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Posts posted by springbarb

  1. 1 hour ago, Jess14 said:

    I think a Cody HOH especially would’ve been disastrous for Enzo, as Nicole/Christmas both may have clipped him. It made perfect sense for him to let Cody/Christmas fight it out and win.

    That is actually a really good point. Enzo is very aware that he's not in good with Nicole, despite saving her during the triple. Cody probably would've put up Nicole, but Enzo was right to look after his own safety.

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  2. I assume the coffee was an update from the original--there, they had to grind a thing of beans, and it was worth $200 (I think). Just like you could get money for 1 pound of candy, or a certain mix of breads from the International Bread section, or three particular magazines, etc. Though they obviously shouldn't assume that viewers have the odd knowledge of the original that I have.

    The announcer during the sweep would usually give dollar amounts for the stuff people were grabbing; I assume that those voiceovers were recorded after the show was taped exactly so we could get more information.

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  3. 2 hours ago, greyflannel said:

    I thought Cody was upset with Enzo because he was under the impression that the two of them would work together in the HOH comp to make sure that Christmas didn't win. After that, whoever wins, wins. Instead, Enzo went off on his own, leaving Cody to try and get Christmas out by himself and leaving open the possibility of Christmas not being boxed in and eliminated. Now, maybe Enzo's main goal wasn't getting Christmas out, but Cody didn't seem to be aware of that going in. I understand why he'd be upset.

    1 hour ago, Mmazeo said:

    Pretty sure this is correct. People have an irrational hatred for Cody though it clouds their judgement. I never took his complaints to be about him not being handed the win. 

    Part of it is the way Nicole and Cody talked about it afterward--as if it was a betrayal that Enzo was "only looking out for himself." I do think Cody was upset because of the strategy; it would've been interesting had Enzo been the one to go second, not Cody. But because Cody showed that he was going to be so aggressive, Enzo knew he didn't have to be.

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  4. I really enjoyed it, but I agree that it would be better served with having someone else do the voiceover during the actual sweep. I've been watching a LOT of the classic version (Buzzr has a mini marathon of it every Sunday night), and Johnny Gilbert would often make comments about the rules throughout ("Oh no, don't drop that item! That'll be a penalty!" "Four--five! She has the five allowed hams!"). I was confused a few times because you could see that the contestants took multiples of some things (diapers, big boxes of candy), but it looked like there were some items that they only took one of (the fancy cheese, for example). The things with the roses/coffee were more self-explanatory.

    I hope that everyone will be just a touch calmer in future episodes; that first group, particularly, were all a LOT--as was Leslie. Maybe it's to make up for what I assume was a lack of a studio audience?

    I did love that the first mini-sweep was whoever got there first, and I liked the extended sweep at the end, too.

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  5. 29 minutes ago, mojoween said:

    Zac should not be allowed to judge the bakers ideas before they are done.  I am so mad at him for what he intimated to Renee.  Even if it did work out for her in spades.

    I was glad that he made that comment to Renee because he was dead on. When she said she was doing a unicorn cake, I thought, "That's been done a million times." I'm sure it would've looked good, but it would've had zero originality.

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  6. 2 hours ago, harleybeanswind said:

     I could see Enzo winning over him, only because he hasn’t made as many final two deals as Cody. He also seems as though he had  more personable with every houseguest. But I only watch what they show me.

    I also thought Enzo had a shot, but it seemed like the jury members weren't as enamored with him as I thought they'd be. At this point, I can't imagine anyone beating Cody.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    I didn't watch Cody's past season, or 99% of BB past seasons, so why is this?  Why does everyone want to work with him?  Is it because he's hot?  LOL.  Is that IT?!

    There's some speculation that Derrick (who went to the final two with Cody) helped set him up. Even without that, he and Nicole had played together before. Plus, he's young and athletic, so is probably going to do well at comps and is nice enough. Why wouldn't you want to work with that guy? Him scoring the first HOH put him in a good position, too.

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  8. I can't be mad at or about Cody at this point. Sure, he came into the game in a good position, with everyone wanting to work with him, but he's done enough winning comps and has played decent socially. Nicole can GTFO, though. She hasn't done anything and is horrified that people want her out of the house. I hate it when the players are so insulted that other people are trying to win for themselves.

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  9. 1 hour ago, chaifan said:

    I thought the whole "bachelor noodles" conversation was funny.  I also liked Matt doing the "you were so distracted by my beauty" to help Sura.  Something about his delivery - tone of voice, expression, hand gestures - was very Rebel Wilson in that moment. 

