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Posts posted by Hummingbird24

  1. 3 hours ago, LadyWithCats said:

    Yeah, this was essentially my point. Of course it’s her Instagram and it should be about her a lot of the time, but she’s not being smart about the image she’s building. If she wants to be a public figure and a successful model, she needs to come across at least a little likeable, and her “me me me” Instagram doesn’t exactly provide a lot of evidence that she cares about other people in the least. Just my opinion of course.

    Yep I 100% agree with you. I find her insta a bit off putting. If she is making money, good for her. Maybe consider two, one for modeling and one for f&f. I know Tasha models on insta, but I see pics of her with her daughter and hubby and friends. 

    • Love 1
  2. On 2/21/2018 at 9:54 AM, LadyWithCats said:

    That’s a pretty big generalization. I’ve seen plenty of people say negative things about Kalyssa far pre-dating her exit of the team (and no, I am not actually new to this forum despite the join date on this particular account).

    Kalyssa was one of my favorite potential candidates this time last year just based on videos that were posted of her here. I never actually finished the most recent season of MTT, and to be honest I wasn’t super invested, so I can’t remember much about how she came across there. What did make me not care for her over time was her Instagram. While I think it’s great that she’s going after what she wants (modeling), her Instagram just comes across extremely self-absorbed. Currently you have to scroll past thirty-one pictures of Kalyssa by herself to find any content featuring other people (excluding one cheering picture where other girls are in the background). I know people will argue that most of the girls’ instagrams come across somewhat vapid, and it’s true about a lot of them. Kalyssa just takes it to a new level. She’s trying to create an image for herself, and that image is coming across “me me me.”

    100%. Yes, her sim should be about her, but when you have 47 selfies, and one pic with an actual human,it shows me you're very self centered or a high schooler. My daughter and her friends post selfies, but they're 15. 

    I was basically indifferent about everyone. I feel like she always had a plan B for trying out. I figured it was landing a man. She's pretty, but when she's 40,  she either better marry someone who can pay for her upkeep or develop a personality.

    shes good for awhile though.  

    • Love 5
  3. On 2/14/2018 at 10:17 AM, LaurenBrook said:

    I love Cristi. She is so hard working and seems like such a positive, upbeat person.  I have a feeling her 'look' is what keeps her out.  I think she is absolutely gorgeous but sometimes she looks harsh when she photographs. I wish they'd give her a shot in camp tho. 

    Im catching up. In my opinion, she doesn't look any harsher than Kelli. I love Kelli, don't get me wrong. She's one of my faves,  but all the makeup they make the poor woman wear ages her terribly. I am 43 and stick to concealer, eye makeup, and lipstick. I feel that gives you a much more fresh look. 

    plus, both those women have slammin' bodies and great personalities. Cristi could definitely be a dcc. Maybe she's like Kelli also in that it may take a few years for the to notice her.

    • Love 3
  4. 31 minutes ago, Amanda89 said:

    Not surprised to see this, but still sad.  All the best to her for the future!

    I kind of wish Jenna had retired last year.  She would have gone out on a higher note and no

    drama. I don't hate Jenna. I feel she's self absorbed and craves attention, but young and still learning her way. I feel like she got a thorough beat down this year mentally. I wish her luck in the future. I feel like branching beyond DCC will help her. Anyway, she's still a young lady. She'll work it out. I know I made lots of mistakes in my early 20s.

    12 hours ago, 8dallas said:

    Last thing about the pro bowl..looking at the choices since the start of this show where we got to see coach/dancer relationship there is def unbalanced in picking haha

    2006: lynlee allen Dont know her so she gets a pass

    2007: Megan Fox she is a legend well deserved

    2008: Misty Duncan she was a standout because she was tall but she was def protected and favored by KJ 

    2009: Nicole Hamilton probabaly out of all these the most deserving! 

    2010: Justine Philips i believe she deserved it. Senority respected and she got kicked out of show group for Cassie to come in..dont believe look that ish up.

    2011 Brittany Evans she honeslty was the only 4-5 vet that probably would have gotten it during this year.

    2012 Ally Traylor just got it because she was a teachers pet...bleh

    2013 Whitney Isleb got it after the blackface scandal and we all know she was cassies bff... jackie bobby should have gotten this year on some real.

    2014 Jackie bobby - since i think she shouldve gotten it a year before this spot should be Mia GreenHouses sad she didnt get it.

    2015 Nicole Bulcher i was actually shocked. Im a big fan of Nicole but I thought Brittany Schram, Sydney or Emma would have gotten it. Glad Nicole got it.

