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Posts posted by Annmarie1111

  1. 26 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

    Okay, I’m confused. Was GH new today or not? The app doesn’t air new episodes until the next day. What is the sense of having the app to watch a day later. My DVR didn’t tape it. I thought I deleted it but didn’t. If you go on YouTube there all these snippets from today’s show though. I’m from the Philly area. Was it aired or was it a rerun? If so, why?

    I am from Chicago and my DVR did not tape

  2. On ‎2‎/‎22‎/‎2019 at 6:52 PM, Gam2 said:

    Okay, enough with the St. Hope of the Martyr Convent. Liam and Brooke need to get her to therapy ASAP. And Liam needs to stop agreeing to her nutso thoughts that he needs to be with Steffy and “those innocent babies”. Geez, Louise. Can we finally resolve this story line??!! I just hate this show now and have for many months. Yuck.

    Started watching this show about 8 years ago and it has changed so much!For the worse!

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  3. 49 minutes ago, RedRockRosie said:

    Once JMW is back from maternity leave bet she won't be folding anymore clothes. 😉

    Zoe.   😠 How can these people live with themselves???

    But didn't Steffy give Liam to Hope? So maybe she wants to give him back? 🙂 (But actually all things considered, he has been pretty supportive to Hope.)

    On top of everything else I dislike about this show right now is..YES! the constant folding of clothes by Steffy!  Just stop!

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  4. 11 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

    Zoey chickens out. Why am I not surprised. Now she's an accessory to her dad's despicable behavior.  Zoey, taking the baby away from Stuffy is cruel?  Don't you think allowing Hope to keep thinking her baby is dead even more cruel?  

    Why am I also not surprised that Hope is thinking about giving Liam back to Stuffy.  Why why why, Hope, why are you such a fucking idiot.  

    Why why why does Stuffy always wins at other people's expenses. 

    Didn't watch today, wanted to come on the site first to see if Zoey told Steffy and she didn't!  REALLY!!!  So, so over this!

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  5. On ‎2‎/‎13‎/‎2019 at 12:29 PM, Cool Breeze said:

    JMW is simply not convincing when she's anything other than selfish and self-entitled.  Her cutesy talk and mooshy faces with the baby, or talking about the baby (either one), just ring so false for me.  She just can't pull off sweet or loving.

    And, I'm tired of Zoey.  So, so tired.  Yes, we know Flo is complicit in human trafficking, but Zoey doesn't know that.  All she knows is that Flo is living in her dad's apartment.  The exact nature of their relationship hasn't even been spelled out yet.  Yet, Zoey thinks she has every right to be in her "fawther's flot" even though someone else is living there with his permission.  She just barges in and starts peppering a stranger with questions about "my Dod".  Hey, Z, why don't you pick up the phone and call "Dod" instead of berating a seemingly innocent woman living in his place?

    Agree with you, never have been a Zoe fan and I was hoping she would get less and less screen time.  Not the case, I want her to go away.

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  6. 5 hours ago, ByTor said:

    I thought many women on TV wear wigs for protection because the heat from styling and the studio lights would kill their natural hair.  I just don't know why her wigs look so big & heavy.  She should have the neck of a linebacker for having to support that thing!

    Thanks for the feedback 

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  7. 18 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    Or the terrible pacing on this show is a factor again.  It took more than a year for Jason and Sam to start mooning over each other and the Aiden bullying story started in the summer and it's only just getting up steam now.

    Another perfect example of the terrible writing of GH!  Characters all over the place with half ass story lines!

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  8. On ‎1‎/‎30‎/‎2019 at 7:15 PM, RedRockRosie said:

    That little juxtaposition at the end of this stupid show of Hope & Liam's crushing sadness at losing their child with Steffy's gloaty happy face said it all. If Stuffy is happy & gets what she wants, then gee, why is anyone else unhappy?

    By continuing to watch this show, I know I am setting myself up for severe raging disappointment thinking Stuffy ever will ever lose. 

    Saw a spoiler somewhere today where AN says this story

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    will go on for months. Arghh!!!!

    Maybe I'll tune out for a while. Watching so much stupid gets tedious.

    I was hoping Flo would fess up and this nightmare of a storyline would go away!

    • Love 16
  9. 2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    BI'm afraid Hope will see how Beth has bonded with Steffy and Kelly and decide to be noble and let Steffy keep her. She'll be saying some crap like how Beth is with the only family she's ever known and it'd be cruel to take her away from that after the trauma she already suffered when Dr. Tower of London kidnapped her. But if Brooke finds out the truth, yeah, no way. Taylor won't be playing grandma to a Logan child if Brooke has anything to say about it. I feel like a deal might be made based on "you give Hope back her baby or you go to prison for shooting Bill".  The whole bonding thing is probably why Steffy made that weird remark about breast-feeding the baby she's planning to adopt. It'd be funny though if Beth rejected Steffy's milk. Bleh, sour and lumpy.

    I suspect Brady's presence is more of a CBS Daytime thing than a B&B thing. The network is probably making a nice bit of change on those relentless Publisher Clearing House Sweepstakes commercials, plus there's the whole cross-promotion with Let's Make a Deal. He's likely got an enviable contract and his run on B&B adds some $$ to it.


    The sooner Wayne Brady goes away the better!  I used to really enjoy watching B&B because the story lines were believable and down to earth.  Now B&B is starting to resemble General Hospital's story lines...Dark a and unrealistic!

