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Haute Messe

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Posts posted by Haute Messe

  1. Holy hell that was hard to watch - definitely levels of Scary Island. Sonja has displayed bad drunken behavior before but she cleaned up her act for a bit when she stopped  - or cut down drinking. I have noticed a progression of her nuttiness/mania over the last few episodes, but this was an all time high... girlfriend needs some serious help.

    Lu cannot carry a tune in a bucket. Whatever she was singing last night was totally off key. And I think she has trouble articulating her thoughts because she has a very limited vocabulary for an adult educated woman.

    Dorinda I thought looked nice at the Christmas tree lighting and I even thought Whathisname looked pretty good for the two seconds he was on the screen. Oh yeah, John is his name.

    It it was a bit much for Beth to come in with guns blazing for Luanne without having a clue what was going on before she arrived. But subtlety is not her game.

    19 hours ago, ghoulina said:

    I don't care for Barb, but I felt so badly for her when Ramona openly iced her out of going out. What a cruel woman she is. 

    That was a total bitch move.  I used to be a Ramona sympathizer but she has completely lost me this season.

    2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

    Sonja can be funny sometimes,but she has a long history of sexual harassment on this show. It really really bothers me. She, especially, likes to hit on young men. When they're basically working for you, they're put in a very bad position, that makes it hard for them to speak up. It's not cute. She seems to think she's just the sexiest thing ever and every man MUST enjoy her advances. It makes me really uncomfortable and I wish someone would speak up and defend these men.  

    And she doesn't discriminate - gay or straight, she's an equal opportunity harasser!

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  2. 17 minutes ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

    My feeling is that it is easy to say to people with anxiety "get therapy" but as someone who has also struggled with anxiety - and only really began to recognize it over the past few years - it's a lot harder to actually do.  As exhausting as it is for you to watch it, I guarantee that it is a hundred times more difficult for Kyle to live with it. 

    I have had my own issues with anxiety over the last 30 years or so as well, so do understand it. I have just learned a bit about what triggers my anxiety and how to best manage it. I also recognize that everyone who experiences this is different, and am still exhausted by Kyle. Maybe I just don't like her very much.

    • Love 13
  3. 12 hours ago, ivygirl said:

    Confidential to Dorit: You really can’t cajole someone into losing weight. They have to at least somewhat want to do it themselves. And—unless under doctor’s orders—denial is the quickest way to lead someone to failure.

    Well, she also thinks that his type 2 lifestyle related diabetes is going to develop into type 1 diabetes, so PK would benefit from a doctor or someone with any sort of knowledge on this subject rather than his ditsy wife, unless she is trying to kill him.

    16 hours ago, ridethemaverick said:

    I wonder if her daughters notice it too. All I could think about during her speech was how many times she said I but Farrah's face didn't give anything away. If I were Kyle's daughter, I feel like I'd have a bet or drinking game on nights like that. "Every time Mom says 'I or me', take a shot." 

    Farrah's had 30 years to get used to it.

    6 hours ago, Lady of nod said:

    She said Rinna was a very close friend of hers. That finished her for me. I liked her at first, then got tired of hearing about Charlie and happy endings. Now I'm done. She should have stayed out of the Rhinna/ Kim drama, and anyone who's close with bag of nasty bones I have no use for. 

    Yep, they are both real classy broads - birds of a feather. Oy.

    1 hour ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

    Also, I am not going to give Kyle a hard time for having anxiety and being a little freaked out by the mammogram. That's a totally understandable and natural reaction to have to the unknown, especially to something serious like breast cancer.  

    I can cut her some slack for this, but I am sick of her other neuroses. If she has anxiety disorder she should get some therapy or meds to manage it. It sounds like she had a bit of a screwed up childhood and she seems very insecure, but all I see is a poor little rich girl...and it is exhausting and hard to sympathize with.

    46 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

    I actually don't mind Kyle for the most part but I was really livid over that. “Fuck my life”?!!? Really? Bitch, wasn't your ass just shaking, quaking and in tears over a possible breast cancer diagnosis? Yet you utter FML over the most  inane shit like being 'stuck' in a ferris wheel for few minutes?  It is not even that she was upset over being stuck but uttering the phrase 'fuck my life" over that is way over the top given the circumstances. She is healthy, lives in a multi-millionaire dollar mansion, where she is throwing a 15 birkin bag priced party with a fucking ferris wheel that nobody forced her sawed off runt ass to get into. Be fucking grateful for all your blessings.  Jeez lady! 


    • Love 15
  4. 3 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

    This show is becoming faker and faker.  We're all being hoodwinked by contrived drama and bad acting.  Nothing makes much sense and I dislike everyone (except wee May).

    The only real scene seemed to be Larissa's 'confession' which genuinely shook Debbie (or seemed to).  But then she didn't ask the obvious questions - how many, how old, where are they now?  She was more concerned that they were keeping secrets from her and not telling her everything.

