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Posts posted by Annmarie1111

  1. 6 hours ago, rose711 said:

    I think Kitty has always had a mean aspect to her personality. Not so much when giving corrections, but just incredibly mean things a supervisor shouldn’t say to an employee. I understand from this forum dance instructors seem to get away with being abusive to students, though I’m not sure why that is acceptable in DCC.

    I remember her calling Danielle “sloppy and lazy.” Just this season she told one girl her costume looked like she had been milking for months- at least that was in her own studio.

    She’s called other girls grandma Moses, I think. One might have been the pretty girl from Pittsburgh who truly had a terrible costume and style. She forgot the routine and messed up on kicks. She only auditioned once. I think her name may have been Shannon. Again, that was in her own studio. 

    Agree, it seems with each passing season, I dislike Kitty more and more.  She seems like a very angry person.

    • Love 4
  2. 13 hours ago, jlc said:

    I think she has always worn weird clothes. Since the beginning I feel like I am always thinking - "How old are you" and "What the heck are you wearing". lol

    Totally agree, she dresses incredibly immature!

    • Love 3
  3. 8 hours ago, TexasBorn said:

    Who does Kitty think she is? "Have some respect for VK" ... So BIZZARE.

    So true, think about years past when Kitty would rip a girl to shreds for the slightest dancing flaw or weight gain.  Now all of a sudden "Have some respect"


    8 hours ago, TexasBorn said:

    This has been the most bizarre mindfuck of a season. I'm like, What am I watching? Is this enabling nitwit The Kelli F? Judy is a mute. And who are you Kitty?

    My thoughts exactly about Judy, she is VERY quiet this season.

    • Love 12
  4. 19 hours ago, ShellyB said:

    Arrive at the stadium and get ready for rehearsal. They will run through pregame performance, player intro, quarter changes and celebration songs. If there is any other special performance, i.e. halftime, they will run through that too. After rehearsal, they go back to the locker room and prepare for the game...relax, group gifts, eat, get ready for plaza performances and pregame. 

    @ShellyBthanks Shelly

  5. 6 hours ago, CharethCutestory said:

    Unbelievable. They just have to give Drew a shady past. Can't let him be a good guy, heroic, tough but decent. Oh no, not on this show. Not as long as a murderous mafia don and his hitman are the leads. Can't shatter the illusion that they're the heroes. Too late. That's the crux of why this show is in the shitter. No one can threaten the unholy trio, especially Sason so everyone has to be awful. I watched Y&R a bit this past week and wow. It is 100x better than GH in every conceivable way. Plot, pacing, characters, lighting, makeup, wardrobe, how it's filmed. What's more is I was reading fans of the show think it's at a low point right now. If that's a low point then GH is a flaming dumpster fire full of diapers in the dead of August. 

    Your comments are spot on!  I recently started watch Y&R because of the horrific GH story lines.  None of the story lines have any depth to them and are just ridiculous.  And now Cassandra back??  Why??  As if this show needs one more story line that goes nowhere!

    • Love 1
  6. 1 hour ago, UnicornKicks said:

    Somebody with better skills than me try to zoom in at :22 and see what order those photos on the white board are in. 

    Alanna = Selena? Hannah looks old and like she's ready to cut a bitch. Gabbi and that makeup. WHO TOOK THESE? So many look like one eye is wonky.

    Tasha looks like a Villain. SHE IS A PRO MODEL, WHO TOOK THESE?

    Lacey looks even more plastic than usual. She is starting to get on my nerves with how plastic fake she looks. Already had a nose job, boob job, lips, teeth, fillers. Then the extensions, lashes, contouring. She will look like crazy cat face lady before she hits her 30s. 

    Agree, these pictures are horrible!

    • Love 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, Stan39 said:

    I’m not sure what Jay was upset about. The girls weren’t training, they were resting after working out. Does he think it’s healthy for people to be high strung and anxious all the time? If anything, laughing is probably a great stress reliever and way to unwind after physical activity. His whole segment just seemed off. 

    I could do without a Jay segment!

