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Posts posted by klopek

  1. I know. At one point I FFd. I couldn't TAKE it. He did mention his "bartender dying" but you're right about MY DAD. That's all (no mention of MOM or, you know, the woman sitting across from him who was also trapped). Didn't mention Jack who almost died. He's such a moron. 


    Ugh... I know!!   Watching Dick consulting with Boobies was unwatchable as it was,  then Sage joined in and the puerile giggling commenced between them over the silk panties, slippery drawers, slimy knickers -  whatever the fuck they're snickering about - gahhh... enough already!!  It was juvenile upon first mention and 100 repeats later it is still just as distasteful and unfunny... nevermind the inappropriateness within the context of what was being discussed.  Even Boobies Esq. facial expression was screaming  'who the fuck is writing this shit'.   Stupid stupid stupid


    eta: Terrific recap miamama - thank you.  I don't know how recappers do it either -  my brain is default set to auto-delete this shit show.  Applause to all the recappers --  you are all brilliant and make this clusterfuckfest infinitely more watchable and enjoyable!

    • Love 8
  2. Co-signing your post in it's entirety miamama.  Today's epi was a goodun'.


    Hilary is awesome. Just awesome. Interesting that Mishael Morgan has talked about much preferring to play a character with edge. I hope the show's giving her that back.


    She was good!  Yes, please show, do allow Hilary to come full circle to the diabolical livewire she was initially.  It doesn't bode well seeing cue ball Darvon earwigging at the door though  -  I don't want to see Neil and uncle Fester join forces to bring her down.  Hopefully, over their next bender Nikki will remind Neil that Hilary may have rigged the game and dealt the bent cards -  but Darvon double downed of his own volition.

    • Love 5
  3. So, in the past 2 days, the following have happened

    Kneel confronted everyone for their lying, trifling ways

    Plane fell from the sky. Lily, thrown from the wreckage, survives. Why? WHY??!!

    Austin (someone that nobody gives a crap about) is murdered.

    Dylan slugs Avery

    Auntie Jack succumbs to his own poison mix and shtups crazy ass Kelly

    Addumb nearly reveals himself. Again.

    Nikki is drunk

    Victor asks for tequila, for no apparent reason

    The Underground collapses on itself

    Sharon has some kind of accident

    Chelsea's apartment catches on fire.


    In 2 days.

    Okay then.


    Here's the thing... oddly enough,  I can fully, wholly and competely accept all of the above lol -- but to suspend our collective disbelief to imagine Victor would ever order tequila is taking things TOO FAR!

    • Love 3
  4. The way Jack and Avery are treating (perceiving) her disgusts me. Purposely trying to get her to go off so that she'll seem to be crazy? Upsetting her, and then saying that she's unstable? Are those two high?
    Pfffft, if only.  Honestly, how stupid was that - Phyllis begins confiding to Jack her own self-service by way of Victor and his fortress of power of influence, and idiot Jack still goes ahead with that daft hare-brained scheme to destabilise her.  He's such a dumbass.  I'm not into Phack, so have no horse in this race -  I just hate to see Jack written so fuckin' stupid and naive all the time.  I like PB and see no reason why Jack should continue to be written as such a dimwit.  After seeing what a bit of booze has done to lift Nik and Neil, perhaps a kick up the arse by way of a few opiates might benefit Jack.
    Austin falls out of he closet, unconscious or dead..


    Surely this dreary mopey whifflehead can't be our  "tall, dark and dreamy" casualty? 

    • Love 8
  5. Can you imagine having that pathetic loser as a house guest though, it would be devastating to me, no doubt about that...but then again, I wouldn't tolerate it, where Nikki goes off to get drunk, anyone with any spunk would have the annoying gnat Phyllis out in the snow, along with Victor.

    Exactly Canadian.  We'd have them out in the snow allllright... shovelling!  lol



    Chris’s crazy bangs running down her face means SHE is temporarily insane.  Lock her up.

    Might she be channeling a payot rockin'  Hasidic Rabbi?

    • Love 9
  6. pearlite,  I concur with your thoughts on Fri's ep., I too found it to be one of the best in a while. The last few weeks have been a racing rollercoaster of herkyjerky editing, abrupt changes in navigation and shifting of directions, no doubt due to Pratt presence at the helm, but changes are definately afoot and things are happening.  Both in front of and (I suspect) behind the cameras - it is wonderfully positive, necessary and long overdue.


     It was most definitely a breath of stale pub air to see Nik and Neil leaping off the wagon together, releasing their wellspring of tears and hurt through the lubricating flow of alcohol. It felt real and I luvved it.  Similarly, the ridiculous court scenes and verdict, it was insulting, infuriating utter nonsense that felt like swallowing down a handful of burrs with a chaser of sand, but Sharon's pain was beautifully portrayed. It felt heartbreakingly real and I luvved that too. Rare as these moments are on Y&R, they are the element of the show that are my occasional jackpot payout for all the hours spent feeding hour-coins into this program. 


    I am not fond of many things with the show at present, but historically I never have been - just as in real life, I take the rough with the smooth and enjoy surfing the perfect wave that is the middling balance. There is enough for me to be positive about at the moment between the events of last week and the previews for the upcoming disaster - looks like I'll be purchasing another weeks worth of viewing tokens - sigh.



    • Love 8
  7. I dunno, just can't get behind the show right now and think I break is in order for me. I think someone upthread(?) posted this storyline isn't entertaining, but infuriating. since I'm pretty much only watching for Sharon, it's not good for my health, so I'll keep up with this board to see if it's ever safe again to watch. So y'all keep up the insightful discourse - I'll be counting on it! ;)


    ; )

    • Love 1
  8. So Sharon and Mariah have a big fight, Mariah moves out and will stay with Kevin. So Sharon loses Mariah as well as Faith. Previews show she loses it and smashes all the family photos on her mantel at the cottage. She is utterly alone now. I just can't with this sadism anymore. And I don't believe Dylan is gonna be paired with her, or at least I hope not. I am sick to death of Sharon being used to prop other characters. I may need to take a break from this show. It's become unwatchable.


    On the other side though Gigi, how long have Sharon supporters said "get her away from Dick and the Newmans".  I can't help but remain hopeful (I've got too many decades invested into this show to give up now).  Let's wait and see if Pratt might just be the one to liberate Sharon.  Maybe?  Chin up Gigi, hang in there, and let's all enjoy watching Sharon trash the cottage, and cheer her on while she's flexing HER fists of fury.  It  will be cathartic for all us I believe.  : )

    • Love 6
  9. I was just so disappointed in the direction everything seemed to be going in yesterday's ep.  Admittedly, I was weary after moving quite a lot of snow, but I came in at 4, changed into warm dry clothes - check,  fuzzy slippers - check,  teapot steeping - check...  anticipating my 4:30 y&r like I hadn't done in years... then that shit buffet was served up.  


    I don't get it, Jack seemed to be working up some correctly throttled rage with this whole coma juice s/l and Prictor's evil shitpot stirring teflon hand in it.  I don't get Jack's self-flagellating 180 degree turnabout in this, and I do not like the ingratiating, near servile tone he was taking on with Pricktor (again).  No like.


    And that hideous little snot bearing toadfaced twit Dummer slagging Sharon... how dare she!  I cannot abide any of this, and am feeling uneasy about the future again.  Well, that's my arse well and truly kicked for smokin' the hope.  *pouting like toadfaced Dummer*

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