completely I went from 118 to 174 when I went in to deliver. My son is 4 months old and I still have 26lbs to go. I'm scared because my weight loss is slowing down dramatically. Having a BMI that falls in the obese category short term is not going to cause the long term health effects that long term obesity puts you at risk for (diabetes, heart disease, etc). Obesity being considered a disease is a relatively new thing from what I understand. It's considered a disease more because of the long term health effects being obese has on the body. Making it a disease put it in a different category as far as what doctors should do as far as treatment protocol and it also made insurance companies have to cover things regarding weight loss that they used to could refuse by saying it was cosmetic. I think your using the word obese as an adjective where I'm using it as a noun. I'm looking at it as a number on a chart that puts you into one of 5 categories. The longer you stay in the obese category the higher chance you have of developing other diseases that obesity is a risk factor for. So it doesn't make a difference if she sees her weight as a disease or not. The longer she stays that much overweight the higher her chances are of having long term health effects from it. She's not going to lose the weight any faster because she is still mentally considering it baby weight.
  9. @ghoulina I think you may have something there manic depressive seems like a much more accurate diagnosis. It could explain the pot smoking she may be self medicating to bring herself down from those crazy highs
  10. You would be surprised at what is medically considered obese. Look up a bmi chart and it will show you what category you fall in. Anyone 100lbs over weight is actually considered morbidly obese. I'm not positive that she is 100lbs overweight to be considered morbidly obese but I would bet a million she would fall in the obese category. I read she's 5'2 inches so if she a pound over 163 she's considered obese. And no they do not use the same BMI calculator when you are pregnant so no you weren't obese, you were pregnant. And as far as the "just" had a baby thing she's saying I don't know if all doctors say the same thing but my doctor told me after a year any weight I hadn't lost would not be considered "baby weight" but that it was my new weight and losing whatever the difference was would be allot harder than what I lost naturally within the first year. I never learned that in nursing school that's just what my ob told me. Lol my mom still claims baby weighty and my brother is 33 lol!
  11. I think if you love someone and are invested in there life then you have a responsibility to speak up when they are doing something damaging to there health. There is a difference in a responsible diabetic who is actually taking care of themselves and someone who is neglecting to the point of serious issues. But let's say your child is in the hospital with ketoacidosis for the second time in a month, at that point you might start talking to them about diet changes they need to make. We aren't talking about 10lbs we are talking about 100lbs. (The diabetic comparison of an amputation [just an example] ) I don't know maybe not I don't have I diabetic child but I would think that I would start bringing it up when I see bad choices being made. I wonder how many of my patients over the years may still have there eyesight, lower limbs, or kidney function had they had someone saying don't you eat that cake lol! Nagging doesn't work for everyone but holding them accountable for there diet does help allot of people. It's the same reason doctors ask patients to keep a food diary. But that's not really what I was trying to relay by the diabetic example. What I was trying to do is to get people to look at it from health standpoint. She has a disease, obesity, and reminding her when she's over eating shouldn't be considered "fat shaming". Which I've read over and over again on this thread. Let's say she has lung cancer and he was making comments when he saw her smoking. Then everyone would think oh he just cares about her and wants her to get better. Well she is obese and him saying wow your really endulging is the same thing. It shouldn't be looked at as "verbal abuse" another term I've read about his statements. I don't think he cares about what she looks like as much as he cares about the way she feels about herself. She's constantly complaining about being overweight and wanting to lose weight. It would be different if she didn't always say she's trying to lose weight. She's told him she has a goal that she wants to achieve and all he is doing is supporting her to achieve that goal of losing weight. His nagging isn't working obviously, but I don't think he has the intellect to understand that it's not working. I think if she was like you know what this is my body it's not the healthiest but I'm happy and I'm done trying to lose weight he would probably not bring it up again. My husband has wanted to lose 20 lbs for two years. Every morning when he puts on his pants he puts himself down and bitches about the 20lbs he has to lose, and it drives me absolutely insane because he goes back for seconds every meal, drinks soft drinks several times a week, and a beer with every meal we eat out. I don't care about the 20lbs I care about hearing him every morning before work bitching about his pants and needing to lose 20lbs. I tell him all the time get over the number or change something about his habits. But let's get real here for a second. She doesn't want to lose the weight she's saying it because she thinks it what he wants to hear. Or at least she didn't want to lose it enough to do anything about it. She's lazy! Sorry I said it. The only time she plays the depression anxiety card is when she doesn't want to do something. She went to rehab after Tyler put his foot down and said that something has to change get up and take care of your daughter and this stupid pig you spent 3000$ on. He held her feet to the flames and then all of the sudden she had to leave for a month for "treatment". The problem is that she doesn't want to do anything about anything whether it's her weight, her daughter, her pets! I agree with you 100% about where he thinks she needs to change when he's a lazy turd himself. It's not like he's out there busting it every day to make sure they have a good life when the money runs out. But for some reason Caitlyn doesn't seem to have a problem with it. But with her laying in the bed all day I guess it makes it easy for him to focus on her being the problem and not address the fact he's doing the same thing as her just out of bed. They have a codependent relationship and it's not healthy. Neither of them are actually trying to do anything other than lay around smoke pot and live off there MTV paycheck, but who would want to watch that? They have to have some issue they are working on or everyone would see them for what they are. Your whole last paragraph was absolute perfection lol! I completely agree stfu Tyler butch and nova all the way lol.
