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Everything posted by Jabu

  1. Current team rosters/cheat sheets: Team Adam Addison Agen (saved by America's votes) Adam Cunningham (saved by America's votes) Team Miley Brooke Simpson (saved by America's votes) Team Jennifer Noah Mac (saved by America's votes) Davon Fleming (saved by Twitter vote) Team Blake Keisha Renee (saved by America's votes) Chloe Kohanski (saved by America's votes) Red Marlow (saved by America's votes) Ladies and gentlemen, these are the top eight. These are the semifinalists of season thirteen.
  2. Current team rosters/cheat sheets: Team Adam Addison Agen (saved by America's vote) Adam Cunningham (saved by Twitter vote) Team Miley Brooke Simpson (saved by America's vote) Ashland Craft (saved by America's vote) Team Jennifer Davon Fleming (saved by America's vote) Noah Mac (saved by America's vote) Shi'Ann Jones (saved by America's vote) Team Blake Chloe Kohanski (saved by America's vote) Red Marlow (saved by America's vote) Keisha Renee (saved by America's vote) Ladies and gentlemen, this is our top ten.
  3. Current team rosters/cheat sheets: Team Adam Addison Agen (saved by America's vote) Adam Cunningham (saved by Twitter vote) Team Miley Brooke Simpson (saved by America's vote) Janice Freeman (saved by America's vote) Ashland Craft (saved by America's vote) Team Jennifer Noah Mac (saved by America's vote) Shi'Ann Jones (saved by America's vote) Davon Fleming (saved by America's vote) Team Blake Chloe Kohanski (saved by America's vote) Keisha Renee (saved by America's vote) Red Marlow (saved by America's vote) This is our top eleven.
  4. Guess it's irrelevant with the song choices listed, but I'll do it, anyway. Current team rosters/cheat sheets: Team Adam Addison Agen Jon Mero Adam Cunningham Team Miley Brooke Simpson Janice Freeman Ashland Craft Team Jennifer Davon Fleming Noah Mac Shi'Ann Jones Team Blake Keisha Renee Red Marlow Chloe Kohanski
  5. Final team rosters/cheat sheets heading into the Lives: Team Adam Addison Agen (Adam's First Pick) Jon Mero (Adam's Second Pick) Adam Cunningham (Adam's Third Pick) Team Miley Brooke Simpson (Miley's First Pick) Janice Freeman (Miley's Second Pick) Ashland Craft (Miley's Third Pick) Team Jennifer Davon Fleming (Jennifer's First Pick) Noah Mac (Jennifer's Second Pick) Shi'Ann Jones (Jennifer's Third Pick) Team Blake Keisha Renee (Blake's First Pick) Red Marlow (Blake's Second Pick) Chloe Kohanski (Blake's Third Pick) Ladies and gentlemen, this is our top twelve for season thirteen.
  6. Current team rosters/cheat sheets: Team Adam Addison Agen (Adam's First Pick) Jon Mero (Adam's Second Pick) Adam Cunningham (Adam's Third Pick) Team Miley None. (Still Waiting) Janice Freeman Ashland Craft Brooke Simpson Moriah Formica Adam Pearce Karli Webster Team Jennifer Davon Fleming (Jennifer's First Pick) Noah Mac (Jennifer's Second Pick) Shi'Ann Jones (Jennifer's Third Pick) Team Blake Keisha Renee (Blake's First Pick) Red Marlow (Blake's Second Pick) Chloe Kohanski (Blake's Third Pick)
  7. Current team rosters/cheat sheets: Team Adam None. (Still Waiting) Addison Agen Jon Mero Emily Luther Anthony Alexander Adam Cunningham Whitney Fenimore Team Miley None. (Still Waiting) Janice Freeman Ashland Craft Brooke Simpson Moriah Formica Adam Pearce Karli Webster Team Jennifer Davon Fleming (Jennifer's First Pick) Noah Mac (Jennifer's Second Pick) Shi'Ann Jones (Jennifer's Third Pick) Team Blake Keisha Renee (Blake's First Pick) Red Marlow (Blake's Second Pick) Chloe Kohanski (Blake's Third Pick)
  8. To remind you all, the current rosters/cheats sheets going into this week's Playoff episodes, including the revealed Comebacks, are the following: Team Adam Addison Agen Jon Mero Emily Luther Anthony Alexander Adam Cunningham Whitney Fenimore (Comeback) Team Miley Janice Freeman Ashland Craft Brooke Simpson Moriah Formica Adam Pearce Karli Webster (Comeback) Team Jennifer Shi'Ann Jones Davon Fleming Noah Mac Chris Weaver Hannah Mrozak Lucas Holliday (Comeback) Team Blake Esera Tuaolo Mitchell Lee Keisha Renee Red Marlow Chloe Kohanski Natalie Stovall (Comeback)
