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Posts posted by raindancer

  1. 2 minutes ago, ByTor said:

    I'm still mad they took off "Everybody Loves Raymond!"  It was the only thing that helped me fall asleep.

    I've never seen it!  I'm curious about some of their choices though - there are a lot of limitations to what they have available, even though I'm happy with a lot of what they do have.  I'd love to see World of Dance on there - I saw some episodes when I still bothered with Direct TV and really enjoyed them, but I couldn't justify how expensive it was in light of how few other shows I watched.

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  2. 1 hour ago, cherryblossom said:

    When we talk about different strengths of the girls on the team, I often think of Jordan Chanley who said she knew she wasn’t the best dancer but that it took a lot of different things/girls to make up the team.  Loved that girl & her heart.

    she was such a doll!!!!  One of my favorite Kelli comments was about her - I think it was something like, "what can I say about her.....?  She skips through her dances 'cause she's happy."  The way she said it totally killed me 😂

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  3. 6 hours ago, ByTor said:

    Ashley Ferrell...so pretty and underrated!

    she has always been one of my favorites.....in my DCC Categories of Beautiful (TM) she has always been one of the "sweetheart beautiful" girls to me (the kind of girl you'd want to be best friends with, who would spend hours talking you through a breakup, and then come over first thing in the morning with a plate of brownies, loves kids and puppies, etc.).  I watched through her first season on Pluto recently and was also struck by how funny and sweet she was....just seems like a really nice girl.  

    5 hours ago, MrsEVH said:

    They look different without their DC C look. Whose between Lauren and Veronica?

    she's really pretty, but I don't recognize her either, so I'm thinking perhaps she wasn't a DCC.....perhaps another friend or relative?  

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  4. 13 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

    I don't understand how any young female (really any age) could allow someone to take intimate photos of her body, or for that matter, video them having intercourse or performing things on each other.  I just find it amazing that anyone would put themselves in that position.

    Accounts get hacked, photos and videos emerge on the internet--it just doesn't make sense to me.  I've never known a man that I wanted that badly that I would allow this to occur.

    Also fully realize things happen without a girl knowing it.

    whether she took the photos willingly or not is entirely irrelevant.  Revenge porn is illegal for a reason (as well as completely morally reprehensible).

    8 hours ago, Tulip86 said:

    Let's not blame the victim here. She can take whatever pictures she likes, they weren't his to share.


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  5. 1 hour ago, Anduril said:

    10 days between finals and first meeting. I was wondering the same thing. 10 days seems like plenty of time to find that out unless he sent them very close to the start of TC. 

    I have zero inside knowledge about this, but I would imagine that the disgusting ex-boyfriend deliberately chose to do so once he'd heard she was invited to camp in order to spoil any chance she might have ever had of making the team.  To send those photographs during tryouts prior to camp would not have necessarily achieved the results he wanted - it is far more likely that he waited until she was happily sharing the news with her friends and family, and then made his move.  Carla paid a heavy price for trusting a revolting human being.  

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  6. 6 hours ago, MrsEVH said:

    Season 3 (2008) was Cassie's rookie season. Vets cut were: Carmen Butler, Michelle Mozek , Leah Mullinax, Kelli Jo Stauffaucher. Also rookies from season 1 (2006) Kristin Hager and Carrie Stillwell.


    I think Carrie just skipped the season following her rookie year intending to come back - I could be wrong but I don't think she was cut.  I believe she referenced taking a year off to get married when she was auditioning again during Season 3.

  7. 3 hours ago, NikkiDCC said:

    Kelli always puts the dancers on blast for wearing push up bras. What bra do they actually advise? If they don't have a suggestion, do the dancers have a short list of favorites? It has to fit under the triangles of the shirt. The band can't fall beneath the bust at all because of the shirt. It would be best if it came in the same shade of blue. It has to have a tiny center that lets the knot fall in the right place. It needs to be supportive but should still make you feel like you look pretty (I mean, to put it mildly, right!?) So, if we don't know what the preference is, what would you wear?

    I think they all have a standard one they are supposed to wear - and my memory could be deceiving me, but I thought it was the Victoria's Secret Bombshell.  I think Kelli just doesn't want them adding anything extra on top of that, which is understandable - but to be fair, I don't see how you could possibly stuff anything more into a Bombshell bra (absolutely no idea how Britney Schram pulled it off, if that is indeed what she was wearing at the time).  Those bras are stacked.  The one time I tried one on, I looked like a cartoon character (and sadly, not in a good way).