    I already like Matt Lucas well enough from what I've seen him in (Doctor Who, Les Mis), but that interaction with Surah really won me over.

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  10. I have mixed feelings on Day, and not just because of her horrible game play. It's admirable to go in wanting to be the first Black winner, but I don't think going in with a personal goal like that is a good idea--it makes everything about the game more personal than it would be otherwise.

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  11. 2 hours ago, dgpolo said:

    I wondered about that! I was so sure Laura? was going home and there was no discussion of who did what wrong or right. Maybe if I watch again it will appear like the cold open?

    Laura had a very strong showstopper; their only criticism of the decoration was that there was no mouth, and they really enjoyed the flavors--and it was a good bake. As soon as they finished their critique, it was clear to me that she saved herself with that showstopper.

    17 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

    Which begs the question - why did they decide to do this in a tent, as opposed to a building that could be fitted with the necessary equipment?

    This year, in particular, they even had the sides of the tent open, presumably for covid reasons.

    • Love 3
  12. Memphis is so infuriating. Why he thought he could walk into a room and say "Throw the veto to me" and have that happen is just...beyond comprehension. And then to say that people agreed to it! Nobody agreed to it. You talked at people, then walked away. His continued focus on David makes no sense; Day and Kevin aren't getting anywhere in this game, but they have each other as allies. David has no one. He's not a threat.

    • Love 8
  13. 33 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    That really doesn't make much sense because once the other HGs go to the jury house they all start trading info. It's not like any of this is going to be kept quiet right up until they vote for a winner. Kevin and David will most assuredly be following Da'Vonne to the jury house and at that point I would hope Da'Vonne has no reason to believe David is still lying about his vote.

    I thought that once players got to the jury house, they weren't supposed to talk game except when supervised (the final roundtable). Even when they watch the video of what happened during the week, I don't think they really get into it. I'm sure they do manage to trade some information, but I didn't think they could just sit around a rehash what went on in the house.

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  14. 8 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

    Does he genuinely not understand why "no one listened to me and threw that comp." Yeah okay Memphis - they are just going to hand you another comp for your resume. Or is that all part of his act? Hmmm.

    Memphis seems to think that as HOH, he should be able to control everything. Like the last time he was HOH and told everyone they should do the Safety Suite and used that as the reason to nominate Nicole A.

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  15. Gee, I thought it was Day's strategy to not win comps, which is why she "threw" the HOH? Right? /rolls eyes/ I am glad she used the Veto, though.

    I did like everyone else knowing that David saved himself while David was patting himself on the back. Much as I don't like Cody, I appreciated him basically cracking up in David's face while David was doing his "Did you save me?" routine.

    I'm sure Nicole's upset only because Ian is the one ally she has in the house who doesn't have any other allies--Nicole is all Ian has.

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  16. I did like Cody confessing his alliance to Enzo, and Enzo in the DR being like, "Yeah, I'm in like three alliances--so?"

    I'm not looking forward to the basement screwing things up on the off-chance that Christmas does make interesting noms.

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  17. 8 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

    Christmas and Nicole talking: “I feel bad for Kevin.” “It’s a safe move.” “Yeah, it’s safe.” ... “I’m just gonna go with the flow and not push anything.” “No, I’m not pushing anything.”  And that set the theme for the rest of the episode.

    When Nicole was talking snidely about "safe moves," I was wondering what big move would she prefer Enzo to make. Any big move at this point would involve going against Nicole or one of her close allies (Cody, Dani, Ian). Maybe Tyler?

  18. 9 hours ago, Racj82 said:

    This episode did make realize that I don't think I know who's in a real alliance anymore. There are so many of them.

    There are 8 people who are all somehow just in various permutations of alliance. It's really confusing.

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  19. It's so frustrating--Janelle and Kaysar were set up to fail. I'm not even a huge fan of theirs (moreso Kaysar than Janelle after his idiotic decision making in Season 6), but they walked into the house with a huge target on their backs. They walked in as a pair. Even if they hadn't talked in years, they're SO associated with each other that they were always going to be regarded as a threat. If, as it's been rumored, Kaycee and Josh were supposed to be in the house, that could've been interesting, because then you'd have three pairs. But it wasn't to be.

    I assume Janelle goes this week, and I wonder if Kaysar will just offer himself up after that. If not, he could probably make it pretty far. He's less of a threat than Janelle at comps, so people could just pull him along for a little while--cannon fodder until the various alliances have to go after their own.

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