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Posts posted by klopek

  1. 1 hour ago, Snaporaz said:

    The distance from the cabin to town still seems to defy all laws of the space-time continuum.

    Since we know the ranch clearly sits atop a hellmouth, it's entirely plausible the cabin is next to a wormhole.  no? 

    • Love 7
  2. 1 hour ago, pearlite said:

    Me too!

    Haha, thanks - that makes me feel strangley validated, like when you taste something a bit off-ish and can't resist the temptation to offer your dining companion to have just a wee taste also - just to confirm.

    54 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

    It's barbaric to make little girls freeze their asses off, while the boys are comfortable and warm.

    peaches, my school years were spent in a rather unfortunate uniform consisting of a mid-thigh pleated tunic, too tight knee socks shoehorned into uncomfortably stiff polished black oxfords and heavy cotton bloomers (as they were referred to then) worn over one's underpants. Comfort was not a remote consideration back then - nor was the remnant effects of those physical unpleasantries.  My legs were frozen solid throughout our lengthy subzero winters and I vowed, through alternating clenched and chattering teeth, once freed from that school to never expose my bare lower limbs to the elements ever again.

    Fuck knows what the nuns were hypocritically hiding under their habits back then, but I suspect a jolly warm pair of fuzzy flannel thermals while we were experiencing entry level hypothermia daily.  Quite literally freezing our arses off.

    • Love 7
  3. 13 hours ago, jewel21 said:

    It's going to feel like -2 tonight with the windchill. Give me a fucking break.

    Your fellow Preverts here in southern Ontario hear ya Jewel.  Tonights forecast temp is -2 (windchill -5), which in a few months time, in the centre dead of dank February we'll be ambling about in t-shirts and hoodies remarking "wot a lovely mild day it is" lol.  Not today though - these first tastes of below zero feel colder than a witch's tit.  Seems early to be digging out the winter woolies again... didn't we just pack those fuckin' things away?  harumph etc.

    • Love 8
  4. 2 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

    I just want nekkid photos!  Like I said, nothing skeevy, just harmless fun nekkid pix!  

    Ok now Snap, you didn't hear this from me right?  A friend of a friend, of a friend of a neighbour's mechanic, who is friends with the florist's assistant's dog sitter  has it on good authority,  when the Cambridges were visiting our beautiful west coast last month there was some tongue waggling of certain wild tea party the Trudeaus were hosting.  Well... apparently there just maaaay be some photos NOT endorsed by Kensington Palace of our handsome young PM Justin dancing with the Duchess wearing little more than a tea cozy on his winky.  As a matter of discretion, I couldn't possibly comment further on the accuracy of the rumoured colour or placement of the cozy's pompom.

    • Love 10
  5. Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Preverts north of the border. We have much to be thankful for Show-wise as the winds of change appear to finally be altering direction toward a brighter horizon.  I am thankful for all who post on this wonderful board -- you all bring me so much joy and laughter. Thank You everyone!

    • Love 8
  6. 1 hour ago, jewel21 said:

    Jack finally sends Phyllis home because he doesn't want to pay her overtime.

    LoL. That was the line of the day, hands down.  Luvin' Jack at the moment and can only hope it lasts a while.  Having become conditioned by Show to throttle my enjoyment after having the rug pulled out from under my viewing pleasure too many times, I will smoke my cigarette and bask in the afterglow of watching Jaded Jack while he is here. 

    • Love 10
  7. It's horrible,  just horrible when our little ones are in distress.  Bless her heart and best wishes for a speedy uneventful recovery for wee Blanche. 

    Love the name Blanche.  As an old Corrie vet yourself pearlite,  you might appreciate my envisaging your Blanche as an acerbic, sharp tongued kitty purrrrrring pearls of wisdom like,   "Good looks are a curse Deirdre,  you and Kenneth should count yourselves lucky."  lol

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