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Posts posted by Annmarie1111

  1. 5 minutes ago, Cappuccinagina said:

    Also, not one for the sad stories but today, they are working on me. 

    Glad I'm not the only one who can usually do without the sad stories, but today they are touching my heart also.

    • Love 8
  2. 36 minutes ago, dccfan37 said:

    Rachel, The first runner up at Miss A, has a substantial dance background and also danced at Clemson! Her talent piece at Miss A was gorgeous 


    9 hours ago, tinabee1967 said:

    OMG. We are going to get our ears assaulted with that horrid Lightning and Thunder song. Ugghhhhhh!!!

    What was with that girl Diamond at prelims that had abs split in half? That was weird!

    I don't hate VK. She is all right. At the same time I get the feeling Dayton does not want it bad enough.

    Brennan's costume was beautiful and she looked great this year. Then again, lots and lots of gorgeous young women auditioned. 

    Not sure how I feel about Paris. Something is off about her. 

    Lots of bad, fried hair and stringy extensions. Yuck, yuck, yuck.

    Melissa R looks really pretty this year and Judy obviously had (good) work done. 

    Agree about Paris, not a fan at all...

  3. 7 hours ago, Nancybeth said:

    I This is from a few pages back, but I totally agree.  I think a lot of vets are cut for stuff that happens behind the scenes, or just because they didn't "wow" Kelli and Judy during the year, but that doesn't always make compelling TV.  It's easier and safer to criticize appearance, or come up with a vague "She didn't come back at her best," explanation than to be fully honest and say she wasn't a great team player, she caused drama in the locker room, she wasn't good at public appearances, what have you.  

    I'm also fully convinced that Kaitlin who tried out last year (tall, long legs, good dancer, LSU Tiger Girl, Kelli kept harping on the fact that her hair was too dark and heavy -- I may have the name wrong) didn't make the team because of some kind of backstage gossip/interference from current or former DCCs who were on the team with her.  We know that Kelli gets feedback from others in the dance world, and I'm sure if Jacie or Erika or Cerstyn were like, "Look, this girl is kind of toxic," it would have an impact on the decision making.  This is purely conjecture on my part but it makes sense.    

    Totally agree with you about Kaitlin.  I was watching auditions from last year and cannot understand how she did not make training camp.

    • Love 3
  4. 6 hours ago, MrsEVH said:

    That weird little kick before they do the leg lift and doing the kick line while still holding onto their poms. Also the landing was pretty bad. Maybe that's it might be an easy squad to make; you don't have to dance that great :0


    Agree, that kick was odd.  Just hard to believe the Director, Dori..I believe, would allow that performance.

  5. On ‎7‎/‎13‎/‎2018 at 11:11 PM, Tootie said:

    This is from when Brooke was the head choreographer with the Dolphins.  She may not have created it, but she approved it, perfected it and deemed it "game ready."  I wouldn't want the DCC doing a routine like this!!

    This is just painful to watch

    • Love 12
  6. 6 hours ago, MrsEVH said:

    I also remember Kelli saying "I"m bored" when watching the kick line with the 5 vets that got cut in season 7. I always thought it was Meghan Michelle because they showed her when Kelli said it. 

    I thought the same thing.

    On ‎7‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 7:22 PM, bigskygirl said:

    Rats! I remember in Season 3 when they had the scene where former DCC Megan Fox was teaching some of the girls who were struggling in TC. She was great and so sweet and helpful. The girls really responded to her, and they were able to relax without Kelli and Judy being there.

    Would love to see Megan Fox come back!

    • Love 1
  7. 14 hours ago, LadyMsJay said:

    I'm pretty sure MOST of them do (or at one point did). All the current BGs wear weaves (and most of the previous ones w/ the exception of Jenna and Cersten). 

    Thanks for your response, glad to know this info.

  8. 1 minute ago, 5678Pixie said:

    CMT is the main reason the audition numbers have dropped.  CMT even knows that, they told some  girls  at finals while waiting for auditions to be over that day that they think the reason so few girls tried out this year is because of them.  

    Wonder if the drop in audition numbers will lead to the end of the show.  It has had a good run and I remember a post several months back that they were shooting for 15 years.

    • Love 2
  9. 5 hours ago, 5678Pixie said:

    I also worry about the girls ignoring injury's.  I also worry about their mental and emotional being.  Other teams have TC for 3 or 4 days and can pick great teams.  Two months of TC is way too much for these girls.  Doing hair and full make up everyday, dancing full out in front of Kelli everyday, worrying if you will get cut everyday, face breaking out cause of full make up on while sweating hard at TC etc.  All for CMT!!!  Really is wrong to these girls, it takes the love of dancing out of it for them.  We all know a lot of these girls are just brought to TC for CMT.  That is so wrong to do and yet they keep doing it year after year and do not feel the least bit bad about it.  Even with two months of  TC look at all the problems with girls they had last year so that doesn't guarantee a good team of girls.

    Totally agree with you.  And could be the reason for the drop in audition numbers over the years

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  10. On ‎7‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 8:38 AM, DCCFAN71 said:

    I think Kashara's hair is pretty in that pic too but keep in mind that most times these girls have extensions intertwined. 

    I often wondered how many of these girls wear extensions.  The girls with long hair all have gorgeous thick hair.  Anyone have any idea who wears extensions on the team?

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  11. 7 hours ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

    Dammit! Sonny actually cracked me up today with his "As far as I know, everyone loves me" line. I hate Sonny. I don't want him to make me laugh. 

    I can't stand Amy. Maxie is quite the bitch since she returned. Nathan is hot but can't act. Can we please kill this storyline? And why add another character? That just means it will last longer. 

    Thank you, this story line is ridiculous and now Chet is on the screen, he's like nails on a chalk board!

    • Love 1
  12. On ‎10‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 2:40 PM, AuxArx said:

    Morgan might have joined the Peace Corps?  Taught little children in Uganda?  Stop it, Sonny and Carly, you're killing me...I can't breathe from laughing so hard...  Their fantasy Morgan is hilarious.

    Almost choked when Carly said have joined the Peace Corps.  Don't want to offend any Morgan lovers, but I fast forwarded through all his scene's. 

    3 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    Today's Everything Is Ava's Fault was really disgusting.  And depressing.  She's responsible for Morgan's death (not Olivia), Nik's death (not Valentin), and now Griffin being unable to return to the priesthood.

    I fast forwarded through all of the trash about Saint Morgan.  And curse you, Michael, for saying that Avery is happy and surrounded by her family (at her brother's memorial, soo inappropriate) and keeping her from her mother.

    When Kristina said that she's moving to Oregon I thought "good".  I hope Alexis and Sonny refuse to pay a cent for her there and maybe she can finally grow up.

    Agree with all your comments, the entire soap needs a re-write with stories that are somewhat real life.

    • Love 3
  13. 6 hours ago, Jess14 said:

    I think this is ultimately the truth. Unless Holly, Jenna, Kelli, and Judy all get in a room and candidly discuss, we’ll never know exactly what happened. Even some of the insider info that we’ve received is contradictory (for example: one story is that Holly acted like a child and refused to take her punishment and quit, while another story is that she was told to resign or be fired). Obviously a lot of it is muddled and while speculation is fun, and I’ve certainly engaged in it plenty on this issue, at the end of the day, it’s still just speculation. 

    I have to believe they asked Holly to resign.  I cannot imagine Charlotte allowing Holly to continue after breaking the fraternization rule.

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