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Everything posted by balisticnikki

  1. You mean a "drunk," right? Not someone abusing steroids? (I've always heard "juicehead" to refer to a steroid abusing athlete or bodybuilder.)
  2. 90% love LOL Could "nonfunctioning, abusive alcoholic" be an overstatement? Annie complained to her girl friend that David Poor had done "this" several times before. What exactly did he do? He embarrassed her somehow? He got tipsy? He raised his voice during an argument? Started on-too-many conga lines? Annie said the girl friend had to change seats bc of what David Poor was doing? What exactly was he doing? Or was he just being himself and am inebriated Annie just couldn't contain her total repulsion by him? Didn't he own a business before he suffered a stroke? If so, I'm not sure you can label him nonfunctioning. Not clear on whether he works at all in Thailand. How long has he been there? It prbly started as an Eat, Pray, Love thing and just went on too long. LOL
  3. In my circle, we hold Girls Nights Out even when we're single. And no one has to get permission, when we're not single. It just means planning an activity...that happens in the evening or at night. Nothing sexist or disempowering about it as I have come to personally know the term.
  4. "Rictus as that of a ballet dancer!" Such a funny post! Rictus, Mr. Magoo, Resting B Face. Maybe she, too, is perpetually aroused, like Luis. Yep, i was thinking striking that pose minimizes the appearance of her nose. (That's not shade, btw. I think she's pretty. And a girl's gotta know her good side.)
  5. There is a religious component as well. It's unseemly for marrieds to be out galavanting & suggesting the possibility of impropriety. Plus, there are safety concerns when ppl are out drinking among strangers. And Andrei doesn't know her crew or how she is with them or what kind of influence they have over her; he's never met any of them. (Elizabeth is Christian....assuming Andrei is some type of Eastern Orthdox Christian, too.)
  6. The recovering drug addict mom who is pregnant at the same time w/ her daughter.... (I can't recall the names and it's hard trying to describe who I'm referring to. No offense, bear with me.) So that girl's baby daddy's mom says she fears the only reason the pregnant recovering drug addict has re-emerged in daughter's life now is bc drug addict wants something. What does she thinks drug addict wants? Fame from reality tv show? These baby daddies are sooo corny and funny looking. I can't believe they're getting laid! lol
  7. Uncle Cracker Uncle Corn hole the unemployed uncle Uncle Waste-of-Space
  8. I believe the term is resting bitch face. You and Andrei are both free to negotiate your relationships as you see fit. But there was no overwhelming douchebaggery in Andrei's POV. I've found myself in a few dangerous situations after drinking at a bar/club. Things happen to the best of us.
  9. I love unusual foods...that appeal to me. That did not. And since when is it proper form for a host to push, coerce, nag, guilt and force a GUEST to eat something the guest doesn't want?? That's absurd. As host, you cook what you want to cook. And if our guests don't want it or don't like it, c'est la vie. You don't force feed anyone or bully them to t he point of vomiting! Age has nothing to do w/ it. Yes, I know it was a production stunt.
  10. Yes, you missed a few steps. Btwn 5 and 6 Luis asked Olivia if she was going to marry him. Then asked if she was in love with him. Then asked if she just keeps him around to sleep with. Then asks if they are fucking.
  11. There are opportunities all of these foreign spouses who claim abject poverty could take advantage of. In theory. He said drinks & dinner is fine. But no to the meat market type places.
  12. It's a "rictus, like that of a ballet dancer...." Not a smirk. Even tho she is a minor living under her mother's roof? Until she turns 18, Molly owns that P! Lol
  13. I said painfully thin and flatchested. Bc she's robbin him blind! Lol
  14. She dies have nice bouncy hair but i also think she is painfully thin. And flat as a board.
  15. Ok, someone needs to keep a running list of Molly' brother's nicknames. I know I'm forgetting some. Plz at to the list: Uncle Jess Uncle Cornpone Uncle Useless Brother Molly Duck Dynasty Cooter Uncle Jughandle Whatshisname Unemployed lout #2 One Who Stands There & Looks Like a Fool
  16. But using that argument, then he sees himself as a peer of 6 year old Kensley, to, bc he got somewhat out of pocket with her. as well, reminding her to stay in her bedroom so she won't walk in on Luis and Molly banging. That was a bit too sexually oriented a comment to be directed toward a 6 year old. A 6 year old shouldn't have any idea about walking in on them screwing or naked or whatever, and should feel it's OK to leave her bedroom if she needs to. All a 6 year old should be taught is that it's polite to knock (right before they install a commercial grade deadbolt on the inside of Molly's door). Well, if they want her to think favorably about the place (not assuming they do) then they need to fix her rice and shish kebobs for the rest of the trip. And definitely lots of baklava. At least those nights when Molly is working late.
