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Everything posted by JJWatt

  1. Ryan, thinks he's an inmate... but that boy is far from it. Of all the places I've been locked down, that boy would have gotten handled real quick. His smart-ass know-it-all attitude wouldnt fly in G Count, or 1200 Baker. If he tried to run store as a new inmate, he would have lost all his shit, lol. It's just funny to me to see all these participants complaining about the noise, not being able to sleep, other inmates etc. If they were really in there for a case, and stated bitching about those things out loud, they would be told "bond out if you dont like it!" That phrase is said more than anything in jail. lmao
  2. As I've said before, I just gout out on March 7, after 99 days in Galveston County Jail Their rec was pretty decent, they had a door that went outside, and you could go out anytime between 8 AM, and 6 PM. Of couse it i had 15 ft concrete walls around it, but the to was made out of re-bar mesh so you got plenty of sunshine. I think they should have something like that for all pods. Especially ones where guys are gonna be there 9-15 months. Yeah no shit as soon as he said that I literally laughed out loud. It felt like come on dude, for real?!
  3. Check this out. In Harris County (Houston Texas) I did 9 months. I was locked in the pod for almost the whole time . We had no recreation time. The only time I left the pod, was to go to the infirmary which was maybe 40 yards down the hall. I did not see the sky for 9 damn months.
  4. Yes. In Galveston County, they didn't have curtains. They had partitions, with about 50 cent sized holes in them. However when you wanted some privacy, you just took your blanket, and tied it across the opening where you would enter the toilet area.
  5. He was George Reemus in Boardwalk Empire and he was the killer in True Detective, AND he was Ax's lawyer in Billions
  6. Trust me there are plenty of innocent people in jail that can't make bail, because they are setting ridiculous bails for simple crimes. I got out of Galveston County Jail on March 7th, after spending 99 days there. My "crime" was an assault charge because someone came on my property and was trying to steal. I caught the guy, whooped his ass out in the street in front of my house. They gave me a 50,000 dollar bond for this. They eventually dismissed the case after 99 days, because I had my No Trespassing, and Private Property signs posted. The thing is, it took them 99 days to do something they could have done on my first court date (that took me 2 months to get BTW.) That's how they get people, they put insane dollar amounts on bullshit cases, so they can keep the beds full and make their $117.00 a day off each inmate. I was locked up with a guy that was charged with simple assault, he got into a fight at a club, and since he had a previous case for a resisting arrest, they gave this dude an $100,000.00 bond! That is just fucking crazy! To top it all off, we were watching TV in the dayroom one day, and they caught this guy that murdered 3 people back in 83 in Houston, and they gave this dude a $50,000.00 bond! See how fucked up this is? My point is, I was locked up with some really decent people that just was at the wrong place at the wrong time, and had to sit in jail for months with crazy ass bail amounts. The system is just messed up when it comes to bail.
  7. This episode was a very anticlimactic. I kept on waiting for something shocking to pop up or happen, but it never did. About halfway through the episode, I came to the realization that I had set my expectations for the show too high. I'm still interested in the outcome, but I feel kind of let down I guess you would say.
  8. Sorry for the random reply, and I know it's probably been discussed before. I really didn't know where to put it so here it goes. I would love to have seen James Gandolfini, play the role of John Stone. I think he would have nailed it. He is one of my all-time favorite actors. It wasn't only for The Sopranos, even though it is my favorite show ever. I am currently on my yearly binge of watching it. I can practically quote every line of every episode. Anyway, back to my point, James Gandolfini was a brilliant actor and had a very wide range. I always imagine him playing Stone like he did Kevin Finnerty , in the episode 'Join The Club.' John Turturro has done a great job, don't get me wrong, I would have just loved to have see Gandolfini, play the role. Then there was the movie, 'The Drop.' It also has Tom Hardy in it. He played a great role as a down and out former ' inside guy' The way he played that role was great and I think he could have played off that and incorporated it into the Stone character. If you haven't seen it, definitely check it out. It was the last thing he filmed before he passed.
  9. That deer head was shown in the promos, before the show even aired. I really think it has to have something to do with the outcome too, like maybe it has a camera or something to that effect in it.
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