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Posts posted by Hummingbird24

  1. On 9/20/2018 at 10:12 PM, pizzaandcatsrlife said:

    Kelli’s bitchery was at a 10 tonight with Tara. 


    I loved it 

    She was very bitchy to Tara. Tara did look pretty bad, but she also looked hot and sweaty as well. 

     Victoria's hair always looks like a tangled mess and she doesn't say shit to her.

    I felt like there was an undercurrent of something else Kelli was pissed about.

    also, I noticed when they were dancing at the nursing home, Vic was dancing directly in front of whoever was in the 2nd row instead of windowing. She really doesn't have spatial awareness to have been dancing her whole life.

    • Love 5
  2. Those cameos are awful. Whoever took those pics needs the camera shoved up his ass sideways. How do you make those beautiful ladies look like that?! ? 

    Taylor looks like someone jumped out of the closet and scared her, poor Hannah!! Cianna looks 40 and Jessika looks like she will high kick you in the nose. Not cool.

    • Love 19
  3. 6 hours ago, TexasBorn said:

    Please. They know what they are signing up for. The show has been on for 13 seasons.

    Has this "thyroid condition" been confirmed or another unsubstantiated rumor?


    I think there are way too many folks saying  the same stuff to be just rumors anymore. As a person with a hormone disorder(Addison's disease) and health problems requiring me to be steroid dependent ( gives new meaning to weight gain). I went from 115-147 in three months. It was extremely difficult to get weight off( I lost  about 15 of it), but you should NEVER misrepresent having a health issue to garner sympathy for weight gain. Ugh. I'd love to know her behavior because that nonsense right there lost me!! 

    • Love 5
  4. 13 hours ago, KeepitTiki said:

    It’s really unfair to Dayton that people are assuming she didn’t want this. Not everyone has the type of personality where they’re constantly screaming at the top of their lungs about what they want or doing backflips in excitement over an opportunity. Dayton prefers to move in silence and that doesn’t mean she wants it any less than anyone else. I totally get it because my personality is similar, and it’s not disinterest it’s just understanding that not everyone can be “rah rah rah, omg I’m so happy” all the time. 

    She may be an introvert. I am. You’d be surprised at how many people who dance, sing, or other types of public activities are. I am very shy and reserved. 

    I have just as much passion for things as my extroverted friends. I just don’t run around jumping and screaming all the time. Doesn’t mean I’m less excited. It’s just not ME. She could be the same way. 

    • Love 8
  5. 52 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

    Oh they’re not moving the stadium to Frisco. It’ll be in Arlington forever, or until it literally falls apart. They spent billions of dollars on that stadium and Jerry put in some of his own money. 

    I know. Just wishful thinking on my part.

    • Love 1
  6. I'm finally caught up!!! Going back to work sucks lol. I have enjoyed reading. @JohnGalt you da real MVP!! I feel as if you're an old poster dressed in a new name. ? I'm a bit more excited for this year. I have tickets for the game today. It's preseason, so we definitely won't stay the whole time. Long.enough to see Dak,Sean Lee and Zeke get some action. ( Sean Lee is my favorite player; we share a birthday!!)Also just hang out for a bit. It's also teacher appreciation night at the ballpark so we may pop over there also. Sure hope the COWBOYS eventually move all their operations to Frisco.its basically down the road as opposed to an hour away. Doubt that happens anytime soon. Anyway, excited to see the dcc also. 

    • Love 10
  7. 13 hours ago, KTUCKER20 said:

    Great photos all around for everyone. Did they change photographers? Rachel is just beautiful. Abigail Klein gorgeous.

    I thought that, too!! 

    Hannah is gorgeous, Briana, Ashlee, Madeleine, this is a good year.

    sadly I have NO idea who Bridget, Cianna, or Caroline are. 

    • Love 3
  8. On 8/15/2018 at 10:21 PM, bigskygirl said:

    Cassie, Ashton, Mia, Sydney, Brooke, Tobie, Whitney, Evan Andersen, Stephanie, Olivia, and Kaitlyn. There were probably other girls, but I cannot remember their names.

    Stephanie made show group???? Bc iirc she wasn't a standout. I can see kaitlyn and I definitely remember Olivia being the only rookie announced. Maybe they jump cut. They do that a lot. Bugs the crap out of me.

  9. 6 minutes ago, LaurenBrook said:

    Same.  I think she needs a little more fluidity but she is such a hard worker.  I hope she works on that and comes back next year and kills it.  

    Me too! After watching last night, Gabby and Taylor J ( I think) are two who seem really sweet and genuine. I am pulling for them now. I feel bad because in two episodes I've seen Victoria, Daphne, Erin, Madeleine, those two, and Malena. Maybe I haven't been watching closely enough, but I feel like there's a slew of TCC I don't even know!

    • Love 2
  10. 8 minutes ago, TUOwl84 said:

    Last night's episode made me love Phil even more.  I also realized that Malena is from where I live (Sicklerville, NJ)!  I am also very surprised they took Erin with such a poor showing at auditions in regards to choreography.  I will never understand why they take girls into TC if they have shown they have not improved.  Instead, they let someone like the short haired blonde girl go home, not even making it into Finals (I forget her name).

    Madi. I'm surprised she didn't even make finals. 

    • Love 10
  11. 13 minutes ago, Smplsimon said:

    As I reported months ago, a few judges questioned Victoria's qualifications and were very rudely shut down.  One was told off camera that Victoria was "not up for debate."  I did not watch last night as I refuse to support such blatant bullshit as the DCC has now become, but I'm glad to read here that they included at least one of the objections -- I'm sure they did so thinking it made Victoria look good, when in fact, it just revealed how much of the fix is in.  

