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Everything posted by Bees52

  1. Usman, don't tell us about the women in your country being submissive. They're evidently not your type.
  2. Wait, the someone threatening to expose the pics, is NOT your ex, Gino? Who else but her would do that?
  3. It was funny, though, she sounded like a mouse or weasel at one point. EEEEEEE
  4. Oh please, spare us Ella. You called a friend over, "just to talk," because Johnny is unable to come to Dubai or the US?
  5. Oh my goodness. She's a reality star now with that throwing a drink in his face bit. Only the classiest of D-listers can get away with that move! If she smashes a cake in his face next, or flips a table... whoo!
  6. It wasn't that big of a fight Kim. You just got pissed off because everything is not all about you for Usman.
  7. Smh at Mike. After his friend gave him the head's up, Ximenia and that translator app prevails.
  8. Ok 90 Day, we get it- Jasmine loves to work out.
  9. Good questions, Mom Hamsta. I see the translator added that "She's still in shock," about her past...
  10. Hi there! 👋 Hope you've all been well. Reporting in for Snark duty!
  11. I've been over here dying at all this conversating y'all been doing to add to it. Great snark as always. Enjoy the rest of your evening (if you can) and see you soon! ☮️❤️ Oh... I hope Ben gets a clue, too, and goes home next week. Then watches the show, Catfish. He might notice some similarities in ALL the text messages shown on there with the ones from his little lady love.
  12. I was wondering how he could see her for all the dust in the air...
  13. Gino, forget being embarrassed about the baldness, your dancing is worse than hair loss.
  14. I guess this proposal will be symbolic out there in the relics, but it is not romantic, Hamsta.
  15. Speaking like Viola Davis in "The Help": Ben you is vain, you is crazy and you is not smart.
  16. Jasmine, did you tell your mom about him texting your topless pics to his ex? She probably wouldn't have approved of Gino then...
  17. I think all these translators are brilliant and have figured out a side hustle via 90 Day. I wonder how soon before this one gets to comment on PT sitting beside Hamsta.
  18. Not just that, the bed in the other room to sleep in, is a kid's bed. He looks like he just turned 10 sitting on that bed.
  19. Oh gee wiz... I just saw the promo for 90 Day Fiance Diaries... Colte now has a neckbeard. One that I want to take a scissors to!
  20. Kim should've known Usman ain't that creative to come up with some random woman's name for a song.
  21. Hey everyone, it's 90 Day snark time again! I'm hoping Mike says, "Adios" to Ximenia tonight, but he probably won't.
  22. I knew I didn't like Olajuwon just from the way he said "wife" on the wedding day. Like, his wife is his possession, his prize, but she must be the way he wants her to be. On that day, when he saw Katina, his "wife" was so, so beautiful, the experts found the perfect woman. Weeks later, he's now saying she has no life skills, she doesn't want to cook, or clean. She just doesn't live up to his expectations as a wife. His marriage is so difficult because she doesn't just do wifely things without him telling her to... However, I don't see what he's bringing to her as a husband except a lot of criticism, opinions, and just always seems shallow. Not sure if these two will make it past Decision Day (or if I want them to), but they have no chance if he doesn't make some personal improvements of his own.
  23. Have a good night all! Had to wait until the kiddo was picked up by her parents. See you all soon! ✌️❤️☮️
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