  9. Final team rosters/cheat sheets going into the Playoffs: Team Adam Addison Agen (defeated Dennis Drummond) Jon Mero (defeated Dylan Gerard)* Emily Luther (defeated Adam Pearce) Anthony Alexander (defeated Hannah Mrozak) Adam Cunningham (stolen from Team Blake) Team Miley Janice Freeman (defeated Karli Webster) Ashland Craft (defeated Chloe Kohanski) Brooke Simpson (defeated Stephan Marcellus) Moriah Formica (defeated Whitney Fenimore) Adam Pearce (stolen from Team Adam) Team Jennifer Shi'Ann Jones (defeated Lucas Holliday) Davon Fleming (defeated Eric Lyn) Noah Mac (defeated Jeremiah Miller) Chris Weaver (defeated Katrina Rose) Hannah Mrozak (stolen from Team Adam) Team Blake Esera Tuaolo (defeated Adam Cunningham) Mitchell Lee (defeated Anna Catherine DeHart) Keisha Renee (defeated Kathrina Feigh) Red Marlow (defeated Megan Rose) Chloe Kohanski (stolen from Team Miley) Names in bold indicate an artist who has either newly won his or her Battle and stayed on his or her team, or been newly stolen by another coach. An asterisk indicates that this artist's Knockout was montaged.
  10. Current team rosters/cheat sheets: Team Adam Addison Agen (defeated Dennis Drummond) Jon Mero (defeated Dylan Gerard)* Emily Luther (defeated Adam Pearce) Adam Cunningham (stolen from Team Blake) (Still Waiting) Hannah Mrozak Anthony Alexander Team Miley Janice Freeman (defeated Karli Webster) Ashland Craft (defeated Chloe Kohanski) Brooke Simpson (defeated Stephan Marcellus) Moriah Formica (defeated Whitney Fenimore) Adam Pearce (stolen from Team Adam) Team Jennifer Shi'Ann Jones (defeated Lucas Holliday) Davon Fleming (defeated Eric Lyn) Noah Mac (defeated Jeremiah Miller) (Still Waiting) Chris Weaver Katrina Rose Team Blake Esera Tuaolo (defeated Adam Cunningham) Mitchell Lee (defeated Anna Catherine DeHart) Keisha Renee (defeated Kathrina Feigh) Chloe Kohanski (stolen from Team Miley) (Still Waiting) Red Marlow Megan Rose Names in bold indicate an artist who has either newly won his or her Battle and stayed on his or her team, or been newly stolen by another coach. An asterisk indicates that this artist's Knockout was montaged.
  11. Okay! Finally watched it! Current team rosters/cheat sheets: Team Adam Addison Agen (defeated Dennis Drummond) Adam Cunningham (stolen from Team Blake) (Still Waiting) Adam Pearce Hannah Mrozak Dylan Gerard Jon Mero Emily Luther Anthony Alexander Team Miley Janice Freeman (defeated Karli Webster) Ashland Craft (defeated Chloe Kohanski) (Still Waiting) Moriah Formica Brooke Simpson Whitney Fenimore Stephan Marcellus Team Jennifer Shi'Ann Jones (defeated Lucas Holliday) Davon Fleming (defeated Eric Lyn) (Still Waiting) Chris Weaver Jeremiah Miller Noah Mac Katrina Rose Team Blake Esera Tuaolo (defeated Adam Cunningham) Chloe Kohanski (stolen from Team Miley) (Still Waiting) Keisha Renee Mitchell Lee Red Marlow Anna Catherine DeHart Kathrina Feigh Megan Rose Names in bold indicate an artist who has either newly won his or her Battle and stayed on his or her team, or been newly stolen by another coach. An asterisk indicates that this artist's Knockout was montaged.
  12. I know it's late, but I just got back from a wedding in West Virginia and forgot to remind everyone of the team rosters/cheat sheets going into this round before I left. So here they are: Team Adam Adam Pearce Hannah Mrozak Dylan Gerard Jon Mero Emily Luther Anthony Alexander Dennis Drummond Addison Agen Team Miley Moriah Formica Brooke Simpson Chloe Kohanski Karli Webster Janice Freeman Ashland Craft Whitney Fenimore Stephan Marcellus Team Jennifer Lucas Holliday Chris Weaver Davon Fleming Jeremiah Miller Shi'Ann Jones Eric Lyn Noah Mac Katrina Rose Team Blake Keisha Renee Esera Tuaolo Mitchell Lee Red Marlow Anna Catherine DeHart Adam Cunningham Kathrina Feigh Megan Rose Current rosters to follow after I actually see tonight's episode.