    I am over it, too. Especially when better dancers with better figures get cut to make room for her.

    • Love 12
  12. I believe that was a SG performance at draft day. I'm now 100% positive VK is on show group. I wonder hat the vet DCC think of her dancing?

    Tara was fine to me. Most likely not a weight issue, good grief.@smplsimon was right all along. I always thought he/she would be. Tends to usually be on target.

    i could barely stomach last night's episode. I do like Gabby and Taylor with dark hair. VK reminds me of every high school mean girl. Idk why. 

    Im sad because last season was awful. I feel like what K is like is coming out because of CMT. Last year was tolerable, but I has no vested interest in any of these people. 

    This year, I am done. The blatant favoritism is ridiculous. K and C have their beer goggles on. 

    The sad thing is this has gone on for years, and just hidden well. 

    • Love 11
  13. 13 hours ago, Smplsimon said:

    Dismiss it if you like, but it's 100% true.  

    They've recruited before, and I'm inclined to believe if she wants on the team, she'll be on the team. She's got the tall blonde look Kelli loves and she is young and can be molded. She may have sloppy placement and weight issues, but they've taken worse than her that didn't have connections. 


    Re: Dayton- I love her. She's beautiful. I feel like she might be one of those beautifully trained classical dancers who may not have that power like Rachel Buckmaster. Beautiful dance, but never had the power?? I don't know, but she moved on and did something that is way better than DCC. Good for her. It was not her end all/be all and that's fantastic!!! I feel like her edit may not be fantastic, but I take that crap with a grain of salt anyway. Look at Gina. 

    • Love 8
  14. 5 hours ago, HateWatcher said:

    Victoria Kalina, Making the Team (VK : MTT) .... I LOVE IT!

    To be fair,  Cassie had a kick ass body and bad ass gymnast moves.

    I actually am okay with Cassie. Her vids of her kids are adorable. There’s not anyone on the squad I’ve actively NOT liked. Some are extra and prissy at times, but living in DFW my whole life and being in cheer world, it’s nothing new. My daughter did select cheer when she was young, and that’s rough. Expensive and the practices are ridiculous. Glad she got into sports. Haha

    also, since I’m connected a former dcrb, Emma(former dsig-tried out for mavs) is now an OKC thunder girl.

    I hope Madeline makes it. I find myself less invested as more of my favorites leave and no one I like replaces them. It seems those dynamic personalities of past years just aren’t there. Is that just me? 

    • Love 3
  15. If I took a shot every time Daphne said UCLA, I would have been hella drunk. If I added sisterhood, I would have died from alcohol poisoning.

    I think VK and Tina are just super extra. I have kids who act way more awful and humble brag and cocky. She is a little thick (for dcc) not irl. She's smaller than me! We know they overlook that sometimes.

    whats up with no cuts?!! It's August 3rd!! Are they fr taking 41 girls? Maybe the quitting and injuries made them decide to take a larger squad? 

    • Love 11
  16. 1 hour ago, kalibean said:

    I think the bun is adorable and she’s still got a full face of make up on, a cute outfit, etc. Being a DCC doesn’t mean never wearing your hair up, it means not looking a hot mess and always taking pride in ones appearance since you’re a low key public figure in Dallas. 

    Having lived in Dallas most of my adult life, plus attending both TCU and SMU...being “DCC ready” is just real life for many women. Myself included. The curse of a southern grandma who instilled “always be ready” and constantly told me to “put your lips on.”  My mom still says it ??

    I also don’t think leaving a tip for a free service is unreasonable, tho I can see the arguement the other way as well. I’m curious what the actual dollars spent as a DCC shakes out to be compared to what the candidate might have spent on her own the prior year. 

    It’s not like most of these women were diamonds in the rough that’s Kelli sparkled and shined. Most are coming from a place of hair/makeup/tan as part of their standard beauty routine. 

    Girl yes. I don't leave my house without mascara and lipstick. 

    I see these girls who are wearing pjs and house shoes in public and I'm so puzzled. I was in a wheelchair for three years, and always dressed myself before being seen in public. Now, some days I may throw on clear gloss and a ponytail, but I do always try to be presentable.

    as far as tipping, I'm cheap and get my hair done at the beauty college; however, I tipped them like what it would cost at the salon. $100 for highlights at a salon vs $30 at the college. They do a great job to be honest.

    I agree with Kalibean. My daughter and her friends (16) are all makeup, hair, tanning on a regular basis. (Well,I make mine do sunless.) Gone are the days of the rough girls getting polished.  

    I think all the girls in that picture are adorable. I hate that some of them aren't going to make it. 

    I was watching a former season where Kelli was talking about taking 40. I think it was 6 or 7??

    • Love 5
  17. 4 hours ago, Taralightner said:

    Oh, we can’t be friends. I’m Griffendor all the way. Lol. But, I do have a very soft spot for Snape. (Others haven’t read it yet, so not saying much). 

    On another note, are any of you NFL fans? Anyone know how or want to learn how to play fantasy football? We could start a league- just for fun- but we’d have to go offline from here.. if anyone is interested, pm me. We need AT LEAST 6, but 10-12 players is best. 

    I'm a football fan. I haven't played fantasy in awhile, but I made lifelong friends in an OLD yahoo Dallas Cowboys forum.

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