  12. Yes they did reach an agreement but the agreement met in mediation still had to go before a judge that looks at the history and sign off on the order. Just because both parties reach an agreement doesn't mean the Judd he has to sign off on it make it a court order. They may have never went in front of the judge in person but the order had to
  13. Omg I know I was like had she ever even been on an interview. It just shows how ignorant she is
  14. I think that if he was genuine about asking her to come for the right reason he wouldn't have stated over and over why he was doing it. He would just ask, also he wouldn't have asked last minute. It seemed to take amber off guard and the only reason I can think is because he never does that kind of thing. Gary for some reason is very concerned about looking like the bigger person and the better parent. He doesn't need to because hand down he is the better parent. He has custody and I think he knows amber doesn't want it herself so the only reason I can think is because he likes the attention he gets for being "super dad" from MTV fans or he like making amber look bad. Like I said before she does that all on her on he doesn't need to help. If he Was mature and proactive with coparenting he wouldn't have done the whole child support paper work when cameras were there. He's not over amber that's for sure. Hell he was still trying to flirt with her when his girlfriend was pregnant. Also I'm not saying he doesn't have a right to be worried when his daughter is there for sure he does. But guess what the judge deemed her fit to have unsupervised visitation with Leah. Its not an 8 year olds job to remember to call her dad every day to make him feel better. She's not checking in from camp she's with her mother. He should tell her to call if something doesn't feel right or if she's uncomfortable or scared but not just to give him peace of mind everyday. Part of a broken home is having to trust that other parent to love and take care of the child when they are with them. If he has issues with that (which I would understand with weirdos son moving in) he needs to go back to court and ask the judge to change the order. But I don't think he should project his fears and insecurities on his daughter by making her call everyday to know she's ok. That has to subconsciously make her feel like she might not be ok when she's with her mom. Also I've seen several times when amber called and Gary didn't answer. Could you really not see the smirk on his face when he called and there was no answer in front of the cameras? He didn't want her to answer. It was almost like a little kid saying see see she's not good she don't answer the phone just like I said. It was the middle of the day on Mother's Day for all we know amber had already told him they were going out on the boat and he waited till then to call. I'm not saying he's not a good parent he really is but he for sure gets off on making amber look bad and it so obvious to me. He makes me sick
  15. To answer your question obesity has been considered a disease since June 18, 2013. And sure there's a ton of super supportive things he could do to encourage her to lose weight and make healthier choices, but at the end of the day cait is obese and he is not it's not his responsibility to make her lose the weight. If he can't get her to crawl out of the bed on Mother's Day to spend time with her child I doubt very seriously he can get her to go to the gym. I don't think for one second holding her accountable for what shes eating when she obviously has issues controlling it herself is wrong. And as far as the comment he made about her being a log rolling through life, the alternative is him holding it in until he resents her so much that he's done with her. I also don't think there's anything wrong with putting boundaries on what your willing to put up with In a relationship. Don't get me wrong he's a lazy turd too that's entitled and wouldn't know a hard days work if it hit him in the ass. I think he's an idiot, But he is being honest about what he wants in a partner and it's not someone who is living in an emotional rut and not doing anything about it. I think it's really mature to be upfront about what you need in a partner and tell them what has to change if they want the relationship to continue. If more people did that divorce rates would probably go down. Now with saying that I do feel like people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. And he's definitely in a glass house as far as having his shit together. But for whatever reason he needs more effort than what cait is giving. He's telling her to change it if she wants to make things work. He's either worth it to her or he's not its up to her at the end of the day just like her weight is. Now he doesn't articulate any of it well, but I can see how you can only watch someone roll around in there on pitty for long enough before you get fed up. I'm sure the first few years of this he said things allot nicer. He did take her to the horse farm to get her out of the house not to mention the month he took care of nova by himself so she could get off pot and address her mental issues. Is he doing everything perfect of course not. He's crass and incentive for sure. But if most women didn't get out of bed, take care of there child, or spent 3000$ on a pig just to give it away the same night they would be waiting on there divorce papers to be finalized. Not having a conversation about needing to stop over eating.