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  8. 28 minutes ago, Cruisegirl said:

    At the end of the season Kelli said that the girls would have to do an internal audition to see what 36 would be on the field. With Gina out with injuries, I would think they are all performing. From others posting on various sites  Rachel  ( missed practice), Briana& Kat all sat out one game. I then heard Meredith sat out a couple of games also. 

    I really hope they don't end up doing Mavs-style pre-game tryouts on the regular as a new policy now.....I feel like if you're good enough to make the team, you should be able to dance with your teammates.  I can't imagine the nerves you'd get pre-performance anyway, and adding that kind of pressure on top of everything else seems really over-the-top to me.  I also feel like it could figure into hard feelings, and there are enough issues right now with the team dynamic without adding anything else on top of it.  Someone with more knowledge on this please correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding was that the Mavs environment could be really brutal sometimes, and personally I'd wonder how much those kinds of requisites played into that dynamic.

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  9. On 12/10/2019 at 6:35 PM, KnyghtRyder said:

    I co-sign this so much that I kinda wish we were best friends ☺️☺️

    I actually recall defending KelFine and Judy on the TWOP forums when they called Melissa Rycroft out her second TC. In her younger days, MelRy always seemed to me to be the type of person who would start to goof off to cover up not being able to do something well (the ole “I’ll laugh at myself first before anyone else laughs at me” defense mechanism). I think K&J saw this in her too and just called her into the office as a warning to take her place on the squad seriously - as we all know they demand LASERFOCUSSERIOUSNESS when it comes to DCC. But then when she admitted she had mono, even though they kinda looked like assholes, they couldn’t back down because - let’s be honest - Melissa is kind of a goofball.

    You would thought I’d invited Lucifer himself to the Christmas dinner table with the reactions on the TWOP forums when I defended them though 🙄.

    Ultimately, I think her ability to laugh at herself saved her from the Bachelor-Audience-wide embarrassment a couple of years later.  Disclaimer, I don’t watch the Bachelor OR Dancing With The Stars, so my thoughts on her personality are based on MTT and pure speculation. Also, I actually think MelRy is adorable and I follow her on Instagram.

    I think the story about the apology came out several years later. After K&J didn’t admonish (and pretty much defended) Cassie when she demonstrated a clear lackluster performance, the forums tore into them on the double standard. At some point, it bled over into social media, and Melissa posted on some sort of platform that she did in fact receive an apology from K&J in response to some outraged comments. However, I believe it was well after Melissa retired from DCC and even possibly after the Bachelor fiasco and her Dancing With The Stars tenure. So...who knows...maybe they were trying to smooth things over in prep for her DCC TC mentor role at the time. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Anyway, Seasons 1-12, my thoughts were always along the lines of “their circus, their monkeys” so they can run it however they want. However the antics of the past two years have really altered my thoughts on K&J.  Now they just look like sad, old bitches. I actually didn’t finish this season. I’m literally typing on the same device where I’ve downloaded the episodes, and I still haven’t watched them. I just had an 11-hour plane ride the other day, wherein I chose to read Regency Christmas romance novels on my kindle app on the same device instead of finishing out this season 🤭

    I have taken no less than 7 different “personality” tests from Myers-Briggs, Insights Discovery, DISC, MMPI, CPI, etc. Some of the multiple times. It’s fascinating to see how you change depending on where you are in life and what roles you are currently filling or have filled previously. It’s not just knowing what your “personality” is, it is what you do with that information and how if affects (effects?) your personal and business relationships that really matters. I thought Maddie’s “Dictator” was hilarious. I too fall into that category and I struggle with it on a daily basis. Turns out not everyone likes to be ordered around 😆 

    Sorry for the long rant. I haven’t been on here in awhile!!


    I still really love Kelli and Judy both.....I am just so floored by some of the choices that have been made, and as much as I can empathize with love blinding individual perception, there have been some seriously egregious oversights I cannot even begin to understand.

    • Love 4
  10. 2 hours ago, fawn said:

    I miss that Kelli...strict, consistent, dedicated, and with a standard that made it the squad to make. Except for a few cuts (Raylee), I even agreed with the majority of her cuts. Last year was a 180 turn in the consistency and rationale of some decisions...and this year - YIKES. Veterans must be frustrated because it seems it doesn't matter if you've paid your dues. I don't know why they even bothered to have those personality tests this season. The point was to make the team more cohesive and aware of how people relate. 