    The rest of the episode seemed set up and fake.

    TLC = Total Load of Crap. I dislike the whole lot of them except sweet Mae, and step-dad Nicole but I do appreciate a few of them.

    The only thing real about David and Annie is his ever expanding girth, but Annie makes me laugh.

    And I have learned so many new words from the well educated Mother Chantel. Last night was brought to us by the letter B as in bigshotness.

    I can only hope that some of this Pao and Russ stuff is fake, but I really think she probably is the massively selfish bitch we are seeing.

    I thought that Larry's family were all great, and hope those two make it.

    No words for Trashley and her trashy friends.

    • Love 12
  5. Oh boy this season is off to a rough start. 

    Eliza looks like some of the junkies on Intervention. She has obviously been brought in as the shit stirrer, and there is enough dysfunction in this group without addiing her in the mix.

    Patricia is now drinking in her bedroom? I would need a double dose of valium to sleep in that room cluttered full of stuffed cats and chotchkies all over the place.

    Naomie doesn't seem nearly as broken up about her split with Craig as he seems to think, but she is an annoyingly smug creature.

    I for one have no trouble believing that Whitney did not sleep - or at least have sex with Katherine. He looked like he was afraid of catching  cooties from sitting  beside her at dinner.

    • LOL 1
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  6. 2 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

    Dorinda was hilarious in her TH when she was fake playing the piano singing “Money can’t you buy you class” and then in the previews that old lady was doing just that!  

    That cracked me up! She was on fire tonight in her talking heads.  I laughed about her saying it was like being a National Geographic photographer waiting for the kill shot.

    And it was so nice of Sonja to not only bring a bunch of booze but also give Lu the "911" on what was said at the Halloween party. And Luanne once again demonstrated that she has not learned a blessed thing in her "recovery" by not listening. I remember an old timer saying that when you were new in recovery the first thing you have to do is take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth.

    Damn but those statement necklaces are not my taste.

    Lu said something else that made it sound like she was an ESL student, but can't remember what it was. Will have to re-watch this one.

    • Love 11
  7. 3 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

    I was really hoping that when Denise asked Aaron if he would be OK going for four days without sex, that he had answered that he was going to visit a massage parlor. 

    That would have been awesome! Still TMI though.

    Kyle is sooo thirsty this year - she should really lay off the tequila if it makes her act like a horny teenager.

    I do not find Rinna funny, iconic or interesting - her talking heads make me cringe.

    Teddy might not know everything, but she was right about one thing - Camille definitely does have more than one face. 

    Side eying LVP for the lie detector test. I think she should have just stuck to her guns and left it alone.

    • Love 9
  8. 13 hours ago, MrsWitter said:

    I’ve been debating (in my head and with my SO) for awhile who has the more annoying laugh: Brittany or Scheana. Tonight we decided it’s definitely Brittany. 

    Also, while I appreciate what Scheana brought to the season finale, she’s such a non-entity during this reunion. I forgot she was there for awhile.

    That's a bad thing?

    Brittany wins for worst laugh, Scheana has the worst voice, hands down.

    I feel terrible for all the bashing James receives. And part of the problem is he rises to the bait every time because he's to emotionally immature to respond calmly or ignore it - he instinctively goes on the offense. I think he really needs counseling and sobriety, but he's self medicating to mask a lot of pain and insecurity.

    • Love 7
  9. I'm only half an hour in and already the assholes are out in full form.

    In the words of Dan Aykroyd,  Chantal, you ignorant slut. She must have only seen an edited version of the infamous dinner, or she talked through all the parts where her family were at fault. That was a display of the most disrespectful, rude behaviour yet. Not surprising considering who raised her. Poor Pedro.  I can see why Pedro would want to get out of Dodge,  but his family are assholes too.

    Pao, you are a selfish, self centered delusional asshole. You have made no effort whatsoever to get along with your in-laws. Everything is your way, or the highway.

    Back later!

    • Love 10
  10. On 5/7/2019 at 9:40 AM, iMonrey said:

    Good grief, the entire scene with Maddie being confronted by all the callers she's helped should have been nixed in the writing room as soon as someone suggested it. What a laughably contrived and corny scene! It actually would have played better as a dream sequence.

    I did enjoy Chim's stint as acting captain (chief?) and the way everyone kept showing up at Bobby's place to bitch about it, including Chim himself.

    That is actually what I thought it was at first. It was ridiculous.

    I enjoyed Chim as he transitioned in the Chief role as well.

    • Love 1
  11. 29 minutes ago, kicksave said:

    And Victoria looked awful...she always looks like she just rolled out of a crackhouse or a had a binder the night before. Her hair never looks combed or shampooed for that matter. I know she's an "artist" but still...

    She looks like she smells of patchouli oil and weed, and her features resemble her dad more than her mom.

