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Posts posted by klopek

  1. I know this site has been acting goofy with weirdly quote box occurences since the downgrade,  but does everyone else see Petunia quote Valley then... pooof... Petunia vanished??   Blimey,  it's like the message board equivalent of the dangling phone receiver in a scary movie. 

    Geezuz Petunia, send a flare of some sort if you're ok!  

    • Love 6
  2. 2 hours ago, jewel21 said:

    Later, Hilary returns to the GCAC, Lily threatens to call security, and Hilary informs her that GC marriages are governed by communal law, which means she owns half the GCAC. And when she gets the deed to it, Lily will be out of a job and should start updating her CV. And while I don't like Hilary, I laughed out loud.

    That scene was worth the price of admission alone today.  Hilary dropping her bag, ordering Lily to "take it to her room"   Lily responding with a robust punting of the bag across the lobby.  lol    Can't wait to see what Lily kicks when Hilary tells her to peel her martini olives. 

    • Love 7
  3. 2 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said:

    Mr.Stunt cracked wise quoting William Faulkner, "The rich are different from you and me."

    In this instance, it sounds as it was more a matter of obtusity and pomposity.


    1 hour ago, Snaporaz said:

    So, was the Faulkner a signed 1st edition printed on Johannes Gutenberg's press, or just a copy from Barnes and Noble?

    LoL    yooo sooo funny.

    • Love 7
  4. 2 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

     CBS SID has a teaser on the cover about a "fan favorite" leaving.  I was in a hurry at the grocery store and didn't have time to see who it was (shame was also a factor).

    Lmao cause it's sooo true.  Thank FUCK for this forum where we all can hide in the daylight,  free of shame and scorn.  

    A sub-forum for the self loathing wouldn't go amiss though.   heeeeeee

    • Love 9
  5. 32 minutes ago, PatsyandEddie said:

    How much do you want to bet they'll have sex on the Abbott dining room table!!!

    Yep,  why stop there?  May as well fuck in Jack's bed while he is still sleeping in it.  ffs

    4 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

    Cross the line. Billy and Phyllis cross the line. I can't even imagine what that looks like. They have sex on John Abbott's grave? Billy wears a Victor mask while he "pleasures" Phyllis?

    Errr... ewww      Anyone care to join me in group therapy when that visual congeals in your brain.

    • Love 13
  6. 2 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

    You guys really helped me, just by letting me know I'm not alone and that so many others have gone through this. I'm very grateful.

    The preternatural powers of positive preversion.    ; )  

    May it ever be so.

    • Love 9
  7. ^^^ OMG that commute sounds brutal.   I remember you feeling torn between the two job offers that presented themselves at precisely the same time.  *shakes fist at the universe*   Glad to hear that your bosses sound like decent folks,  small gestures of appreciation can mean everything some days.  So,  over all,  you're generally pleased with how it's panned out,  or are you still looking... still considering Toronto?   Twat managers seems to be the default setting  at too many places,  sorry you have to put up with yet another one. 

    Forgot to ask about your Grandfather,  is he still baking like Martha Stewart on speed and leaving you all the washing up?

    • Love 7
  8. I wish you all the best peaches.   Sooner or later RIGHT must prevail somewhere -- I hope it is you. 

    4 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

    my TV Lawyer..... If I win my case he gets five large,

    Who the fuck did you call... Saul?   lol

    • Love 10
  9. 3 hours ago, miamama said:

    Oh look another promo featuring.....you guessed it!

    So the cheaters have an accident. I saw spoilers for next week saying "Phyllis covers her tracks."

    I  do hope that is teaser-speak for Phyllis shat her pants on the back of Fonzie's scooter.  Dog help us.  

    • Love 10
  10. Joining the choir.  My bugbear is getting booted all the time -- even when logged in with "keep me logged in".  I attempt a post or a like and get the f.u. "you can't do that",  and realise I got the boot again.  Starting to take it personally lol.

    Also dislike that you can no longer preview prior to posting,  at least I can't seem to.  (laptop/firefox 46.0.1)

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