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Posts posted by lathspel

  1. Bravo and ew.

    I was expecting Suigetsu to be really mad that Killer B almost sliced through the sword.  I guess since he ended up dehydrated, we never really got his take on it. 

    It drove me crazy that Killer B only had seven blades though.  Dude, you're the Eight Tails!

    This was one of the better fight sequences I think I've seen on this show.  It was almost constant for the whole episode, with few of those long pauses for exposition or angst.  Nice job!

  2. Sadly, for now I'm mostly in agreement.  The quick cuts definitely made it seem like we were right in the thick of a chaotic battle, but I'm wishing I could go back and slo-mo the ep just to remind myself what happened when.

    I'd never fully internalized the Gundam "war is hell" trope, until they fought one inside the colony.  I'm hoping they got that hole patched soon, and the central sun repaired eventually.   Now I see why mobile suits fighting near civilian areas was such a taboo in MS Gundam: IBO.

  3. Gon's really tearing up the battle tower - literally.  I suppose they just dock his pay for all those floor tiles?

    I'm a little sad Leorio isn't training up on Nen - he always was the "normal" and I guess that will continue to be the case.  

    The less said about Hisoka x Schween x Gon, the better :/ .

    • Love 1
  4. I heard it as Sonviento.

    "If we pump in any more blood, we'll exceed our safety parameters!"  How exactly did Nazi super science establish a safety parameter for liters of blood pumped into an ancient foreboding statue of a demigod, anyway?

    I love how we went all "Owner of a Lonely Heart" there for a minute near the end.  This show is owning the music cues.  Every penny they paid Yes is worth it. 

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  5. Please move if a different forum is preferred   

    I'm liking Gundam Unicorn 0096 so far.  I know it's recent, but somehow the animation style is a lot better than I expected for back near the beginning of the Gundam universe.  All the Zeon discussion feels like quite a throwback compared to the Iron Blooded Orphans story.

    I did a bit of research and it seems the tapestry they keep showing is Sight.  


  6. I was so far behind on this show, but the nice thing is that it's not so strange if you marathon it.

    I like new, smarter JJII.  He may need the brains to keep up with Straizo.

    Dio never really used the mask after initially getting powers, right?  If I were Straizo, I would destroy the Mexican Mask Tree, to make sure no one else can power up. 

  7. I like the new opening!  I hadn't been liking the one that started near the beginning of Thriller Bark.

    I'm not surprised that Moriah was not down for the count, but it's good that Oars is done.  I was getting tired of the big oaf.

    I keep thinking that Robin's shadow will become a plot twist somehow.  Here's hoping Moriah uses her power somehow.  

  8. I liked the strange Sasuke animation at the beginning, and then I really liked how Itachi did nearly the same thing near the end.

    So Itachi used a technique called Susanoo, has the Kusanagi sword, and summons a Titan as his trump card?   Somebody's been watching some other shows!

  9. I love the double train too, probably the  only way you can transport thousands of tons of mecha or mining equipment.

    Kudos to the one redshirt who realized they could destroy the track, although with a couple mechs they probably could've ferried the train cars over any break.  

    Going back an ep, I think the relationship is that Orga made a heavy promise to Mika (which we still haven't fully seen yet, right?) and Mika expects him to carry it out.  Mika is the unstoppable force, but he's suspended all moral questions and deferred to Orga's judgement.  In one sense Orga carries all the moral weight for everyone, which I'm hoping is a theme that concludes somehow in the finale. 

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