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Everything posted by HowdeeDo

  1. Brittany Evans brought her daughter last night and it was super adorable.
  2. I believe they took 44 into camp (correct me if wrong) and only three confirmed cut so far. These next two weeks should be interesting.
  3. I'm going to need a dictionary for you before long ?
  4. Mandy and Kelli went to Oxnard last year, and it was after the team was announced. Not sure what performance Maddie did but that sounds kind of crazy to let a TCC (even if she was golden) perform in uniform with the showgroup no less before the team announcement.
  5. First meeting was in June 5, so we're starting week 6. Only three cuts means they're probably getting down to business now.
  6. I'm actually interested in seeing this if it's a segment, maybe at least for rookies. The team goes to the Cowboys Christmas party every year and I think showgroup may run into dining opportunities during some appearances.
  7. It's just practice for rookie candidates only. I don't think it's ever been formally mentioned on the show.
  8. They didn't have TC after cameos either. Maybe they're having rookie nights? Haven't heard of many nights off in TC before.
  9. Weight issues are always...issues, lol. I think Tasha and Holly just have curvy bodies, and Stephanie is flawless. You can see all of their ribs for crying out loud. I would understand a warning for Milan/Jessika because they're boxy which basically always makes you loook puffy, but they're probably skinny scale-wise.
  10. There was speculation Stephanie and Tasha were on weight warning because of stickers on their picture. Not saying it was true or not, speculations just fly back and forth now that we don't have any locked down spoilers.
  11. Jessika and Milan have always been "boxy" to me but we've never heard Kelli comment on it like Ally so I wonder what's up there. And if Stephanie and Tasha are on weight warning were they allowed to shoot yesterday?
  12. Personally I love the idea of having a wedding video, but much more partial to Rachel's who kept it short and sweet and hit the highlights. After being in 4 weddings, having so much buzz around can be a little burdensome (unless you're ok with that and have tons of room). I don't see the point in an 8 minute video, likely no one but the couple is going to watch it in it's entirety.
  13. She is stunning, hard to comment on anything else really since we don't have any recent stuff of her dancing. Updated TCC picture of cuts anyone?
  14. Well I'd assume so now that they've made the move...
  15. Oh ok! I hadn't heard mention of a third, you're good. Mustn't have missed it.
  16. Has it been confirmed that there's a third cut yet?
  17. Instagram stories up of cameo shoot. Just videos of Bess, Simone, and Amy with chantal dancing in front of a green screen. Hoping this means a new intro for the show.
  18. Where at? The only preview I've seen so far is the DCC MTT Facebook
  19. The most I can remember them cutting close to the end was 3, so I'm expecting some even cuts the next few weeks.
  20. Two different situations though. Reserve just means she's not participating right now. Depending on the extent of it, they'll more than likely add her later. It's not a harsh situation, it's realistic.
  21. Maaaaan some of y'all are taking bitter Betty's to a new level. Unless Tasha comes out pirouetting like a Russian ballerina or backflipping across the stage I'm still not going to understand her placement on SG, but good luck to her this season. Maybe there just wasn't alot of vets interested this year. Either way she'll greatly benefit and get her performance value up.
  22. They keep the old squad up I think until they've had the new squad photos made up. That photo was definitely of the Star locker room because you can see the new name plates with the stars representing years on the team and such and the lights are different.
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