  16. Does anyone else see through Garry's fake I want to coparent bullshit. I'm not saying he's a bad dad because he's absolutely not he takes care of Leah just fine. But I can't help but see the twinkle in his eye when he gets to dangle Leah in front of ambers face like a carrot. Every freaking thing he says so obviously has an ulterior motive. Which is usually trying to make amber look bad and him look good. Buddy she doesn't need any help looking bad she has done that enough on her own. I think he is not over amber but has no other way to affect her other than trying to hurt her with Leah. I think him springing on her last minute about staying over for a cookout (in the rain mind you) was to try to make her look like she's not trying to coparent. Look at poor Gary he does everything he can to try to be nice and the bitch amber just doesn't care. Pshh whatever Gary. Also Leah's time with her mother is time with her mother she doesn't need to be on the phone with Gary everyday. Is this to make Leah feel better or to make Gary feel like he still has control while she's with her mother. She is old enough that if she missed her dad and wanted to talk to him she could ask to call him. If she's not even remembering to charge her phone she's not too worried about talking to him. Sure it's a scary feeling to not know exactly where your kid is and what there doing but guess what y'all are separated and her mother has visitation. How do you think amber feels for two weeks at a time during the school year when she goes without seeing her. It's all about control with him. It's so transparent I don't understand why no one else sees it.
  17. I totally agree she picks and chooses when she's being affected by her "depression" and it appears to directly correlate to when she has to do something she's doesn't want to do; e.g. Take care of her child or the 3000$ pig she spent her families money on. Do you know how much I would love to lay in bed and watch Netflix all day while my husband watched our children? Or better yet take a month long vacation from being a mother and wife to go talk about my feelings somewhere. But guess what I can't because I have responsibilities and people who need and depend on me. When you have children there needs come 1st. Another helpful hint if your experiencing anxiety, panic, depression, and lethargy maybe you should stop smoking pot because that what it freaking does to you. Maybe she felt better in rehab because she quit smoking dope. She needs to get or shit together, and Tyler is not helping by enabling her. Maybe if he gave her an ultimatum it might scare her enough to get her head out of her ass.
  18. Ok I don't even know where to start I'm probably the only one who sees it this way and I will hear I'm a horrible person for thinking this way but whatever I can't be the only one. Caitlin is overweight and Tyler is not. If she was a diabetic or lactose intolerant we wouldn't be expecting Tyler to change his diet because of her medical problem. Sure it would be nice if he ate healthier to make things less tempting for her but it's not his job too. And her portion control definitely isnu't his fault. Now as far as his comments go, if she were a diabetic and he said you shouldn't eat that it will raise your blood sugar would he still be "verbally abusive"? As mean as it sounds to say, Cait is overweight (has a disease). She has also said on more than one occasion that she wishes to loose weight (cure her disease) So what I'm saying is although it may be socially unacceptable and considered fat shaming, his wife is unhealthy and holding her accountable for what she eats is not any different than someone nagging a diabetic about sneaking a piece of cake. He has a child with this person and her health directly affects his and the child's life. Reminding someone who's overweight to put the fork down isn't abuse any more than reminding someone on dialysis to put down that Mountain Dew. I looked up the definition of fat shaming before I wrote his because honestly I thought I must be confused about what it was after reading all the comments on here. I copied and pasted urban dictionary's definition because it couldn't be more spot on lol. So in conclusion to this long rant Tyler holding his wife accountable for her weight is not abuse or fat shaming. I think people need to stop projecting there own issues with weight on to there situation. Urban dictionary's definition. Fat shaming: A term made by obese people to avoid the responsibility to actually take proper care of their body and instead victimize themself by pretending they're discriminated like an ethnic group. When confronted with someone like that they will ignore all the facts about obesity being unhealthy and pretend it's some sort of evil socially constructed conspiracy by teh patriarchy. DEF. VERSION Doctor Reid: ma'am, it would do you a world of good to lose around 30 pounds. You're in danger of diabetes at this weight, but with proper diet and exercise we can- RNF Patient: OMG STOP FAT SHAMING ME MY BODY IS BEAUTIFUL YOU JUST CANT SEE IT BECAUSE YOURE PART OF THE SKINNY PATRIARCHY MODELS ARE TOTALLY UNHEALTHY Doctor Reid: okay, I'm going to just stick a note in your file that says "uncooperative and delusional" and send you up to the psych ward, alright?
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