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Everything posted by Bees52

  1. Hi everyone. I'm watching the repeat of tonight's show. So... While the 'rents are away, Brandon and Julia played in the hot tub. Betty could tell the next day just by sniffing the air, but blamed it on seeing the askew cover. And the cloudy water... eww Zied just got here and he's already bored with Rebecca's lifestyle. Natalie deciding to snoop for her discarded ring just adds to her weirdness. At least the cat is happy, she has company all day and gets groomed more often! Yara hanging out with Jovi's family.... they could've skipped them this week.
  2. Good night everyone! This lovely two hours of snarkfest with y'all definitely makes up for a lot that has given me stress this week. ✌️❤️
  3. That's what I don't get either. End it there on the phone call. Stop paying him and taking care of his family. Simple.
  4. Oh my... Sara spilling all Jovi's tea! 🤣 No wonder she invited Yara to hang out!
  5. Same here. The most I wear is lipstick, and on rare occasions, a little mascara and eye shadow. With covid and mask wearing, the lipstick and lip gloss went away. 😭 My Burt's Bees lip balm now gets a workout!
  6. Hazel almost couldn't wait to hug and pick up Auri. That was sweet, but I'm surprised she let her do that. I hope their relationship will grow. Bleh, they can keep Cougar Stephanie off the screen.
  7. Son Rebecca, Zied is only 3 years older than you.... and to me, resembles you too! 😨
  8. Aww poor Andrew. He's so upset and worried about Amira, while in a tropical paradise.
  9. Good evening peeps! Oh wow. Mike has a stove heater. No wonder its so cold there...
  10. Ooh... that preview was.... embarrassing! If Brandon gets embarrassed. Being on this show, maybe he doesn't. Have a good, peaceful night everyone! Happy early birthday Mrs. Hanson. Enjoy!
  11. If Natalie manages to get tipsy off the root beer float.... 🤣🤣💀
  12. Is that what that ARE place is? Many years ago, I used to get a magazine about his predictions and practices. Creeped me out.
  13. Hmm... so does she eat the scallops? That's several water animals that gave up their lives to be dinner...
  14. Does anyone else think Rebecca makes her life unnecessarily complicated? She lived in the apartment building with her ex and is now moving in with Zied.... so what!
  15. That's a lot of food Tarik just ordered. 😨
  16. MIKE! Come save the laundry from Natalie before it's all one color!! HURRY!
  17. Happy Birthday to ya! @Frozendiva and @Hotel Snarker! 🎂 Uh, sorry TLC, showing footage from the Plus stream won't convince me to go there. Not when that content used to be right on the network.
  18. Well... I kinda got stunned at the condom bowl in Brandon's room and the lack of one in Julia's room/ broom closet. Then started thinking of who I'd dress as for the party... maybe Ditzany's friend. Just need a red sweater, a coat and some sense. Then realized the show was over and the pregnant teen show started. Ugh. So with that, I'll say Happy New Year. Happy 2021 (oh PLEASE let it be happy) and you all next time! 🥂✌️❤️
  19. Wow... Mike just asked all the right questions. The ones many ask in a relationship to keep it going. And Natalie can't answer them.
  20. Wait... there's another hottie?! And she slept/ cheated with him?!! 😲 Go ahead Miss Not-Aunt Becky!
  21. Just wondering if Stephanie is going to hand feed her guy too when she sees him next?
  22. As always, the friends, family, and now the store clerks are all smarter and more sensible than the "stars" of this show.
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