    • LOL 6
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  12. Those mug shot coasters make me want to get arrested so I can have a set made.

    Ramona, your modesty is overwhelming.  The younguns might find you entertaining as comic relief, not because you look so fabulous for your age. She did look like a smitten teenager around Harry though, and her desperation and bullshitting (about her birthday, etc.) are at pathetic levels.

    It doesn't sound like John is getting much action with Dorinda. Not that I would blame her for not wanting to touch him. No wonder he was slobbering all over Beth and Tins at Lu's event.

    Hannah really bugs me. She seems like she is amped up on speed the way she interrupts and jumps around. But on second thought maybe the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

    Dorinda and Sonja both looked great at Ramona's charity event, but they were both way out of line inserting themselves in that inarticulate speech that Ramona was trying to deliver. It was not the time or place to humiliate her even if she does have it coming.

    • Love 15
  13. 1 hour ago, suzeecat said:

    About the strap-on, she said it was with her "ex". 

    It could have been any one of her exes. I hope she wasn't referring to Kelsey  - her kids don't need to hear this.

    46 minutes ago, Giselle said:

    I hate to say it but I'm liking Erica Girardi but definitely not Erica Jayne and glam squad, I'm tired of that bitch. 


    I have never really had a problem with Kyle, but she is annoying me this season beyond reason. I am so tired of all her neuroses and she just comes off as a shallow rich girl. I don't think she is all that bright, especially after that confrontation with LVP. And she looks like Morticia Addams in her THs - that red get-up is not flattering.

    • LOL 2
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  14. On 5/6/2019 at 4:50 AM, Empress1 said:

    I skipped a lot of this. Ashley and Michael are very unappealing to me, so I fast-forwarded through them.

    Then you are very lucky. I stayed home today with a stomach bug, which started up last night right after watching the nasty strawberry and whipped cream scene.

    • LOL 3
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  15. 8 hours ago, Pickles said:

    Kyle has a serious drinking problem if he is blacking out or even if he just can't remember things that happened. He isn't a college kid anymore. Good grief. He needs to get help. 

    Carl got so emotional when he saw his mom. I also think he could do with some therapy.

    Blackout drinking is actually being in a conscious state but having no memory of what happened. Been there but thankfully got sober many years ago. Kyle does indeed need help, but if he is getting away with this behaviour, then Amanda is codependent.  Her drinking seems to be escalating also. What started out as trying to keep up with Kyle could become a big problem. It's a slippery slope.

    • Love 4
  16. Several years ago, I used to really enjoy this show. I now can't find one thing to like - it's almost like a parody of the early days. The characters, the writing, the dialogue are all just so awful it's embarrassing. It should have exited gracefully a few seasons ago.....

    • Love 8
  17. 4 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

    Why do I want to hold Lindsey's head under the water in the pool ?  Oh right, she is a bitch

    Not to mention, her voice gives me an instant migraine - wish she would get permanent laryngitis. She is right up there with Sheana from VPR. 

    And Danielle is another one I'd like to shove in the pool.

    Not sure what Jordan's issue is besides being full of horse shit. His tall tales make them all question him. His sexuality or sex life is really none of any of their business, but what can you expect from this bunch of gossip queens.

    • Love 5
  18. I watched the 2 hour recap in about an hour (ff thru all the "modeling" and the Juan crap) because I missed the first season of these two. I didn't think it was possible to like Paola any less, but she was obnoxious and self centered from day 1. Starting with the as-mentioned half naked breakfast entrance to the slutty trashy see-through wedding dress that she coveted... oy.... Ross was clearly in lust with the 'espicy Latina' when they first met.  Hoping a baby will give her something else to focus on and knock a chunk off her insufferable ego.

    • Love 5
  19. 5 hours ago, ivygirl said:

    I can’t stand Scheana, but this show would lose something if she wasn’t on. She gets the best flashbacks (“Rob! Rob! Rob! Rob! Rob!” “Best friend! Best friend! Best friend! Best friend! Best friend!”) and says the most ridiculous things, like saying the “day was about Brittany” while spending half of said day texting and the other half muttering because her “best friend” no longer wants to match outfits with her. 

    Eh, I could certainly live without her. Mostly because her voice and everything that comes out of her mouth makes my ears bleed.

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  20. 14 hours ago, Steph J said:

    I'm completely baffled by the fact that the show keeps giving someone as lacking in charisma and personality as Raquel so much airtime. 

    WHY are they trying so hard to make her happen?? She is dull witted, boring, not pretty enough to be a model and so so thirsty! That puppy is adorable though.

    • Love 9
  21. 21 hours ago, tranquilidade said:

    Dorit is an idiot, type 2 doesn’t turn into type 1 they are different disorders and in fact many doctors view type 2 as a worse disease as it can be difficult to treat. Laughing off 318 BG levels is rather stupid considering the damage this can cause. These people make me sick.

    Bullshit just pours out of her mouth.

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