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Everything posted by Jabu

  1. Current team rosters/cheat sheets: Team Adam Mark Isaiah (defeated Gaby Borromeo) (Still Waiting) Johnny Hayes Jesse Larson Julien Martinez Kawan DeBose Taylor Alexander Josh West Malik Davage Hanna Eyre Nala Price Sheena Brook Team Gwen JChosen (defeated Kenny P) Brennley Brown (stolen from Team Blake) (Still Waiting) Stephanie Rice Savannah Leighton Brandon Royal Troy Ramey Aaliyah Rose Johnny Gates Caroline Sky Davina Leone Sammie Zonana Jozy Bernadette Team Alicia Anatalia Villaranda (defeated Missy Robertson) Quizz Swanigan (defeated Felicia Temple) Ashley Levin (stolen from Team Blake) (Still Waiting) Autumn Turner Lilli Passero Jack Cassidy Lauryn Judd R.J. Collins Hunter Plake Vanessa Ferguson Chris Blue Team Blake Lauren Duski (defeated Brennley Brown) Casi Joy (defeated Ashley Levin) Felicia Temple (stolen from Team Alicia) (Still Waiting) Aliyah Moulden Micah Tryba Josh Hoyer Enid Ortiz TSoul Andrea Thomas Valerie Ponzio Dawson Coyle Names in bold indicate artists who've newly battled and stayed on their teams or been stolen by another coach. An asterisk indicates that this artist was montaged.
  2. To remind you, here are the team rosters/cheat sheets going into the Battles: Team Adam Johnny Hayes Mark Isaiah Jesse Larson Julien Martinez Kawan DeBose Taylor Alexander Gaby Borromeo Josh West Malik Davage Hanna Eyre Nala Price Sheena Brook Team Gwen JChosen Stephanie Rice Savannah Leighton Brandon Royal Troy Ramey Aaliyah Rose Johnny Gates Caroline Sky Kenny P Davina Leone Sammie Zonana Jozy Bernadette Team Alicia Anatalia Villaranda Felicia Temple Autumn Turner Lilli Passero Quizz Swanigan Jack Cassidy Missy Robertson Lauryn Judd R.J. Collins Hunter Plake Vanessa Ferguson Chris Blue Team Blake Lauren Duski Brennley Brown Aliyah Moulden Ashley Levin Casi Joy Micah Tryba Josh Hoyer Enid Ortiz TSoul Andrea Thomas Valerie Ponzio Dawson Coyle
  3. Final team rosters/cheat sheets going into the Battles: Team Adam Johnny Hayes (2) Mark Isaiah (2) Jesse Larson (1) Julien Martinez (2) Kawan DeBose (3) Taylor Alexander (1) Gaby Borromeo (2) Josh West (4) Malik Davage (1) Hanna Eyre (3) Nala Price (2) Sheena Brook (1) Team Gwen JChosen (4) Stephanie Rice (2) Savannah Leighton (2) Brandon Royal (2) Troy Ramey (4) Aaliyah Rose (1) Johnny Gates (3) Caroline Sky (2) Kenny P (2) Davina Leone (1)* Sammie Zonana (1) Jozy Bernadette (2) Team Alicia Anatalia Villaranda (4) Felicia Temple (3) Autumn Turner (4) Lilli Passero (3) Quizz Swanigan (2) Jack Cassidy (2) Missy Robertson (2) Lauryn Judd (3) R.J. Collins (2) Hunter Plake (2) Vanessa Ferguson (3) Chris Blue (1) Team Blake Lauren Duski (3) Brennley Brown (2) Aliyah Moulden (3) Ashley Levin (3) Casi Joy (4) Micah Tryba (2) Josh Hoyer (2) Enid Ortiz (1) TSoul (2) Andrea Thomas (1)* Valerie Ponzio (4) Dawson Coyle (1) Names in bold indicate artists who've newly joined a team. The number in parentheses represents the number of chair turns. An asterisk indicates that this artist was montaged.
  4. Sigh. The montages finally begin. Team rosters/cheat sheets: Team Adam Johnny Hayes (2) Mark Isaiah (2) Jesse Larson (1) Julien Martinez (2) Kawan DeBose (3) Taylor Alexander (1) Gaby Borromeo (2) Josh West (4) Malik Davage (1) Hanna Eyre (3) Nala Price (2) Team Gwen JChosen (4) Stephanie Rice (2) Savannah Leighton (2) Brandon Royal (2) Troy Ramey (4) Aaliyah Rose (1) Johnny Gates (3) Caroline Sky (2) Kenny P (2) Davina Leone (1)* Sammie Zonana (1) Team Alicia Anatalia Villaranda (4) Felicia Temple (3) Autumn Turner (4) Lilli Passero (3) Quizz Swanigan (2) Jack Cassidy (2) Missy Robertson (2) Lauryn Judd (3) R.J. Collins (2) Hunter Plake (2) Team Blake Lauren Duski (3) Brennley Brown (2) Aliyah Moulden (3) Ashley Levin (3) Casi Joy (4) Micah Tryba (2) Josh Hoyer (2) Enid Ortiz (1) TSoul (2) Andrea Thomas (1)* Valerie Ponzio (4) Names in bold indicate artists who've newly joined a team. The number in parentheses represents the number of chair turns. An asterisk indicates that this artist was montaged.