    I've been having a hard time with things the last couple seasons because I've always really loved Kelli, but my overall reaction to her decisions and reactions lately has been comprised of.....


    That said, I loved the sections about the personality tests so freaking much.  Maddie is an absolutely adorable dictator, and I loved seeing where the girls fell in the tests.  Even though personality is definitely more of a nuanced spectrum than a test can entirely define, I still think they are a lot of fun, and can be really useful tools.  I know Myers-Briggs gets a lot of hate, but for me at least it's so accurate it's actually spooky, so it's been extremely useful for me.

    • Love 3
  11. 21 hours ago, ByTor said:

    Except she expects them to be there even when sick, so they're just sitting there watching & not participating anyway.  I wonder if Kelli ever considered what kind of performance she'd get from the team if one girl spreads her illness to the rest of the team.

    oh I definitely agree....a doctor's note should be more than enough to allow someone to stay home.  I think though that when they're made to attend regardless, it's about seeing how the formations are practiced so that they can fall in seamlessly again once they're well (and also possibly to discourage anyone from calling off without cause).  I feel like with the kinds of technology we have at our disposal now though that keeping up with the group while allowing sick girls to stay at home in bed shouldn't be out of the question.  However, as much as I love DCC, I have an idea that certain types of adaptation are not exactly their forte.

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  12. 1 hour ago, BluegrassDCCFan said:

    So now we know that Kelli's missed at least 2 rehearsals since MTT started (1. her flight was late and 2. she was sick). Hmmm you'd think they'd be more lenient on the girls but NOPE.

    Missing rehearsals twice over 14 years is a pretty exceptional record.  Also, and much more importantly, Kelli is the director.  The requisites she has, and the requisites the girls have, are different.  And as much as I feel for the girls, I honestly get it about rehearsal discipline.  There are nearly 40 different schedules to coordinate, and since the girls are dancing as a team, their performances (and safety in kickline) depend on one another.  I also strongly suspect that unless there was a hard line for it, attendance would be out of control, regardless of individual professionalism.

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  13. 11 hours ago, Jess14 said:

    Katy talked about how she had needed Angela for so many appearances and hadn’t been able to use her, while she advocated for Jinelle and said she would still put her on show group, even though Kelli said Jinelle was not strong that year. Now, that was a few years ago, so they may not have been together then, but still...it’s interesting watching that now.

    it's funny, every time this has been mentioned, I'd never remembered it being Katy who mentioned Angela being difficult to book.  I'd always thought it was Shelly who had said so, but I'd never brought it up cause I didn't want to put her on the spot (sorry Shelly!!! 😫).  Seeing it mentioned again though I decided to just watch it over and see, and we're both right - Shelly actually brought it up first, and Katy confirmed it.  Specifically, Shelly said, "she has turned down a lot of things," and then Katy said, "I've needed [like] appearances, and she's turned it down."  The only thing Katy said about Jinelle was, "if you're talking full package, then I'd put her on there."  I kind of feel as though if that was the truth (and I def think it was - Jinelle is a doll and one of my all-time favorite DCCs), then it needed to be said.

    In semi-related news, Jackie Bob is just totally freaking beautiful, and watching the entire panel try not to laugh over "sprangled" kind of made my night 😂

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  14. 45 minutes ago, DCC-UK said:

    I thought you meant the country i.e. United Kingdom haha!

    LOL I did too!!  And honestly I'm surprised there aren't more UK girls who head over - I don't think I've ever seen any who do, although it seems like there are a lot of international fans from that region.  I always love cheering on the girls from other places (Yoshiko, Angela, Jinelle, Yuko), and hope there are some who show up for tryouts this year.

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  15. 18 hours ago, Cruisegirl said:
    On 10/18/2019 at 1:49 PM, scorpio1031 said:

    What’s up with her belly? It looks like she has ripples in the tummy. I’m assuming it’s the reflection of the water, but I think it looks horrible

    I would kill to look that horrible

    • Love 22
  16. 8 hours ago, Pau84 said:

    Your post inspires me!

    This is my view

    Glam girl beautiful : Rachel W, Tess, Jalyn, Caroline, Lexi, Savannah, Kat, Amanda, Kelcey (she is like Caroline: starts at the classic girl-next-door but inevitable winds up at the Glam girls department), same applies to Bridget, who is no longer a girl-next-door!