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  10. 13 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

    It can also be an issue of money, as veterans and bigger names cost more per episode than a no-named n00b. I remember when ATWT was on life support that they started cutting back on screentime for their veteran characters. Martha Bryne was even willing to take a paycut as long as she had the same about of episodes, and walked because the studio chose to pull a passive-aggressive move of posting a casting call without discussing it first. And then, there's all the shit that both Jill "#1 Steve Burton Fangirl" Phelps and now Malcolm Young has pulled on Y&R's older actors, like Doug Davidson's unceremonial firing.

    It sticks out a bit more on B&B because the cast is so small and until recently had the opposite problem of leaning on its veteran cast too much (IE, all the Steph versus Brooke fights well into the 2010s until Flannery's retirement).

    Very true, I never thought of the salary issue.

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  11. On 1/11/2019 at 3:25 PM, CountryGirl said:

    This does boggle the mind.

    I would much rather pick up where this left off than revisit Batie but whatever!



    Hope needs her father right now and Katie needs someone besides another trip back to the same well.

    Totally agree, makes me sick that Zoe, sorry don’t even know her name, gets more air time then HT!  

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  12. On ‎12‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 8:37 PM, ByaNose said:

    Seriously! What is it with Brad Bell obsession with hiring a young actress to play an intern? Usually, characters like that are the usual under five and/or no lines at all. Now, he keeps attempting to write for one to see if the actor will resonate with the audience. I know there are interns in the real world but I don’t necessarily neeed to see them on my soap Maybe, if they could act but these kids are pretty bad. 

    Please Zander, Zoey, Reese, Emma go away!

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  13. On ‎12‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 5:53 AM, Cindylou said:

    All I see when I look at Taylor anymore is the Joker.  Her face doesn't move and when she smiles it looks quite menacing.   If she ever asks Brooke if she's "Danced with the Devil in the pale moon light"  I may keel over!  The only way I get through her scenes is to make fun of her unmovable face,   I think HT used to me a semi-acceptable actress, did the botox suck that dry?   

    Totally agree with you, years ago HT used to be a decent actress...now she is horrible!

    Not at all happy with where this show is going, could do without Hope, Zoe, Ridge, Zander and Taylor.  And what is up with Steffy's hair??

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  14. 3 hours ago, Kate2006 said:

    The only people I see that still "like" her stuff is Tara and Kehra. It just gets trashier and trashier. I just can't imagine that this is truly what she had in mind when she set out on this...endeavor. It's skanky. I've often been shocked at what she is wearing...or isn't wearing, and wanted to post a pic but then never got around to it. just as creepy are the comments. One guy keeps calling her Earth Angel. Tons more comments are sexual. Once in awhile you'll get someone being honest and saying she looks like she on drugs or how bad she looks. I've though about unfollowing her but the bad person in me is entertained by this fall from grace.

    My curiosity got the better of me and I checked out her Instagram ….WOW!  Talk about trash!  Not sure what she is trying to accomplish....porn comes to mind.

  15. 14 hours ago, knockknock said:

    Yeah I’m not one to judge people and I’m totally for women loving their bodies, but my God she really left DCC for this? I know DCC shouldn’t be anyone’s ultimate goal but girl c’mon. I can’t even open my Instagram in public now in fear one of her posts will pop up lol. 

    Just took a look at her Instagram...WOW!  No words!

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  16. 10 hours ago, LexieLily said:

    It can't be only the force-feeding JaSam and the Unholy Trinity that is costing the show viewers. Those two things are a big part of it, yes, but it's everything collapsing at the same time - the Trinity in every story when they don't need to be, the countless new characters that we never asked for and don't need, the destruction of some legacy characters at the expense of the newbies, chemistry-less couples, etc... 

    Totally agree, this show is constantly adding new characters that viewers don't connect to and have no interest in.  There are so many storylines all over the place on this show its hard to become invested in any storyline.

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  17. 7 hours ago, soapmaniac22 said:

    I concur with this. I live more on the western side of KY and the accents from Eastern KY are a hella lot more thick than over here. Like her accent is pretty much spot on to where she's from. They are def more "country" over there. But with Kentuckians, you'll have hit and miss accents too. Mine isn't very pronounced, but 15 miles away from here, people still say "warshing machine" and have an accent that could rival Kash's. And I find that my accent does tend to get thicker when I get around people who don't have one as bad, or maybe it just sounds more pronounced  IMO. 

    When I heard her say she was from KY I was like oh def must be Eastern. It's a whole other world on that side of the state, I think American Idol Gives back did a campaign there because it's rough. 

    Thanks for that information.  Interesting facts about the thickness of the accent depending on which side of the state someone is from..

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  18. 3 hours ago, 5678Pixie said:

    I wish I could like every single word of this 100 times.  I also worry about their mental emotional and mental health.  Girls are so sensitive about everything.  Having Kelli humiliate you on national TV will be something that you will remember the rest of your life.  It is so sad to me the way they treat these girls and they all have to walk on eggs 24/7.  I am sure everyone one of them are already worrying  if they will make the team again next year.  I wish Kelli and Kitty would build the girls up instead of being so mean and tearing them down just so CMT can get ratings.  

    This was beautifully worded, and I agree about your assessment of Kitty, she doesn't offer the girls constructive comments, she bullies!

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