    2016 Holly Arielle pretty dancer but bland def should had went to Jacie ......

    2017 Jen K saddest choice..when one of the fans biggest favorite Girl is leaving Dani they give it to Jenn K...Jenn K. It should have been Dani she is an iconic DCC


    2018 Kashara blah bahaj...

    I love Danielle! I was sad last year. I like Kashara a lot, so I'm not upset. 

    • Love 5
  5. On 11/9/2017 at 3:29 PM, UnicornKicks said:

    Um so looks like we clearly needs some education about medical professions. 

    First off CERSTEN = graduated from LSU. She was working as a surg tech/medical assistant. She is NOT and never has been a nurse of any way shape or form. Not a Registered Nurse or a LVN/LPN. Maybe a nurse assistant. TOLD Y'ALL HER DR. CERSTEN CLAIMS WERE SIDE EYE WORTHY. She didn't have scores before and is too wrapped up in DCC now. 

    Registered Nurse is indeed as somebody said a protected title. My mom is a RN. She went to a 2 year college and got an Associate's degree, passed her RN boards, then went on to do a BSN (four year nursing degree). You can get your nursing degree but never pass boards, and without passing boards you are NOT a registered nurse. Lauren is indeed a registered nurse, but not working full time as one.

    Cersten is like Jackie Bob was. Surg tech/medical assistant which meant she prepped rooms and tools for surgery. I don't know if either of them actually assisted during surgical procedures, but I don't think Cersten is doing brain surgery. You can get a surgical technician two year degree, but a lot of hospitals also hire people who are in nursing school, trying to get into med school, from other countries where their creds don't work in the US, etc. as surg techs. If Cersten says she's a nurse she is a liar. 

    Physical therapy - that is my major. There are two year physical therapy assistant degrees, and there are some places that hire physical therapy 'assistants' who are more like activity coordinators who just ambulate patients and do ROM type stuff. Real physical therapists end up with a Dr. of Physical Therapy degree (DPT), after finishing grad school/physical therapy school. Depends on the program but most have a four year degree in something then two years in PT grad school for the DPT, or like me, a three plus two program where you go five straight years and end up with a DPT - IF you pass boards as well. Similar to pharmacy school (Pharm D.). Neither are Ph.D.s.

    ETA : phone won't cooperate but people with 2 year PTA degrees do more than people who are just hired as the 'fake' assistants who don't have a degree. Not dissing PTAs. They work hard and do the dirty work. I work in summer as a PTA extern/assistant, and trust me it is exhausting helping people regain strength. Rewarding, but exhausting for us and more for the patients.

    Cersten may work with kids in some way, and she may want to go back to school to be a pediatric nurse, but she has a biology degree, NOT an nursing degree of any way, shape or form.

    I love PTs and PTAs. I also shout out OTs, OTAs, and speech therapists as well. I wouldn't be 80-90% functional without them!

    in fact, if I wasn't so sick, I'd go back to school for it. 

    • Love 6
  6. On 9/29/2017 at 10:27 PM, Kiki88 said:

    In regards to this Demi house party contest , I have to wonder if they ever check addresses before picking a winner. That house was huge and they are obviously loaded. You never see anyone from the 'hood winning anything like that... ever! ?

    Southlake. The whole town is loaded. My uncle lives there and has a 2 million dollar house.

    • Love 1
  7. On 9/21/2017 at 0:25 PM, Blndee6 said:

    Yeah..I just still wished they'd done something more striking with her makeover, like cut a significant amount off and/or changed the style. For me, I thought it was too long and actually dated her; not to mention distracted attention away from her pretty face (which was the main thing she had going for her). And her hair wasn't all that pretty to begin with (again, IMO). But I think she thought it was her crowning glory based on how she liked to frequently toss it over her head for maximum attention..and since she was one of Kelli's favorites I expect she got more leeway on getting/keeping what she wanted. 

    Wasn't she the mullet or was that Crystal?  Yikes. I did not like that mullet.

  8. 34 minutes ago, Jess14 said:

    I think the show is grappling with the age of social media, similar to everyone else lol. Along with the tv show, social media helps the team reach a much wider audience. However, they can go back and edit the show, but they can't take back all of those instagram/Facebook/twitter posts that they blasted out to their fans. They can't hide the fact that 3 of their most popular and prominent dancers are suddenly missing, while they're simultaneously blasting out pics and videos of the team with them missing. So the question is, how (if) will they address it on the show?  I think the group leader switch (which appeared to be last minute) regarding Erica/Kashara is a hint that we won't see anything about the Erica situation but we'll see. It's up to the show and their right to show what they want, however, we all know it's out there at this point.

