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Everything posted by Chickp

  1. It's already a big topic of discussion on the main Lutheran clergy FB group. We're such a weird little tribe; it's kind of fun when Hollywood tries to write us even semi-realistically.
  2. Ugh. I just don't care about this stuff. As someone said on the last episode thread, how did his 2nd sermon go? Did he have to make a hospital visit? Come ON.
  3. I mean, one of the reasons why I was so interested in this show is that lots of pastors feel like we're just faking it. It's a super weird job and there are so many situations where you HAVE to sort of fake it and hope for the best. I have lots of stories. And there are ten million sermons on the internet that he could google and just plagiarize for subsequent sermons, but I would love to see if he actually took a crack at writing one instead of the (spoiler) stuff.
  4. Least favorite episode here too. What I was really looking forward to was how Buddy was going to handle the funeral and eulogy! I'm a Lutheran pastor and real funerals are crazy. There is SO much material there! They better step it up in the next ones.
  5. That's an accurate name for it...a little treat. I am a Lutheran pastor (a real one) and am super enjoying the sort of riff on our weird little culture. I have never lived in a parsonage but have heard the horror stories. And we totally have out gay pastors and have for years now, but whatev, I get that it's a major (funny) plot point. <br /><br />Anyway, it was a pleasant surprise in the middle of bummer August TV.
  6. Please let this happen! Because of the recent canon Alias episode (can't remember if it was inducted, don't care) I started re watching with my 10 year old son. SO GREAT. TOTALLY HOLDS UP. Ten year old can't wait till the next episode. Who can we beg/send red wigs in the mail?
  7. The Middle Earth/Office is going to be a classic, and as everyone else has said, the Mass was spot on. I work at a church and am going to make my staff watch it today. Best episode in a long time, minus Charlie XCX.
  8. I watched this one with my eleven year old, and she had lots of questions about the plot and characters and such. She hasn't seen the pilot, and it came home to me again how super dumb it was to show this one first. I do love this episode, though. So many quotable moments, and so much good Jayne stuff: "Time for some thrilling heroics." And Kaylee's perfectly delivered, "Crime." My favorite part was how they start to play with Mal's atheism and altruism. God's not welcome on his boat, but he'll allow the Shepherd, and he has "no choice" but to bring the medicine back. And it's not by accident that River says, "Mal. Bad, in. Latin." I still find her so super annoying, way more than the first watch.
  9. I watched for the second time ever (the first was a couple years ago), and I am still pretty much in love with this show. It hits all of my buttons....scifi, great characters, strong women, and commentary on religion. I noticed the cross as someone said above...very interesting for how borderline hostile Mal is to Shepherd (until he kicks ass later in the ep). The other new thing that I realized was that I think that the River storyline is the least interesting of them all. I get that it's the main plot...it just already makes me tired of her screaming/whining. Sorry, not sorry.
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