Yup, personal injury atty, dog bites, auto accidents, slip & falls, Don't scream, call Akim... is his nonstop commercial on daytime tv. Shaking down insurance companies and handing out neck braces is a very lucrative industry as evidenced by Akims house. He also had a tv show, an eye for an eye, I think it was called. He was a tv judge where he handed out sharia law type punishments to defendants that lost their case. For example, if you wrecked your friends car and were found guilty, he would give the plaintiff a baseball bat and the winning plaintiff would go to the parking lot and beat on the guilty parties car, on camera I believe. Matter of fact, Akim bought a warehouse and turned it into a tv/film production studio here in Charleston. Not sure of the current status of that project, maybe related to this show?
It doesn't take a rocket science to pass the bar, it does however take some dedicated focus of which ol Craig has none of, so that will never happen. Good god, he is a slomo dimwit, but kudos to him for taking advantage of this show.