  17. "In the refrigerated section...."
  18. I agree; it was unsettling that Luis persisted in sharing his stupid opinion about this. And yes, I think it turned him on. (And I am not one who was anti-Luis even last week. This exchange just really rubbed me the wrong way. Luis is a really sexual guy. In his talking head he basically said, "I'm glad to be in the US where I can now smell Molly (btwn the legs) and F her. Stay in your room, Kensley, unless you wanna see me F'ing the brains our of your mami. Olivia needs to get her back blown out real good so she stops worrying about what we're doing. So is bf putting it down, Olivia? I have no problem w/ you two F'ing to your heart's content so we don't have to see you that often. Hey, it's her body and if she should decide to share it w/ her horny stepdaddy a few times when no one is looking, I'm not going to be mad at her." He is very sexual! And yes, I bet he fantasizes about his bitchy, smug stepdaughter <gross face>
  19. I hadn't read this when I posted the above. But yes!
  20. He said, "it is not my main purpose in life to meet your family." And I can't blame him with the way Elizabeth goes on and on like he is going to have to jump thru hoops and kiss their asses (which Andrei does not do! lol) to get their blessing. And there's something about the way she talks about her father and brothers makes it feel like a thinly veiled threat to Andrei that they're watching him and prepared to make life hard for him if he doesn't fall in line. A lot of girls/women mention older brothers in the form of a threat. And no one likes to be threatened. If you recall, Andrei offered to Skype w/ her father and brothers to introduce himself and reassure them that he's a decent guy but the father refused and said basically, he will only speak w/ Andrei on our home turf, ie., where he and his sons outnumber him. I can relate to Andrei being annoyed by the whole "you'll have to meet my family" stuff bc even as a woman, I have had to meet many bf's mothers/sisters/aunts over the years and be given the once over and sized up like a calf at the county fair. It's an uncomfortable position to be in and a 27 y/o woman should be more autonomous and less reliant of family approval. Andrei is gorgeous bc he's just a really handsome guy...the big disarming Jason Bateman smile and the rakish, no-frills haircut, nice body and straight shooter personality. (And this is coming from someone who does not have a thing for Eastern European men.) Plus, he's funny and sarcastic. And charming. Every single word he's uttered about "Libby" (what he calls her) is an expression of total admiration, without being corny. I agree w/ his feelings on marrieds not loitering around clubs and bars. But I think a little of it is bc he has no friends to go out w/. It's rough to be all alone in a strange place..... And yes, as a bouncer, he sees the worst of it. OMG, Eunice Kennedy! Missing top teeth! Folded towel! Rictus like a ballet dancer! I'm dying
  21. I think it's something native to Thailand. They have little mandarin type collars. But yes, his body is bonkers. It's like had a failed gastric bypass. All the weight leaves he upper body in liquid form and just settles into the hips. I don't believe for a second that David Spain gives a shit about any of it. The guy wearing a too-tight sweater in July and denim joggers has that strong a preference for one tuxedo cut over another? Hardly.
  22. But Loren pissed Alexi off doing it, too. But the guys are being painted like the unreasonable, controlling prudes! lol
  23. Andrei gets sexier and sexier in each subsequent episode! He's not here for the bullshit. I love it. And the irony - Elizabeth is the outspoken, independent rebel who needs her father and brothers' approval. I predict Andrei soon growing tired of Elizabeth's blustering and seeing her for the weak, inferior little girl she is. After Olivia tattled on Luis, Molly kept saying "we're her parents and we shouldn't be talking to her about sex...we're her parents and we shouldn't be talking to her about sex..." I agree Luis shouldn't be talking to Olivia about sex. But Molly definitely should be . Is she? Molly seemed so taken aback by this situation. But was she taken aback by the idea Luis is talking to Olivia about this? Or taken aback by the idea Olivia might actually be having sex. Molly looked mortified, as if Olivia were 10 yrs old. Luis needs to butt out. But Molly needs to wake up. Olivia is having sex. So get that weird look off your face, Molly! Remind me plz never to eat again before an episode of 90 Day. Btwn the chicken feet, the pig carcass and the sheep's brain I'm still sick to my stomach today. Enough w/ this! If you want to expose sheltered Americans to your cuisine, start slowly. She couldn't make a shish kebab?? All the corner cutting Evelyn and David Spain are doing is making me sad. Just marry simply now and throw a big "hooha" (as Elizabeth says) later on when you have more money. No cake, no tuxes, lemme guess, pasta salads from the supermarket deli? Sounds like they just can't afford a reception. So Chris just threw David Poor under the bus? Called him an alcoholic? Then why is he supporting (literally) this doomed marriage?
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