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Posts posted by hisbunkie

  1. 13 minutes ago, Angry Moldovan said:

    Someone needs to call the labor department, this is foreign worker exploitation 

    I’m trying to figure out where I stand with Julia and the farm chores.  Obviously, this is a hobby farm.  A couple of animals that need to  fed in the AM.  I understand Julia being a guest, however, was she expecting to hang around the farm?  Sleep till noon, get up and prepare for Brandon’s arrival from work?  
    It appears to me that Brandon’s parents sponsored Julia.  They must have expectations.  They seem pretty up front.  It that we’re me, I’d want to pull my weight by helping out.


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  2. On 12/13/2020 at 9:03 PM, mmecorday said:

    Their first meeting with this girl and Brandon's parents are discussing birth control with her. Isn't that usually a conversation reserved for the third of fourth date?

    This is not their first meeting.  All four parents have also traveled with the couple.  There was some mention of Julia acting out during one of the trips.  I think this may be why Brandon’s parents are so concerned about a pregnancy.  Julia has shown to be “unstable “.

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  3. On 12/17/2020 at 2:10 PM, J80134 said:

    Sick of Kelli pointing out she's Mexican when someone questions her opinions on race issues. Bitch, you have mexican ancestors but your at least 2 generations away from being in touch with that heritage. With all that face work, Botox, filler and spray tan she doesn't really look like any discernable race.

    Thank you...I didn’t want to go here because I’m just tired of having to address this issue.  ‘Mexican’ is not a race, it’s a Nationality , neither is being ‘Latinex’ or ‘Jewish’ a race.  
    It saddens me that Kelly is so ignorant.  It really offends me.  I came to the US as a child from Argentina.  I’m white/European, had my grandparents chosen to come through Ellis Island instead of Buenos Aires I’d be just another whiteAmerican.  In a room full of people, in a classroom, in a routine traffic stop I look like any aging-middle class white woman.  The idea that I would consider myself a minority/person of color feels so disrespectful to those who experience racism every day.  


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  4. 2 hours ago, StevieRocks said:

    Kadooz on being the Queen of the Really Low-end Welfare Part of Sundance. Congratulations? Replete with McDonald's peel-offs. Is that Brad, Jen, and Angelina I see??? Uh...no.

    To be fair, she was promoting an HBO documentary, McMillion$.  It’s a six parter which I would totally recommend.  It chronicles the whole McDonalds Monopoly promotion and how it was rigged by some insider.  Best real,true story ever!  Let me know if you watch it, what you thought.

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  5. On 12/17/2020 at 11:25 AM, OFDgal said:

    Mary has absolutely no compassion or feelings other than when she feels slighted and fights with people, hitting below the belt.  Horrible woman.  She and her church should be investigated. 

    This is Mary’s way of letting us know how wealthy and sophisticated she is.  In her own mind being rude to “the help”, not knowing anything about their personal lives, having them wear a uniform (including a hair net?) is how the wealthy live.  Never mind the fact that she’s a Christian preacher.  
    As far as having her church investigated...remember the Bakers in the 80’s?  All tax free money coming in with little oversight.  

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  6. 1 minute ago, Frozendiva said:

    Jovi, maybe you could have held off finding an apartment until Yara got there and both of you can select a place.

    He’s only going to be home for two weeks then be gone for a month.

    Jovi is a moron.  He is in his 30’s and doesn’t understand that after 30+hours of travel one may want a shower and some sleep?

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  7. On 12/7/2020 at 11:59 AM, Twopper said:

    She is okay with them sleeping together as long as it isn't under her roof?  Well

    It may be a generational thing but I understand the parents home rules.  They don’t seem to disagree nor disapprove of the couple being intimate, just not where they can hear it.  Mom even commented that they may sneak to each other’s room in the middle of the night.  They are not making any threats, just expectations.

    As to these young women who refuse to use contraception because they do not want anything “foreign” or “unnatural “ in their bodies...really?  What do you think a penis is? And piercings? Tatoos? Makeup?

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  8. I’ve never watched this show in the past because I don’t want to support the harvesting of Reality TV Dollars by this crew except for Pedro who I have always supported. Having said that, I just overheard a few minutes of an episode in the background.  They are in Manila for a wedding... I’m fascinated by the  familiar themes the Chantel Siblings seem to perpetuate—-mistrust ,jealousy, deception, overbearing, self absorbed and lacking confidence and self control.  Karen needs to take a seat.