  13. Final team rosters/cheat sheets heading into the Knockouts: Team Adam Adam Pearce (defeated Whitney Fenimore) Hannah Mrozak (defeated Brandon Showell) Dylan Gerard (defeated Dave Crosby)* Jon Mero (defeated Brandon Brown) Emily Luther (defeated Gary Carpentier)* Anthony Alexander (defeated Michael Kight) Dennis Drummond (stolen from Team Blake) Addison Agen (stolen from Team Miley) Team Miley Moriah Formica (defeated Shilo Gold) Brooke Simpson (defeated Sophia Bollman) Chloe Kohanski (defeated Ilianna Viramontes)* Karli Webster (defeated Addison Agen) Janice Freeman (defeated Katrina Rose) Ashland Craft (defeated Megan Rose) Whitney Fenimore (stolen from Team Adam) Stephan Marcellus (stolen from Team Jennifer) Team Jennifer Lucas Holliday (defeated Meagan McNeal) Chris Weaver (defeated Kathrina Feigh) Davon Fleming (defeated Maharasyi) Jeremiah Miller (defeated Alexandra Joyce)* Shi'Ann Jones (defeated Stephan Marcellus) Eric Lyn (defeated Ignatious Carmouche) Noah Mac (stolen from Team Blake) Katrina Rose (stolen from Team Miley) Team Blake Keisha Renee (defeated Noah Mac) Esera Tuaolo (defeated Rebecca Brunner)* Mitchell Lee (defeated Dennis Drummond) Red Marlow (defeated Ryan Scripps) Anna Catherine DeHart (defeated Kristi Hoopes)* Adam Cunningham (defeated Natalie Stovall) Kathrina Feigh (stolen from Team Jennifer) Megan Rose (stolen from Team Miley) Names in bold indicate an artist who has either newly won his or her Battle and stayed on his or her team, or been newly stolen by another coach. An asterisk indicates that this artist's Battle was montaged.
  14. Current team rosters/cheat sheets: Team Adam Adam Pearce (defeated Whitney Fenimore) Hannah Mrozak (defeated Brandon Showell) Dylan Gerard (defeated Dave Crosby)* Jon Mero (defeated Brandon Brown) Emily Luther (defeated Gary Carpentier)* Anthony Alexander (defeated Michael Kight) Dennis Drummond (stolen from Team Blake) Addison Agen (stolen from Team Miley) Team Miley Moriah Formica (defeated Shilo Gold) Brooke Simpson (defeated Sophia Bollman) Chloe Kohanski (defeated Ilianna Viramontes)* Karli Webster (defeated Addison Agen) Janice Freeman (defeated Katrina Rose) Whitney Fenimore (stolen from Team Adam) Stephan Marcellus (stolen from Team Jennifer) (Still Waiting) Ashland Craft Megan Rose Team Jennifer Lucas Holliday (defeated Meagan McNeal) Chris Weaver (defeated Kathrina Feigh) Davon Fleming (defeated Maharasyi) Jeremiah Miller (defeated Alexandra Joyce)* Shi'Ann Jones (defeated Stephan Marcellus) Noah Mac (stolen from Team Blake) Katrina Rose (stolen from Team Miley) (Still Waiting) Eric Lyn Ignatious Carmouche Team Blake Keisha Renee (defeated Noah Mac) Esera Tuaolo (defeated Rebecca Brunner)* Mitchell Lee (defeated Dennis Drummond) Red Marlow (defeated Ryan Scripps) Anna Catherine DeHart (defeated Kristi Hoopes)* Kathrina Feigh (stolen from Team Jennifer) (Still Waiting) Adam Cunningham Natalie Stovall Names in bold indicate an artist who has either newly won his or her Battle and stayed on his or her team, or been newly stolen by another coach. An asterisk indicates that this artist's Battle was montaged.