    Classic girl-next-door beautiful: Ashlee, Heather, Alanna, Cianna, Briana, Maddie, Daphne, Taylor J, Molly

    Sporty beautifulChristina, Amy, Lily, Lisa, Chandi, Victoria, Brennan

    Sexy beautifulHannah, Gina, Alexis, Rachel A, Kristin, Miranda, Taylor P, Erin, Amber

    love it!!!  of course I feel like the girls can exemplify whatever aspect of these "categories" they want, but it's just kind of fun to think about.  Also there is a lot of crossover for me too - I put wayyyyy too much thought into whether Molly should go into "sexy" or "60s vibe" (I feel like she would rock the hell out of some old-school cat-eye liner), or whether Gina was "Cali-girl" or "sexy beautiful" 😂

    7 hours ago, Lona said:

    Just let me double/echo @Agent Gully 's wonderful words. As a guy myself, let me assure y'all tastes will vary between all guys, but please know this: This squad of women are not just some of the most beautiful in the Texas state, but of the whole country. At least to this guy they are. Seriously, don't ever think for a second that whichever girl you find the least pretty/attractive would probably be at least a "10" on most guys' scales .

    Absolutely - these girls are all 10s.

    32 minutes ago, Duffer said:

    When she re-watched her interview, and didn’t understand the issue, it would have made  more sense for Kelly to say, the fact that you didn’t pick up on it is more troubling than anything.

    She’s a risk of saying the wrong thing, being a lousy teammate. Disappointing. I liked her on the field. 

    Same.  When I was reading upthread about the comment Kelli had made about insulting LA dancers, I was a bit like WTF, since iTunes hadn't downloaded the episode for me yet, but after watching, I absolutely see what she meant.  I'm really surprised about Julia's responses, honestly.  She was absolutely a girl I had been rooting for hard through camp, and her interview and handling of that meeting doesn't seem in keeping with my initial impressions of her, especially since I believe @SmpIsimon had mentioned she was a team favorite (hope I remembered that right, didn't want to put words in your mouth).  I'd have thought she'd have been more graceful about her wording, but maybe she felt as though she was just being honest about her specific experiences there.  One of my younger sisters lived out there for a while, and another toured out that way and has worked there professionally, and honestly they both said similar things about the environment, so I could see where Julia might have been coming from.  That is not to say it exemplifies the dancers there or the environment as a whole, but it makes sense to me if those are things she experienced and was trying to express that.  I'm just surprised she wasn't more diplomatic about it.  There is a fine art to the synthesis of honesty and diplomacy, and I think that is what Kelli and Judy were looking for, and found lacking in that instance.

    • Love 9
  17. 45 minutes ago, Agent Gully said:

    Some men prefer the cute or attractive gals over the untouchable beauties. Thus Maddie, Amy, Christina, etc. are popular with them. Others love the stunningly beautiful ladies such as Rachel W. Some prefer the more exotic look such as Hannah.

    As many have noted, it really does seem like there are different kinds of beauty for everyone on the squad.  I've always been fascinated by the concept, and yesterday I was out poking through some used books and I found that old "what is your season" beauty book from back when people had more eyeshadow than sense (not a slam, right now it's brow pencil and fillers than sense, so pick your poison I suppose).  I don't entirely like the idea of categorizing people, but it's fun to speculate about, so in the spirit of that book and DCC beauty (and since I have way too much time on my hands right now), I'm going to run through the whole roster with my opinions.

    Glam girl beautiful

    Rachel W, Briana, Caroline, Victoria, Lexi, Savannah, Kat

    Classic girl-next-door beautiful

    Bridget, Ashlee, Heather, Alanna, Erin, Cianna, Kelcey, Chandi

    Sporty beautiful

    Christina, Amy, Lily, Taylor J, Lisa, Rachel A

    Pre-Raphaelite beautiful

    Maddie (she had this beautiful promo pic for some classes she was running with Michelle Keys quite a while ago, and it had that kind of vibe to it, so that's always kind of how I've seen her - also, I'm loving her longer hair)

    Sexy beautiful

    Hannah, Gina, Alexis, Molly, Jalyn, Meredith, Kristin

    Sweetheart beautiful


    Cali-girl beautiful

    Taylor, Daphne

    Sophisticated beautiful

    Brennan, Tess

    Ethereal beautiful


    60s vibe beautiful

    Madeleine (somebody once pointed out that she looks like a sexy Mary Anne from Gilligan's Island, and I just can't unsee it)

    Demi Moore beautiful

    Amber (same as above)

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