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Posts posted by raindancer

  1. 2 hours ago, EricaShadows said:

    Not if they know what's good for them (or if they intend to come back in the future).  We've seen how much Kelli and Judy dislike (ahem, hate) girls who don't give them the chance to say "Tonight is your last night" or whatever they say to the girls who are cut.  Anyone who bows out, even if it's gracefully, will likely never make it past preliminaries ever again, should they choose to try out again.   That is, unless they're are injured while in camp and the injury will take too long to heal for them to actually dance again while camp is in session.

    honestly I don't think it's about not letting them have the final say - I think it really is because they want to make sure that the girls they choose for TC really do have the absolute best opportunity, and that the time they invest will be given to girls who are really dedicated, and care about it, and will make something out of it.  I think there is just a very finite amount of space and time for dedicated teachers and veterans to come in and work with the girls.  Each person invited is an investment of sorts, and furthermore camp is a concentrated opportunity to learn at an intensive level that just isn't available to anyone outside of the organization, really.  They don't want to waste anyone's time - hence the cuts of girls they thought might have potential but clearly wouldn't be able to make it in the long run - but this is also an amazing and prestigious opportunity to develop as a performer and to make connections with others that will be wonderful for their personal and their professional lives, so they do try to keep people as long as there is a realistic chance.  As Kelli has often said, they are trying to develop talent.  Also, I think Kelli and Judi have a lot of compassion for these girls, and respect those who approach the process with dedication and sincerity.  I think they feel when people (like Megan from S10, or the Minchew girls) who enter in knowing that they might have other commitments and then just drop out down the line are being disrespectful and have essentially cheated someone else of an opportunity they would have given anything for.  I know I feel that way when I see things like that happen.  I have a lot of compassion for these girls and the things they go through to make it and aspire to something wonderful and I hate to see someone who doesn't value the opportunity enough take that chance away from them.

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  2. I just loved both Courtney and Taylor - I thought they were such lovely girls, and they would have been really devoted and great additions to the team overall IMO.  I also still feel like there was a missed opportunity for MTT to have Mackenzie Lee come in and do a cameo to coach Taylor - she was another of my all-time favorites and she worked very very hard on her kicks and maybe could have helped Taylor with hers.  I wish Taylor would try out again, although it sounds like she is doing wonderfully and I'm glad she is.  I feel the same for Courtney too, and all the girls that got cut.  I know it's how it works and how DCC keeps the standards high but it is so enormously important for most of these girls and my heart hurts for them when they don't get it even when they're working so hard.  

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  3. I have a lot of favorites in camp this year (I always do), and I hate the thought of so many girls getting cut but I am really pulling hard for Amy and I hope she will be okay....I feel like if she makes it beyond the kickline and cameos she would be great.  I think she has so much of a personality she'd be amazing on camera (I remember when she got up in the interviews last year doing pose practice!) and I hope so much for her sake that it came out in the pictures.  @TXStar35 I know you can't give out more than you have or you would have already so no pressure....but I'm dying to know how she is doing!!!  LOL

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  4. @NicoleS9954 thank you so much, and it's close with the lyrics, only it's not the one I'm thinking of....the one I'm trying to find goes something like "light up the light now/lighters up in the sky now/light up the night night night n-now!"  LOL  They play it a ton on the last few seasons, and there's a rap component to it too that almost makes me think of LMFAO, but I didn't see any songs like that from them when I checked.  It's making me crazy trying to figure it out :D

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  5. not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but does anyone know the name of the song with the lyrics that keep repeating something like "light up the night now" that is featured in the last few seasons of MTT?  I've been trying to google the lyrics and I just can't find them anywhere.

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  6. I really love Holly....I think she's beautiful, an amazing dancer, and I love her personality.  Also I followed her on Twitter and she was super sweet and actually thanked me for the follow - it seriously made my day and I think she is going to be one of the vets who could be a 5 or 6 year girl.  I'm hoping she is anyway, and that she gets to stay on as long as she wants.  With the kind of talent she has though, I'm sure she will.  Rooting for all the girls this season, I agree with @LaurenBrook that it makes me terribly sad they'll have to cut so many.  I hope they just end up having a really big squad :)

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