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Everything posted by Bees52

  1. Wow... Tiffany is wearing the coldest shoulder dress ever! Where does she find this stuff?
  2. Good evening all! I'm late, but here. Just in time to see the break up of Mike and Natalie. Didn't see that coming... nope.... not at all!
  3. Hey everyone. I missed the live chat thanks to those pesky Olympics again. At least I won't have that to deal with for a while. A whopping six months until the winter games! So, I'm basically live clicking on all your excellent snarkdom as I watch the repeat. Overall observation of this episode....they should have just titled it "Clueless," because only NOW are the couples reaching the realization that they either married the wrong person, or got married for the wrong reason. Probably both. Oh, except for Elizabeth and Andrei. She picked the right person to get her, and her family (the ones that are famehogs- there are a bunch of sibs we've never seen) all the air time by fighting on tv. Also, tonight's scene stealer was Mike's cat. She meowed her butt off! See y'all soon for the Tell Nothing!
  4. Drat! I left to go put a casserole in the oven and missed the big fight! Well, there's always PT and the repeat. Hope you all enjoy the rest of your week and will chat again with you soon.
  5. Why does this show insist on sending jealous women to the strip club with their men? 🙄
  6. The uncle makes some sense as a therapist, but now he knows all their marriage business. Hope he's not the judgey type at family gatherings....
  7. Woah... what a mood switch for Julia when it comes to guests. AJ gets a big, rocking hug. Melanie gets a rude look.
  8. Chuck, your family fights in the past probably didn't have a camera crew in front of them. That might be the difference.
  9. Mike call someone OTHER than your mother for advice. Somebody objective.
  10. *shock* Asuelu's showing some back bone to his family when it comes to money?!! Woooowwww It's about time too.
  11. Good evening all! Already I am thoroughly grossed out by Angela and Michael's sperm test activities. Mostly I am grossed out by Angela.
  12. Hi! Watching the repeat because I missed the beginning. Darn Olympics! Some quick observations: The "Goofballs" aren't so goofy if they give Michael advice on how to have a baby, since it's the most important thing to him. I am so tired of Family Libby and all their real estate squabbles! Yara and Jovi followed the Kalani method of romantic getaway...bring Mom! Brandon you're not moving far away from your bosses parents. Just a short drive and you can see easily them the farm again.
  13. Agreed. This was just way too long. Three hours, plus Unfiltered, and then some Couples Cam all wore me out. Also, Unfiltered seemed oddly placed this season. Having three grooms on to comment, but only Johnny had met and married his wife yet by the end of the episode.
  14. It's ALL Andrei's fault. Whatever the problem is or she came up with. Or it's Jihoon's.
  15. I can't believe I'm saying this but, Ronald looks good in his glasses to me. Not good enough for me to cosign on a car with him, but heyyy.
  16. Please somebody let Michael get his visa. Stop torturing us!
  17. Oh hell. Angela is getting in the tub for virtual sexi time with Michael! 🙈
  18. Kolini doesn't look happy, despite the declaration.
  19. I know lol. Just had to throw it out there. I wouldn't wish her to be with anybody, really.
  20. Uncle Beau! Now he might fall in love with Angela...
  21. I ain't gonna make fun of Big Mike's headband, it's in my favorite color. If it wasn't, though!
  22. Not just her eyebrows. Her hair, her clothes, her voice....
  23. And their cauldrons were bubbling over with spilled tea!
  24. Only Charlie is the unexceptional one of Chuck's kids and grandkids.... 😏
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