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Everything posted by Bees52

  1. I don't know what to say about Natalie's date with Johnny, other than maybe she should have stopped at that first date. He had qualities she knew she didn't like.
  2. He'd be just as happy to date a woman named Peyote.... No, not date... just automatically make her his girlfriend!
  3. I think Syngin wants to date ANY type of woman that's not like Tania.
  4. Hi everyone! So, let's see- we started out with Big Egg who thinks a lady said MAYBE she'd date him, is ghosting him after a barrage of texts. And with Jeniffer and Jesse, who.. . I still am not sure why he is on here. Maybe TLC likes the way he speaks or something. Her mom likes his looks, but doesn't see him as dad material.
  5. Ah! Part 1 is done! And I'm guessing the scenes in the preview of Part 2 are probably all the best parts. (sigh) Yet, I should be here next week to see. And tomorrow as well for more Single Life. I can't help myself. Hope to see y'all to too! You make watching this show so much fun. Be well, enjoy the rest of the week. Don't get slapped by anyone. ✌️ & 💙💛
  6. With the exception of her wedding day it's the best she's looked on this season.... The same with Kimberley.
  7. I screamed, "NOOOO" when I saw that screen appear. And took a while to leave!
  8. Gino is so ugly, it's sexy.... If you say so Jasmine.😬
  9. I know this is the Tell All but, uh.... maybe keep some of the smexy stuff on the cutting room floor.
  10. Don't worry, Kim Ben's mirror was right in front of him, when he said that predator stuff.
  11. So uh, why is Diana Ross sounding like Jasmine? 😱 And in a tacky pink dress?
  12. No, Mike, don't come within 100 meters of my place. Glad you video chatted, tho. Adios, Xiemenia
  13. Aww poor Ben, he didn't get to wear all his special tight-fitting shirts.
  14. Usman needs clarity about Kim, so he calls Zara?! Huh? Shouldn't he have done this before he and Kim met in Tanzania? And had the yammy yammy?
  15. Jasmine thinks she's crying now because she will miss him, but wait til she hears about Gino's prenup! Those tears will dry and the shrieks will be loud.
  16. Hey Ben, why is everything all about you? Maybe she never really wanted you here.
  17. Good evening peeps! I'm sorry to say I didn't quite give up everything tonight, I'm watching the opening of the Grammy's at the moment. (Silk Sonic!) I will be watching both and keeping up with all your snark!
  18. I do feel a little bad for Debbie. It must be difficult to date (or pretend to for TV) after 50 years. But there's always the slot machine and cats to return to for comfort. Alright see y'all next week for more snarking fun!
  19. He didn't seem to get turned on until they did the yoga...
  20. This date of the two Stephanies is creepy weird already.
  21. Oh yeah, anyone remember Barbizon- where you "could learn to be a model or just look like one?"
  22. Oh! Natalie and Debbie need to switch dates, at least when it comes to drinking.
  23. Hi all! Was a little late but just in time to see Jesse and Jeniffer at the restaurant. Can't take his picky behind anywhere. Also, the only time Tania has ever been silent is when it's time to tell her family she and Singyn are divorcing. I wish I cared about Stephanie and her romantic/sexual growth, but nope, not going to happen.
  24. Just thought I'd leave this here with all the D2/80's music talk! 😍 Enjoy, and see some of you tomorrow; some of you next week. ✌️❤️
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