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Everything posted by Bees52

  1. Of course, younger Kelly wants kids of his own! 🙄 I'm glad Molly isn't trying to pretend she wants (or can easily have) more kids, though.
  2. Egg, don't blame your awkwardness and insecurities on you zodiac sign. That's all just you.
  3. Ditzany and those eyelashes. And another dinner interrogation with friends. Poor Justin.
  4. The Chicago scenery and atmosphere is nice... Robbie is a bit.... too much to take. Then again, so is Fernanda.
  5. Danielle is tiring. Just listening her talk with anyone, you feel like you have to ask her to spit it out and speed it up.
  6. If Alina is this worried about staying in Turkey alone, ("Those people on the street, want to kidnap me!!!"- Girl, do they even know you exist? ) maybe she shouldn't have agreed to meet and marry SteVen there. Evilin and Corey- they slick with getting married and keeping it hidden all this time. I think she could have waited even longer to confess to her sisters, until after the big ceremony. Like in a decade, if they make it that long. Ariel and Bini- I understand Bini's sisters' skepticism, the decisions Ari makes seem odd and arbitrary. Especially to someone who's all about traditions. I'm starting to wonder, though, if they were just as skeptical about the first wife, and contributed to the reasons why she left him. It's just nice to see Armando and Kenny... cry... again and again. Yayy Victor is okay! Can Ellie stop worrying now that she's with him? Sumit still lying to Jenny, well, half-lying. After 10 years, lady, you should be tired of him.
  7. Don't blame your doubts about marrying Corey on his cheating, Evilin. You just don't want to be married.
  8. Evilin is drinking champagne.... Bet she scored and found a $100 K wedding dress driving up the budget astronomically...
  9. Don't you love that his parents excuse anything he does as, "That's just Steven."
  10. I know! Where's the rest of her stuff? Maybe she shipped some things ahead.
  11. Ari never tried to make the bed until Leander comes to visit. (I swear she says his name like that, I know its Leandro but...) Smh
  12. He's thinking she's not very sharp or observant, despite being able to string him along for years, invest lots of money in her property, and get him to move to Colombia?
  13. Well, Jenny tried. She just realized she actually has to believe in the religion she wants to be a missionary of. She only believes in Sumit. And only half the time at that. We don't believe him at any time.....
  14. I'm wondering if the situation is as bad as Victor says it is. Or she thinks it might be.
  15. Good evening all! Ooh goodie, I'm just in time to watch Jenny chant Hare Krishna 3 million times. That's almost as many times as she's told Sumit she wants to be married!
  16. That used to scare me as a kid. They would always show up and chant near stores and malls.
  17. They still are, and still do. New album release next month called Future Past.
  18. Wow, Ari you really missed your ex. And uh, Bini, Americans come in many varieties, one of them is most definitely nerdy.
  19. Nice of Armando and Kenny to carry their pets and walk their cute kid!
  20. Eh... Corey's brother's wedding at $5000 was really inexpensive and he shouldn't expect all weddings to be that price, but not $50,000+ either.
  21. Ran off to last minute vote on the discussion title. I went with the herd. Why in the world do the Russians have a fear of Mormons? Or at least of Steven?
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