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Posts posted by Bayarea4

  1. 4 hours ago, Fallacy said:

    The version of this episode posted on Amazon cuts off right as Josiah leans in for the kiss, so I missed the introduction of Abby entirely, which is ridiculous considering I paid actual money to see this episode (I don’t have cable). Anyone else having this problem? Maybe there’s a part two to this episode that Amazon hasn’t posted yet. 

    I had the same problem on Xfinity. The video froze at the end of the wedding ceremony. Thank you, Mollie, for posting the YouTube link. I really wanted to see JD introducing Abbie.

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  2. 7 hours ago, graefin said:

    I'd feel sorry for Jill except I don't. She's an adult so she can grow up and detach herself from Derick's hip and parent her own children. Derick can take care of himself while he's at school. Can your children?

    If Barnacle Jill is having a hard time, it's because of her upbringing. She grew up in a family that travels in packs and does everything together. She's always had other people around and has never been truly self-sufficient. Being on her own must seem strange and uncomfortable to her, if not downright scary. She needs to put her big girl panties on and get over it. If enough other students start complaining about her hanging around, Derick might be asked to leave. 

    • Love 19
  3. On 9/5/2018 at 7:41 PM, tabloidlover said:

    Anyone surprised that Lauren isn’t pregnant yet?

    No, not at all. If the rumors about Josiah have any truth to them, we may have to wait a while until they figure out how to use a turkey baster.  I'll go check myself into the prayer closet now.

    • Love 22
  4. 6 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

    Other than motivation and money, is there any real reason why Josh couldn't go to law school?  And pass the bar? Would his issues be held against him in Arkansas?

    Yes. He has character issues. Even if he got accepted to a law school and got his degree, ask yourself this: what law firm would hire him? He's well-known to the public as a former child molester. I sure wouldn't want to be his client, would you?

    • Love 9
  5. 23 hours ago, CarolMK said:

    Okay, I'm confused about Joe and Kendra's house. They got married in September, right? The latest show talks about them fixing up their house. So where were they living after the wedding? Or were they on their honeymoon for a month afterwards? Somehow, I don't think that Joe did all that work himself, even with his brothers helping. Most likely Jim Bob hired some contractors to assist in the remodel. 

    I was wondering the same thing.

  6. 4 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

    The dress Jinger has on looks like tablecloth or curtain material. I like the highlights in her hair, but I still think she needs to take off a few more inches.

    My first thought was that it looks like a hospital gown. [Edited to add] Oops, somebody already said that upthread, sorry.

    I hope Jinger and Jeremy give their daughter a classic old-fashioned girl's name such as Elizabeth, Sarah, Katharine, Eleanor, Alice, Emma or Margaret. And please, no "kre8tiv" spellings!

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  7. On 4/30/2018 at 5:29 PM, PradaKitty said:

    Who else hates the insurance (can’t remember ehat company it is, so the commercial is a bad idea) ad with the annoying woman getting into her “ replacement vehicle” and screeching byyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeee as she drives off? 

    Hell, want to slam into her. 


    On 5/4/2018 at 7:06 PM, TeapotDiva said:

    It's Mercury Insurance.  And I'll come with you; we can take turns slamming into her!

    I just dropped in to say the same thing. That woman is such an bitchy entitled princess, I want to slap her. But here's the good part: if you read the fine print at the bottom of the screen, it clearly states that Mercury does not deliver rental cars to the scene of an accident.

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  8. Derick reminds me of a squawking parrot. Parrots may not know what they're saying, but they are like toddlers who love the attention misbehaving gets them. Anyone who's ever owned a parrot knows that if they scream and you yell at them, they think you want to participate in the the drama and will scream even louder. TLC tried to do damage control by throwing a cover over the parrot cage, but it didn't work because he found a new pulpit on Twitter.

    The Original Recipe Duggars have been in the public eye for long enough that they know better than to say the kinds of things Derick is saying on Twitter even though probably agree with him privately. That's because they know that in order to keep their franchise they have to avoid controversy. Now Derick is exposing the hatefulness of their belief system, and he is too deluded to care that, by broadcasting these views, he is exposing himself and his entire family to public ridicule.

    • Love 11
  9. On 4/4/2018 at 6:06 AM, bigskygirl said:

    Michelle and JB prayed to God in order to love their own children. I think that says it all! Michelle thinks she is all that because she had nineteen children. I also seriously doubt JB would have gotten snipped because in his penis brain getting snipped would make him less of a man.

    There. Fixed it for ya. ;)

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