  15. Current team rosters/cheat sheets: Team Adam Adam Pearce (defeated Whitney Fenimore) Hannah Mrozak (defeated Brandon Showell) Dylan Gerard (defeated Dave Crosby)* Dennis Drummond (stolen from Team Blake) (Still Waiting) Anthony Alexander Emily Luther Brandon Brown Jon Mero Michael Kight Gary Carpentier Team Miley Moriah Formica (defeated Shilo Gold) Brooke Simpson (defeated Sophia Bollman) Chloe Kohanski (defeated Ilianna Viramontes)* Whitney Fenimore (stolen from Team Adam) (Still Waiting) Janice Freeman Ashland Craft Addison Agen Karli Webster Katrina Rose Megan Rose Team Jennifer Lucas Holliday (defeated Meagan McNeal) Chris Weaver (defeated Kathrina Feigh) Davon Fleming (defeated Maharasyi) Noah Mac (stolen from Team Blake) (Still Waiting) Shi'Ann Jones Alexandra Joyce Eric Lyn Stephan Marcellus Ignatious Carmouche Jeremiah Miller Team Blake Keisha Renee (defeated Noah Mac) Esera Tuaolo (defeated Rebecca Brunner)* Mitchell Lee (defeated Dennis Drummond) Kathrina Feigh (stolen from Team Jennifer) (Still Waiting) Red Marlow Adam Cunningham Anna Catherine DeHart Natalie Stovall Ryan Scripps Kristi Hoopes Names in bold indicate an artist who has either newly won his or her Battle and stayed on his or her team, or been newly stolen by another coach. An asterisk indicates that this artist's Battle was montaged.
  16. Current team rosters/cheat sheets: Team Adam Adam Pearce (defeated Whitney Fenimore) (Still Waiting) Dave Crosby Brandon Showell Dylan Gerard Hannah Mrozak Anthony Alexander Emily Luther Brandon Brown Jon Mero Michael Kight Gary Carpentier Team Miley Moriah Formica (defeated Shilo Gold) Brooke Simpson (defeated Sophia Bollman) Whitney Fenimore (stolen from Team Adam) (Still Waiting) Janice Freeman Ashland Craft Addison Agen Karli Webster Chloe Kohanski Ilianna Viramontes Katrina Rose Megan Rose Team Jennifer Lucas Holliday (defeated Meagan McNeal) Chris Weaver (defeated Kathrina Feigh) Noah Mac (stolen from Team Blake) (Still Waiting) Shi'Ann Jones Maharasyi Davon Fleming Alexandra Joyce Eric Lyn Stephan Marcellus Ignatious Carmouche Jeremiah Miller Team Blake Keisha Renee (defeated Noah Mac) Kathrina Feigh (stolen from Team Jennifer) (Still Waiting) Mitchell Lee Esera Tuaolo Red Marlow Adam Cunningham Anna Catherine DeHart Dennis Drummond Rebecca Brunner Natalie Stovall Ryan Scripps Kristi Hoopes Names in bold indicate an artist who has either newly won his or her Battle and stayed on his or her team, or been newly stolen by another coach. An asterisk indicates that this artist's Battle was montaged.
  17. Just for a reset going into the Battles, here are the team rosters once more: Team Adam Dave Crosby Brandon Showell Dylan Gerard Hannah Mrozak Adam Pearce Anthony Alexander Emily Luther Brandon Brown Whitney Fenimore Jon Mero Michael Kight Gary Carpentier Team Miley Janice Freeman Brooke Simpson Ashland Craft Shilo Gold Addison Agen Moriah Formica Sophia Bollman Karli Webster Chloe Kohanski Ilianna Viramontes Katrina Rose Megan Rose Team Jennifer Chris Weaver Shi'Ann Jones Lucas Holliday Maharasyi Davon Fleming Kathrina Feigh Alexandra Joyce Eric Lyn Stephan Marcellus Ignatious Carmouche Meagan McNeal Jeremiah Miller Team Blake Mitchell Lee Esera Tuaolo Keisha Renee Red Marlow Adam Cunningham Noah Mac Anna Catherine DeHart Dennis Drummond Rebecca Brunner Natalie Stovall Ryan Scripps Kristi Hoopes
  18. Final team rosters/cheat sheets going into the Battles: Team Adam Dave Crosby (3) Brandon Showell (3) Dylan Gerard (2) Hannah Mrozak (3) Adam Pearce (2) Anthony Alexander (3) Emily Luther (3) Brandon Brown (3) Whitney Fenimore (2) Jon Mero (4) Michael Kight (1) Gary Carpentier (1) Team Miley Janice Freeman (2) Brooke Simpson (4) Ashland Craft (3) Shilo Gold (2) Addison Agen (2) Moriah Formica (4) Sophia Bollman (2) Karli Webster (2) Chloe Kohanski (3) Ilianna Viramontes (2) Katrina Rose (1)* Megan Rose (2) Team Jennifer Chris Weaver (4) Shi'Ann Jones (2) Lucas Holliday (1) Maharasyi (2) Davon Fleming (4) Kathrina Feigh (2) Alexandra Joyce (3)* Eric Lyn (1)* Stephan Marcellus (1) Ignatious Carmouche (2) Meagan McNeal (1) Jeremiah Miller (2) Team Blake Mitchell Lee (3) Esera Tuaolo (2) Keisha Renee (4) Red Marlow (2) Adam Cunningham (2) Noah Mac (2) Anna Catherine DeHart (2)* Dennis Drummond (2) Rebecca Brunner (1) Natalie Stovall (1)* Ryan Scripps (1)* Kristi Hoopes (3) Names in bold indicate an artist who has newly been added to a team. Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of chairs to turn for each artist. An asterisk indicates that this artist's Blind was montaged.