  5. Team rosters/cheat sheets: Team Adam Johnny Hayes (2) Mark Isaiah (2) Jesse Larson (1) Julien Martinez (2) Kawan DeBose (3) Taylor Alexander (1) Gaby Borromeo (2) Josh West (4) Malik Davage (1) Team Gwen JChosen (4) Stephanie Rice (2) Savannah Leighton (2) Brandon Royal (2) Troy Ramey (4) Aaliyah Rose (1) Johnny Gates (3) Caroline Sky (2) Team Alicia Anatalia Villaranda (4) Felicia Temple (3) Autumn Turner (4) Lilli Passero (3) Quizz Swanigan (2) Jack Cassidy (2) Missy Robertson (2) Lauryn Judd (3) Team Blake Lauren Duski (3) Brennley Brown (2) Aliyah Moulden (3) Ashley Levin (3) Casi Joy (4) Micah Tryba (2) Josh Hoyer (2) Names in bold indicate artists who've newly joined a team. The number in parentheses represents the number of chair turns. An asterisk indicates that this artist was montaged.
  6. Team rosters/cheat sheets: Team Adam Johnny Hayes (2) Mark Isaiah (2) Jesse Larson (1) Julien Martinez (2) Kawan DeBose (3) Taylor Alexander (1) Gaby Borromeo (2) Josh West (4) Team Gwen JChosen (4) Stephanie Rice (2) Savannah Leighton (2) Brandon Royal (2) Troy Ramey (4) Aaliyah Rose (1) Team Alicia Anatalia Villaranda (4) Felicia Temple (3) Autumn Turner (4) Lilli Passero (3) Quizz Swanigan (2) Jack Cassidy (2) Missy Robertson (2) Team Blake Lauren Duski (3) Brennley Brown (2) Aliyah Moulden (3) Ashley Levin (3) Casi Joy (4) Micah Tryba (2) Names in bold indicate artists who've newly joined a team. The number in parentheses represents the number of chair turns. An asterisk indicates that this artist was montaged.
  7. Team rosters/cheat sheets: Team Adam Johnny Hayes (2) Mark Isaiah (2) Jesse Larson (1) Julien Martinez (2) Team Gwen JChosen (4) Stephanie Rice (2) Savannah Leighton (2) Brandon Royal (2) Team Alicia Anatalia Villaranda (4) Felicia Temple (3) Autumn Turner (4) Lilli Passero (3) Quizz Swanigan (2) Team Blake Lauren Duski (3) Brennley Brown (2) Aliyah Moulden (3) Ashley Levin (3) Casi Joy (4) Names in bold indicate artists who've newly joined a team. The number in parentheses represents the number of chair turns. An asterisk indicates that this artist was montaged.
  8. Team rosters/cheat sheets: Team Adam Johnny Hayes (2) Mark Isaiah (2) Jesse Larson (1) Team Gwen JChosen (4) Stephanie Rice (2) Savannah Leighton (2) Team Alicia Anatalia Villaranda (4) Felicia Temple (3) Autumn Turner (4) Lilli Passero (3) Team Blake Lauren Duski (3) Brennley Brown (2) Aliyah Moulden (3) Names in bold indicate artists who've newly joined a team. The number in parentheses represents the number of chair turns. An asterisk indicates that this artist was montaged.
  9. Team rosters/cheat sheets: Team Adam Johnny Hayes (2) Mark Isaiah (2) Team Gwen JChosen (4) Stephanie Rice (2) Team Alicia Anatalia Villaranda (4) Felicia Temple (3) Team Blake Lauren Duski (3) Brennley Brown (2) Names in bold indicate artists who've newly joined a team. The number in parentheses represents the number of chair turns. An asterisk indicates that this artist was montaged.
  10. From TV Guide: No Pops in this one. Wonder where he was? That was amazing how they used the real Chad as Show!Chad's father! I was glad that the writers at least acknowledged Erica's devolution in character through the characters and fixed it. Personally, I do hope she still gets with Geoff eventually. But I'd rather it happen in its own time than have the show force it. Lainey going from consoling Erica to completely lighting up when Barry brought her puppies was one of my favorite parts. Rush Kid is still with Carla? Would've thought she'd have been done with him by now.
  11. Hi. I'm from Kaoh Rong (aka Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty 2). And I regret not trying to align with Scot and Jason. Uh . . . what? Given that they weren't going to align with any of the women, she shouldn't regret that. I guess she's back as crazy as ever.
  12. Hi. I'm from Cagayan (aka Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty). And despite making so many moves and backstabbing my allies out of nothing more than paranoia, I still won. If the other players remember how paranoia-driven his moves were last time, though, I don't see him adding a second million dollars to his bank account unless he either gets really lucky or the other castaways play very stupidly.
  13. Jabu