    As for the show, it's kind of boring, but I think some of it is due to the show focusing heavily in the first few episodes on people who didn't make training camp and/or we know will get cut (Brianna). It's still interesting enough to keep my attention for now! I gave up on Big Brother (my summer reality show since 2001) weeks ago because it was so boring and had too much produced interference, but I'm still here lol.

    I agree! Isn't big brother awful?? Yeah, I'll see it through. I'm just sad because I pranced around in a dcc jacket in my elementary school days! 

  9. On 8/16/2017 at 11:58 PM, Rita J said:

    Here's my take on that... and I sure hope I'm wrong ....

    It seems clear that Vivian rigged the first fan vote by having her friends and family out there logging in votes for her "hardcore" (her words, and I don't think that would shock any of us, knowing what we know now, about her behavior).  

    I believe she may have actually won the second vote too!!! (If not, I bet it was super close between her and Lauren) bc she said in her interview "last year I won, and this year, last time I checked, im still in first place".  Which to me means she had her peeps voting for her hardcore again and she was checking the vote throughout the deliberations. And I don't think for a second TPTB we're gonna have that scenario replay!!

    I believe Colby won legit.  

    But I don't believe the girl from Waco that won last year won legit. I bet her peeps padded the vote. IMO there's just no way she would have beat out those other finalists that were sooooooo much better and cuter. I just don't buy it.  She was cut so quickly too.

    When I voted one year there was no limit on how many times you could vote for any one particular finalist. Don't know if they ever changed that.  It just seemed to me that TPTB may have picked up on the fact that girls were able to pad their vote by recruiting lots of "voters" in advance ?


    ...yeesh, as if I'm some kind of conspiracy theorist... I need a shot of ? and to go to bed.... making no sense now. ?

    I think what pushed Loren over Viv was her being a teacher. I know my students would come from hither and yonder to vote. 

    I always thought there was vote padding. I voted multiple times. I wonder how many people actually voted.

    also, all the FV girls had unique looks. They were all very photogenic ( except last year) that probably helped. Colby was pretty. I have those cheekbones. No fillers, and I'm 43.

  10. 13 hours ago, ReneeK said:

    I know.  If they wake up at 6am, work a day job from say 8am-4pm, that gives them about two hours before they need to head to the star, and practice from 7pm-midnight.  Then get home around 1am, eat dinner, decompress, and go to bed at 2am to start over the next day.  Ouch  

    It's probably a good thing most of them are quite young! I couldn't imagine doing that in my 30s or now in my 40s. Lol. I am a 9:30 bedtime person. I'm a sickie though.

  11. 45 minutes ago, UnicornSparkles said:

    I have been coming to this forum for years and reading the posts.  Never have I felt the need to comment.  However, I want to express my concern as I enjoy this site.  In the past this site has been very positive.  As of lately I feel it is turning negative.  With all of the speculation with Holly, Jenna and Erica some people have been down right nasty.  Some people think they are entitled to know everything.  Yes this is a reality show but the nature of it is that there are hundreds upon hundreds of hours of footage that fit into a weekly episode.  While we all know Erica was the original group leader it makes sense for them to name Kashara instead of having to talk for 10 mins about it.  

    I'm not posting in an attempt to bash anyone.  I just wanted to express how the comments are being perceived.

    I do think it has been more negative here this year. Honestly, I haven't commented on that situation much because I don't care. I live here and haven't heard anything. If it was anything big, it would have at least been talked about. I'm not in the know by any means, but I'm sure SOMETHING would have been said.

    I also think the show sucks this year. Yes I said it. It's been boring to watch this year. Same ol' same ol' except this time they drug each episode out even longer. I have a hard time believing this show is top rated.  Last year, I felt like I had vested interest in these girls because we got little bones. This year, we got nothing and now I couldn't care less. I LIVE FOR Dallas Cowboys football and I don't care. When you lose a true fan (I'm not saying I'm anyone super important, because I am sure the dcc, CMT, and anyone else with the show don't give a fling donkey about me), that means you probably want to readjust your formula. I haven't even watched episode five. I already know. Episode five rookie makeovers and first cut.

    I think I'm done. I would have loved to meet the DCC, talk to them, meet Kelli and Judi, and see the Star. Now, I'm just whatever about it all.


    I wanted to be a DCC since I was four. What does that say for a casual fan?