  19. Aaaaaaaand we get more montages. Sigh. Current team rosters/cheat sheets: Team Adam Dave Crosby (3) Brandon Showell (3) Dylan Gerard (2) Hannah Mrozak (3) Adam Pearce (2) Anthony Alexander (3) Emily Luther (3) Brandon Brown (3) Whitney Fenimore (2) Jon Mero (4) Team Miley Janice Freeman (2) Brooke Simpson (4) Ashland Craft (3) Shilo Gold (2) Addison Agen (2) Moriah Formica (4) Sophia Bollman (2) Karli Webster (2) Chloe Kohanski (3) Ilianna Viramontes (2) Katrina Rose (1)* Team Jennifer Chris Weaver (4) Shi'Ann Jones (2) Lucas Holliday (1) Maharasyi (2) Davon Fleming (4) Kathrina Feigh (2) Alexandra Joyce (3)* Eric Lyn (1)* Stephan Marcellus (1) Ignatious Carmouche (2) Meagan McNeal (1) Team Blake Mitchell Lee (3) Esera Tuaolo (2) Keisha Renee (4) Red Marlow (2) Adam Cunningham (2) Noah Mac (2) Anna Catherine DeHart (2)* Dennis Drummond (2) Rebecca Brunner (1) Natalie Stovall (1)* Ryan Scripps (1)* Names in bold indicate an artist who has newly been added to a team. Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of chairs to turn for each artist. An asterisk indicates that this artist's Blind was montaged.
  20. Current team rosters/cheat sheets: Team Adam Dave Crosby (3) Brandon Showell (3) Dylan Gerard (2) Hannah Mrozak (3) Adam Pearce (2) Anthony Alexander (3) Emily Luther (3) Team Miley Janice Freeman (2) Brooke Simpson (4) Ashland Craft (3) Shilo Gold (2) Addison Agen (2) Moriah Formica (4) Sophia Bollman (2) Karli Webster (2) Team Jennifer Chris Weaver (4) Shi'Ann Jones (2) Lucas Holliday (1) Maharasyi (2) Davon Fleming (4) Kathrina Feigh (2) Alexandra Joyce (3)* Eric Lyn (1)* Stephan Marcellus (1) Team Blake Mitchell Lee (3) Esera Tuaolo (2) Keisha Renee (4) Red Marlow (2) Adam Cunningham (2) Noah Mac (2) Anna Catherine DeHart (2)* Names in bold indicate an artist who has newly been added to a team. Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of chairs to turn for each artist. An asterisk indicates that this artist's Blind was montaged.
  21. Which Adam? There were two -- Cunningham and Pearce.
  22. I'm pretty sure that's always been Whitney's song.
  23. Well, the montages begin. Current team rosters/cheat sheets: Team Adam Dave Crosby (3) Brandon Showell (3) Dylan Gerard (2) Hannah Mrozak (3) Adam Pearce (2) Team Miley Janice Freeman (2) Brooke Simpson (4) Ashland Craft (3) Shilo Gold (2) Addison Agen (2) Moriah Formica (4) Team Jennifer Chris Weaver (4) Shi'Ann Jones (2) Lucas Holliday (1) Maharasyi (2) Davon Fleming (4) Kathrina Feigh (2) Alexandra Joyce (3)* Eric Lyn (1)* Team Blake Mitchell Lee (3) Esera Tuaolo (2) Keisha Renee (4) Red Marlow (2) Adam Cunningham (2) Noah Mac (2) Anna Catherine DeHart (2)* Names in bold indicate an artist who has newly been added to a team. Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of chairs to turn for each artist. An asterisk indicates that this artist's Blind was montaged.
  24. Yes. Chris Weaver said that among African-Americans, if you get a shoe (or any article of clothing or any item at all) thrown at you, it means you're doing something right. Jennifer also said as much after he'd performed his Blind. And as someone who's grown up in the African-American church, I can confirm that it's happened numerous times in my experiences.
  25. From TV Guide: Discuss the premiere episode of the fifth season here.
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