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Everything posted by zorak

  1. So Derek F. threw a a hinky vote. Don’t know if that was planned and known by others.
  2. So very true. But at least we'll always have this. Twice.
  3. As in Frenchie started talking at 4:10 am BB time? Because if so, I must ask, Is he still talking hours later? Wouldn’t be shocked if the answer is yes.
  4. So before I turned off the feeds last night at one point Alyssa was in the bathroom having "girl talk" with Hannah and someone else. She was talking about how the crappy thing about being accused of being in a showmance with Christian was the fact that she felt like it's going to be really hard to get to know him as friends because of needing to keep their distance. She said something to the effect of he said he wanted to get to know her better and she said she assumed he meant as friends because on her end, that's all she wanted with him. But she also said how while she didn't come into the house looking for a showmance, she wouldn't be opposed to being in one if it developed naturally or something like that. I doubt very much that Christian is strictly interested in just being her friend (since he said they are the most attractive ones in the house that would mean he finds her to be the most attractive girl). The 2 of them have been doing over the top joking about the showmance accusation but this being the Big Brother house, just give it time until they are actually in a real showmance. I really hope I'm wrong because I hate showmances.
  5. When I switched to this feed for one horrifying second I thought this was about to turn into a gratitude circle (or whatever they called it) à la Gr8ful. I am grateful that it didn't.
  6. Sarah is telling Frenchie that she's heard some people say that Alyssa would make a great perpetual pawn because she didn't really freak out. Frenchie says she had one small freak out. There was a lapdance? Frenchie is sure that someone was screen recording it. Do we know what they're talking about?
  7. Frenchie says he doesn't want game talk with anyone tomorrow. He just wants one on one bonding time with people. I doubt very much his no game talk thing will happen.
  8. Behold the official Slaughterhouse alliance. They've also come up with some stupid toe tag move they want to do when someone is evicted at their hands or something.
  9. Frenchie has approached two of the girls to tell them he needs them up in the HOH room so that they can make Slaughterhouse official. I swear he also said something about needing to get it on camera. I can't with this man.
  10. Now X and Derek F. are alone in the HOH room laughing at the absurdity of Frenchie trying to gather the whole alliance just because one person was not in the room originally.
  11. Just turned the feeds on. Came in on a convo between Frenchie and Derek F. They were talking about the Slaughterhouse alliance. Frenchie says they need to make it "official official". Derek F. said he thought it already was. Frenchie said no because they weren't all in the room at the same time. So I guess he wants to get everyone who is in Slaughterhouse together in the same room to make it "official". Also, it sounded like Derek F. just said something about a final 2 between himself and Frenchie (not sure if that is known already or not). Frenchie thinks right now would be the best time to gather up Slaughterhouse members. Get them in and out in 15 seconds he said. I think he's gone to gather them.
  12. This is what others have shared regarding alliances:
  13. As they discuss what's yet to come, Derek F. to X: We just have to make sure Frenchie stays calm. Good luck with that! Also, X told Derek F. that he'd be good with Azah winning the next HOH.
  14. Frenchie is telling a bunch of them how he said to someone (Derek X I think) that all he wants is to not get put on the block next week. He claims he doesn't want any more HOHs.
  15. Azah told X that if she gets HOH she'll put up Brent and Derek (I'm assuming Derek X). She says her actual target will be Brent and told X to not say anything.
  16. X to Azah: At this point in the game, Frenchie just needs to stop talking. From his lips to God's ears. I just heard some comments about how every time they walk anywhere in the house their feet turn black. Things we can count on every summer!
  17. I changed feeds only to hear Brent talking about how he's witnessed customers (isn't he a flight attendant?) giving/getting hand jobs under the blanket on flights. Then he started talking about how on international flights when everyone is sleeping there is a smell while everyone's mouth is gaping open while they sleep.
  18. Christian to Alyssa: Frenchie loves you. So is that why he put her on the block?
  19. Christian to Alyssa: The problem with Frenchie is that he's nuts. Alyssa says that Frenchie told her that X and Ky scare him.
  20. Frenchie's juvenile deliquent crime of stealing pineapples from a Dole plantation in Hawaii is what led to him becoming a farmer. He was caught and the punishment was that he had to help out on the plantation. Helping out led to him becoming interested in farming.
  21. Frenchie says if you get to know Rockstar she is a mind blowing amazing person.
  22. After being on the fishcam forever, we return to Frenchie telling others about his wife's boob job.
  23. Yeah, what is that all about? I left the feeds on and the volume was turned way up while I was out of the room. I could hear noises from the feeds and was trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Then I came back in and see him crying on all 4 feeds.
  24. Christian is telling Ky and Frenchie that they should bring Alyssa into the Slaughterhouse alliance just because Frenchie put her up (I guess the reasoning is that people wouldn't suspect her being in an alliance with them because of that) and also because she will do what they want.
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