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  9. 32 minutes ago, Kangatush said:

    Some cultures just don't sexualize a breast used for feeding.  I spent time in super Catholic Guatemala where I had to wear pants, or preferably a long skirt, because bare legs in shorts were way to risque, but most of the traditional women's tops had a huge open slit down the front for baby feeding ease.  It's quite possible that Samoa is the same way and mother Kalani understands.

    Interesting that there are comments regarding breast feeding.  I’m going back to see if I missed anyone asking that Larissa put those things away.  She is just showing them for attention. 

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  10. I realize Debbie is dreadful, but calling her a “bitch” by Larissa is really so disrespectful, she is over 70 years old. It’s really sad to see.  Debbie needs to leave television.

    Im not quite sure what Larissa means when she says she’s “doing this” for her children.  She got plastic surgery in order to get a better job?  Make more money in the porn industry?  Not sure what her rationale is.

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  11. 19 hours ago, esco1822 said:

    Yup. I believe it was Anastasia who posted the video on Twitter of Captain Lee and Kat who confessed to having taken anti-anxiety meds every day on charter. In this case she had allegedly taken too much and it made her appease drunk. So she confessed to Lee she was taking the meds. He certainly had no prior knowledge, he asked her to go get the box and that was that. No firing, no quoting maritime law. Perhaps Hannah needs a maritime lawyer. I know of one.


    If I remember correctly, at the Reunion Kat admitted she had been drinking, she lied to Captain Lee.  
    She looked great at the Reunion I don’t recall if she said she had stopped drinking on her own or if she went to treatment.

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  12. 23 minutes ago, lyric said:
    37 minutes ago, hisbunkie said:


    Who is carrying around the Rx? It's given to the pharmacy. The scrip info, doc, patient etc. is listed right on the backside of the box. 

    A few years ago I was going on a long cruise (14 weeks). Two weeks before leaving I began to have back pain.  I had to have a prescription for pain medication and muscle relaxer.  My doctor called the travel clinic and was told to take copies of all prescriptions.  The issue often comes up when going through customs, having medication in the proper packaging is not proof of having a prescription.  
    Someone in our group traveling to China was asked for proof of prescriptions .  

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  13. Actually I’m with Sandy on this.  If I were on a cruise and an accident happened and I found out the chief stew was taking Valium (prescription or not) and had drug paraphernalia in their cabin I’d make sure everyone lost their license.

      This is all Hannah’s doing.  She says she has a prescription but did not/would not produce it.  She did not say it was not a marijuana, just said she had it from Los Angeles.

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  14. 6 hours ago, suomi said:

    Scientists, bless their hearts, we need 'em, but why was my boomer generation not entirely wiped out by the second-hand smoke most of us ingested every day and night of our childhoods? It's a mystery.

    I always think how much smarter, healthier, how much better environment would be now if the tobacco industry would have been stopped. 
    Our family dentist smoked, back then they did not use gloves for routine care.  It was disgusting.

  15. 4 hours ago, Haleth said:

    Shoot, my son was born in 1991 and the new mom in the bed next to me was smoking like a locomotive. 

    In a hospital?  Really?  I recall that by ‘91 the smoking ban in working offices and aircraft was in full swing where I was living. 
    Do you mind saying what state?

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  16. 20 minutes ago, OnTime said:

    Yes, Meghan, we know you gave your masks away, and it's all Dr. Fauci's fault

    I get crazy angry when I hear people talk about not trusting scientists and science because opinions change and evolve. 
    Jeez, Meghan, when my mother was pregnant in the  early 50’s women were encouraged to smoke cigarettes in order to keep mother’s weight down.  In the early 70’s women who had difficulty remaining pregnant to term were encouraged to drink alcohol to stop early labor!  They were also prescribed amphetamines to keep weight down for cosmetic reasons,of course.  In the early 80’s women were told that ingesting caffeine would cause babies to be born missing digits.  
    So people need to get over this, when you know better you do better.

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  17. Just now, sagittarius sue said:


    3 minutes ago, hisbunkie said:

    Yes! In just one year on the job. He then leaves the country. 
    you bet your ass I would be questioning the immediate family if Libby was my child or daughter.  All bets off!

    The place for any questioning was back home in Tampa, not when his family has prepared a welcoming feast!


    You are totally correct except that Andrew refuses to answer and Libby’s family has no way of getting answers.

     According to Liby, she didn’t even know the details. 

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