    • Love 15
  8. 8 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

    Too much promotion of the Cowboys/DCC Organization and The Star. Damage control. Trying to prove they are not playing favorites with Victoria and Dayton. Trying to prove they support the girls 100% while they meaning Kelli and Charlotte expect the girls to give up their lives to become a DCC. Trying to prove what a honor and privilege it is to be a DCC. Heavy editing to make show why certain girls will be cut at a later date. The possibilities are endless.

    Agree totally, especially the promotion of The Star.

    • Love 7
  9. 3 minutes ago, sATL said:

    I'm confused too.. If your the "director" - yes you have great responsibilities but I would think you would have control enough of your schedule to get off work in time for rehearsal. Maybe ask your under-team members to help put until camp is over - which gives them a boost in their job.  I don't know how far SMU is from the facility though - is it a time crunch to get there b/c of a meeting or some other deadline ? And that is a position that is kinda hard to come by - meaning you rose/trained/educated  to get there - not something that you just say, let me resign to be a DCC.  And it might mean doing the paperwork side of the job has to be done off hours, on weekends, etc. I love college football, but I am trying to think just how busy are you in May/June - when training camp begins. The newly signed committed recruits are trying to finish high school .. and its a little early to be worried about the up and coming SR class.

    Kelli is right - what happens to her career outside of being a TCC is not her worry - but I think she should have told Malena exactly where she stands as a dancer. She had two bad nights and missed the session with last weeks alumni. 

    So true. To give up what appears to be such a great job is mind boggling. But then again, we only see glimpses of the big picture. 

    3 minutes ago, MyFavShows said:

    Ice cream on my couch over here!   Lol!!!

    Chocolate covered almonds. 

    • Love 2
  10. 9 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:

    I wonder if M went crawling back after she was cut? 

    Good point. 

    1 minute ago, Kethomp said:

    Anyone else feel like those were some crocodile tears from VK about that cut or was that just me? Lol. 

    Yep!  Anything for camera time. 

    • Love 2
  11. 4 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

    I’m turning into a total sap in my old age, just like Kelli and Judy. Ten years ago they would’ve cut both Kristin and Dayton for being late. I’m sitting here getting teary eyed over Malena’s compliments, and my heart goes out to Victoria and Dayton. The amount of pressure they both feel being legacies and having grown up with Kelli is obvious. I also have empathy for Kelli... it’s obvious she loves them both and what a tough spot to be in. 

    Agree with you. It’s obvious Kelli feels understandably Motherly with both girls and yet she has to be impartial.

    • Love 4
  12. 1 minute ago, Collette1104 said:

    HOLD UP. You got benched on the jets for not being able to memorize choreography and you came to try out for DCC!?!?


    HAVE YOU NEVER WATCHED THE SHOW!?! How did Kelli not hear about this?! These are the kinds of things we s don’t hear about and that make us insane wondering why an adorable, great dancer would not get taken to TC. 


    • Love 7
  13. 24 minutes ago, lfedncr said:

    Lovely ladies but just blah and totally off in timing ...and what is with everyone and the same dadgome hair style ?  There is no one that stands out ughhh gonna be a longggggg season.  Already for next year !

    Was thinking the same thing about the timing.

    • Love 1
  14. 3 hours ago, Loves2Dance said:

    Someone get that girl a shovel...the grave she is digging is way further than the stand 6 feet. 

    Couldn't agree more!  Never been a fan of her!

    3 hours ago, NMDD43 said:

    She really is obnoxious. That snarky little smile she gives at the end. You just want to smack her. Take your cut with grace and STFU. Her arrogant defensiveness is not a good look.

    She then posted this as well.  Sorry Keyra, but being a DCC is all about conforming to their rules and acting the way they want you to act. So acting like you're above that is what got you cut.


    Agree! Agree! Agree!

    • Love 4
  15. 2 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

    It is a long story. Sending you a PM.

    Thank you!

    3 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:

    Yes she was cut. At this point we are under the belief that she lied to Kelli about something to do with her weight plan and possibly gossiped about having a guaranteed spot and it got back to Kelli/Judy. 

    Thanks for the update.

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