    S34: Jeff Varner

    Hi. I'm from Australian Outback and Cambodia (aka Second Chances). And I'm hoping to make the best of this chance since it might be my last shot at the game. In that case, if it's his last chance, he'd better not play too hard like he did in Cambodia.
  14. Jabu

    S34: Tai Trang

    Hi. I'm from Kaoh Rong (aka Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty 2). And I'm proud that my biggest accomplishment was blindsiding Scot and Jason last time. (Honestly, me, too.) If there's anything he should change this time, it's not being too impressionable and listening to just anyone who can lead him around by the nose.
  15. Hi. I'm from Tocantins and Heroes vs. Villains. I won the former, then unmasked myself publicly as an idiot in the latter. Nothing much to say here. If he has no idols, then I think he could easily take the fall once the challenge threats start getting targeted.
  16. Hi. I'm from Worlds Apart. And I talked the talk, but didn't walk the walk when it came to turning on the Blue Collars jerks who ousted my closest ally, Lindsey. Seriously. I don't see her making any big moves this time around, either. She was in no way a "Game-Changer" in Worlds Apart, and she won't be this time, either.
  17. Jabu

    S34: Zeke Smith

    Hi. I'm from Millennials vs. Gen-X. And I most regret Chris being in my alliance. So this begs the question. I gave up last season entirely because David and Ken were hogging the airtime from castaways I'd much rather have seen. (Seriously. You all can still have them!) Why would he regret Chris?
  18. Hi. I'm from One World. And I regret not calling out Kim in front of the tribe every day. So he basically regrets not being a douche more often. Perfect.
  19. Hi. I'm from Kaoh Rong (aka Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty 2). And I'm the only previous evacuee here. Well, he may have been better than his BB16 incarnation, but it doesn't mean I'm gonna be hoping for a good showing for him here. No way, no how.
  20. Hi. I'm from Cook Islands, Micronesia (aka Fans vs. Favorites), and South Pacific. And I'm back to be an arrogant douchebag once more. Seriously hoping he doesn't get as far as he did in Cook Islands or South Pacific this time. He'll be useful for challenges, and then hopefully cut the first time he's vulnerable.
  21. Hi. I'm from Cagayan (aka Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty). And I regret sticking too closely to my morals last time and not just playing the game. I didn't think she had that much game in her last season, to be honest. Let's see if she does this time.
  22. Hi. I'm from Philippines and Caramoan (aka Fans vs. Favorites 2). And I want to make big moves again, but with more finesse. He'd better be careful to not make himself a Joe-type threat this time around.
  23. Jabu

    S34: Hali Ford

    Hi. I'm from Worlds Apart. And I'm not really proud of anything I did in that season. Let's see if she can find something to stick her name on this season.
  24. Hi. I'm from Exile Island, Micronesia (aka Fans vs. Favorites), and Heroes vs. Villains. And I won't let my emotions get the better of me. I don't see how she did that any of those three times, but in any case . . . let's how she does during attempt number four.
  25. Hi. I'm from Blood vs. Water and Cambodia (aka Second Chances). And I'm still best known for voting out my mom. Yeah. Don't see her lasting very long this time around.
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