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Posts posted by klopek

  1. Jack had better get the last laugh in this s/l because Victor is such a smug ,evil bastard. He needs to go!

    I am not liking what I saw today... no sireee, not one little bit.  What the flippin' feck happened?  Victurd playing footsies with his new bestie Phyllis?  Jack absolving that odious old fossil face the full weight of responsibility for the unravelling of Phyllis... instead Jack declaring he will be the bearer of that burden himself?  WHAT??  Then the shit cherry atop this puke sundae was DumdumDummer and Drinkki trashing Sharon again?  Wow, wow, just wow.   Fire good -- show bad.


    Please tell me none of this occured, I was dizzy from all the snow shovelling today and having a bad fantasy sequence of my own, right? 

    • Love 5
  2. Man. I had high hopes when Neil punched Devon in yesterday's preview. Now I see that Hilary was only fantasizing. I'm truly disappointed.

    Yeah, but it was still reeeaaal good.  I  will delight in watching that nauseating little numpty get a fist in the face anywhere,  anytime by anyone -  real or imagined.  I luuuved it.   


    If these fantasy sequences are Pratt's touch and a means of giving us what we want to see, then I hope there will be plenty more on the way.

    • Love 4
  3. Absolutely!! I would love it if Nikki was just a rich lush. Why not? She's funny drunk. She could sit on sofas looking bored and like she's going to pass out (as she did at Victoria's). She can make snarky comments about people and or roll her eyes. Instead it will be another morality tale about the perils of alcoholism (but not spousal abuse).

    THIS must happen!   Can someone please have our people get their people on the phone and  Make.This.So.


    In the previews for tomorrow's CDC Neil punches Devon.  Yippee!

    I Know!  Double yippee!!  :D

    • Love 8
  4. Exactly! That's why it continues to be nicely written. We are actually having fun figuring this out. I feel somewhat respected as intelligent with this storyline. I wonder who the writers are handling the Jack-Kelly-Phyllis stuff. Because they are far superior to the other writers. lol.


    My pleasure, C76! I needed to break it down for myself. As I say above, I love that the writers are giving us this gift of not stupid not heavy handed writing.


    Agreed.  And then weirdly, within the same story we get served the cringeworthy dialogue handed to that unfortunate actor portraying Dr. Cutler.  How these actors deliver crap like that without rolling their eyes mystifies me.

    • Love 4
  5.  While I will continue to be disgusted by all things Victor and Nick, I am going forward believing this crapfest is improving.  It's a new year, after all - we can try to be positive.


    Couldn't agree more. And frankly my hopes were elevated even higher after watching Jack pull that dead possum of a wig out of Phyliss' bag, and GT being the good sport she must be... put in on her head and vamped in front of a mirror!  LoL  Fingers crossed the new regime keep this stuff rolling.   

    • Love 8
  6. Looks like they have finally got another psychopath to go toe to toe with the psychopathic Phyllis. Sharon,Christine and Diane did not have that hard drive wired in to them to compete with her,though Diane came close,but Kelly is already in full throttle psycho bitch mode!  Should be entertaining and interesting to see how this is going to turn out! lol  Of course Phyl is going to win but I sure hope we get to see a lot of karmic pay back before that plays out!! (:


    Agreed. I had been dreading the awakening of Phyllis with the same equal measure of boredom I had developed with Cady's retooled version of PollyannaKelly.  But since these two have bared their fangs and been going stiletto to stiletto, it has been really entertaining! Rarely am I able to fully put aside my dislike for a character, an actor or a particular storyline and just go for the ride - but in this case - I am (so far) having a lot of fun on this crazytrain.

    • Love 9
  7. I know - it was getting interesting for a while and I was so looking forward to Joe kicking Dylan's ass.  Now that the almighty Victor is involved, I'm FFing through the whole thing because I cannot stand the character.  I wish they would send Dylan, along and Victor and Nikki on a long cruise together and see who survives. 


    On the brightside, the stress of it all has driven Nikki to drink again. Drinkki Nikki is marginally more watchable than when she is sober.

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