    • Love 10
  12. There's a pic on twitter of the kickline where a person is calling out Christina's kick technique. It looks like she's digging into the shoulders of others, hunched over, crooked back leg...anyway, Kelli told her good eye. 

    I think Christina wouldn't have made it without the vet exit. She's just average at best, and her kick technique is just not there. Bless her heart, I think she may be a one and done. 

    Now, I was not a Miranda fan, but she can dance. To me, though, there are about six brunettes that are almost interchangeable from far away: Bess, Tess, Miranda, Kelsey, Rachel, and there's one more who is a rookie I believe. 

    I do believe the team will develop some standouts to replace the ones they had. It seems like a weak class,but someone could turn into a bad ass. Lauren maybe? 

    I wish they would have taken Kate or Katy. She would have been a great addition. 

    Really need Jenna's pop back front and center.  Say what you want about her, but she can dance.

    • Love 2
  13. I'm a little sad about this years cheerleaders. Not a fan of many rookies. Miranda for me was always the hair, Christina, and I never bonded with any. I'm not really a huge fan of any right now except for Kelsey, Lacey, and Kashara. I loved heather (little), Raylee, Erica....I'm sad right now. Probably the most disappointing squad since I've been watching. I'm thinking wtf happened. Four of the rookies should be happy vets were screwing up this year.

    • Love 7
  14. 3 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

    Nope. Nothing to do with any other team unless she has a reputation of being difficult to work with or whatever, but there's no union or universal rules.

    She's never been my fave, but I had a scared moment there for a little with flashes of Megan Flaherty and Tessa running thru my head. Serious illness can happen to very healthy, young people. Wouldn't wish it on anyone.

    Surely not! As someone who is chronically ill at a relatively young age, I'd never want that for anyone. As for Holly, I made a lot of stupid decisions in my early 20's. You grow up and learn. I hope it wasn't too serious and it works out in the end.

    • Love 2
  15. Re: Kelsey's interview clips...can we put the horse away now? It's dead. It's dust.

    NJ Briana kicks were bad. We had to try out to do our high kick routine in drill team in hs. Yeah, those would not have made it. I could see that being another racing Taylor situation.

    titans Briana has great showmanship, but if she goes on she will have probs at uniform fittings. She is adorable, but she looks thicker on bottom. Like me. :)

    katelyn's kicks were gorgeous but her hair was bad...she looks older and I don't think she is. She is a great example of makeover candidate. 

    Kalyssa annoys me already. Stop showing your boobs girl. Dang. We get it. I'm sexy; I'm cute....now but a top on!! Did y'all notice she came out in her sparkly bra after she made it? I can't put on a tshirt. Not bothered! 

    miranda is pretty, but she's a midge, a brunette Barbie. Very plastic. I used to think that about Tasha, but she's softened some. 

    Theres something I can't put my finger on about Christina. She's pretty, has a cute smile, but I'm just not sold. Maybe it's because she made excuses. I am a stubborn go getter even with all my health issues. I never make excuses and I guess that's why she bugs me.

    normally I don't say mean things about people, but Kellie Pickler is annoying af!! Her accent is ridiculous because I thought she was from Texas and we sure as heck don't talk like that. I have a pronounced drawl, but it isn't that one. That show just seems....silly. 

    I don't get to see the previews. I'm sad.

    anyway, Phil's dance was cute, but they took a close up to some girl who looked pissed!  ? it's just dancing, honey. That's why you're there. 

    • Love 4
  16. 11 hours ago, ATLGirl said:

    CMT just posted a deleted scene interview of Madisyn on Facebook.

    Wow! Poor thing. I think some toning and she could rock it. Sweet girl. I thought she was a good dancer.

    • Love 7
  17. 2 hours ago, twinkietwin94 said:

    And many of those women are doing it to work their way through college and a professional career. 

    I had to wait tables and work through college. I have an M.Ed now. People looked down on me all the time. While it was a step in my career path, but some of the greatest people I knew were in that field. Same with teaching. Also with healthcare. I've been sick af for six years and almost died three times.  I don't think it's fair to downplay anyone's career choice. 

    There are some who probably find dancing in glorified undies questionable. Again, to each his or her own. It's a matter of perspective.

    its kind of like poor Whitney's rbf. You can't change your face. I can't change the fact I have multiple health issues, but I can change how I react to them.

    in the end, it's just a cheer squad. I love the Cowboys, and the DCC. I was two minutes from there, and tried to get a hello. No such luck. Will I die if I never see them again? Nah, I'll just always wonder....

    i wonder if they attract so many people so they can be on TV.  I have nothing against Shelly either. I've never even talked to her.

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