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  1. True. Kashara looks like she's lost weight and the last few pictures I've seen of her I didn't recognize her. Even when it was pointed out that it was her. Oh, and I don't think there's an app created that could make me look like the good old days! LOL! I might have to check out Snapchat!
  2. So many DCCs look nothing like they did when they first made the squad especially in the later seasons. So many have "work" done. It's kinda sad IMHO.
  3. I remember that board! I was on there as well, along with the original TWOP board, which I think morphed into this current board (I could be wrong). There were a lot of juicy stories going around back then.
  4. She always sounded stoned to me, plus her vocal fry rubbed my nerves raw. Kelly was determined to put her on the team, so IMHO, she could have said she didn't know what Me Too was all about (referencing the previous season) and she still would have made the team. IIRC, her media training session was pretty poor by the standards set by Kelly. I really don't have anything against her ~ I just don't think she should have made the team IMHO.
  5. I don't get to watch it so it's interesting to me to know how she's doing on the show.
  6. IIRC, Natalie did ask Melissa to record it now that you mentioned it.
  7. Actually IIRC, MRS filmed Natalie Woods working with Nicole Hamilton on a cellphone in Season 1 of DCC-MTT. (I just can't with her. She's one of the most irritating DCCs to me ~ JMHO).
  8. This whole situation is brutal. The one picture I saw of her with her hair up didn't even look like her. This poor girl is a train wreck waiting to happen. Someone needs to intervene IMHO.
  9. Right?! There is no way I could be a DCC ~ way to high maintenance. Back in the day when I wore makeup it never took me that long to get ready and how much foundation crap do they need? And the fish lips ~ thanks, but no thanks. Pretty girl, but... I never really sought any of the DCCs from any season on social media, but from Season 14 on, I just haven't had an interest in any of the new rookies (or the DCC in general). Some are just outright annoying. Sorry fans of the DCC.
  10. "She can't turn, she can't kick, she can't do the splits...but she's pretty." I still smh when I see that episode. They should have just kept her out of the pregame and let her cheer during the game. JMHO
  11. I wasn't a fan of hers at the beginning, but the hate for her got to be too much for me to handle and after watching Seasons 13 and 14, while not an over-the-top fan, I have a different view of her and wish her the best. (The same goes for the distain shown to another cheer squad, who I didn't follow diligently until the criticism started.) To each his/her own.
  12. I don't think I have ever seen this forum so dead, and I've been here since it was TWOP before it became this platform. It used to be so alive during training camp with all the spilled tea and speculations.
  13. All My Children, Dark Shadows, General Hospital ~ those were my soaps. I'll probably check it out just because it's Abigail and she was one of my favorite DCC.
  14. I had that same surgery. Granted, Lisa is in much better shape than me, but I don't know how the head toss/hair flip would be doable from my own perspective. My surgery was a few years back, but even today, I still have issues with my neck. Although I'm not a fan of hers, I do wish her well.
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