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Posts posted by Annmarie1111

  1. 2 hours ago, AAT said:

    I don't think Kat has a sense of humor, I think she is arrogant and completely full of herself. She acts like she is just going to get by with her looks, and doesn't seem to take it seriously. There are a few women of color I would have picked over her. She is not humble one bit. 

    Totally agree!

  2. 9 hours ago, MTTFan said:

    It's official.  Kat is the new VK and that it is saying something.

    Forgets her dance and can't kick.  Not to mention the "they have more to lose."  Honey, at least they had something to lose.

    Uggggh why K&J just why?

    Would love to know the back story on that edit.

    Totally agree with you about Kat!  After last nights episode, I could do without seeing anymore of her!

    • Love 8
  3. 24 minutes ago, MelissaMinion said:

    Being adopted is a sob story now?

    And people judge adopted children??  Really??

    2 minutes ago, parrotfeathers said:

    I just don't know how they could take a chance on Malena again.

    Agreed. She looked so unprepared 

    • LOL 2
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  4. 10 hours ago, Cindylou said:

    so, what secretes of Thomas need to come to light? here is my list:

    Him having the Nanny, call from Overseas and tell Liam Kelly wants to see her Daddy.

     drawing the picture "Douglas" drew for Hope

     Running Emma off the road

     Roofying Liam

    basically abusing/terrifying Douglas

    knowing about Beth and not even telling his sister/father/mother (I mean come on he has info that his mother was involved in Human Trafficking, he should have at least called her and warned her)

    being a beady eyed asshole.

    please feel free to add to the list 😛

    Your list is awesome!  Hate Hate Hate is character!

  5. 19 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

    Douglas and PhoBeth are the best actors on the show right now. 

    Whenever Ally or Bridget are brought up all I think of is wasted storyline potential and how this show refuses to allow women agency or personality in blind allegiance to triangles of doom. 

    Also, I am high repulsed by Thomas. I hate him more than Taylor, Pam & Charlie, and Zencole combined. It’s like Spinal Tap. “Ok he’s been rapey but let’s add manipulating a borderline suicidal grieving woman, and abetting stealing her baby, and threatening abandonment, verbally abusing, and twisting the arm of his 5 yr old son.”  (Sets meter pst max to 11).  One of the most disgusting lead dads on soaps, almost if not, as bad as Dan on One Tree Hill. He could die for all I care and Ridge if he’s forgiven for cape-ing for this piece of SHIT is done for me too. Brooke needs to squint so hard he shatters like glass. 

    I totally agree with you  Thomas makes me sick!  Hate is character!  

    • Love 3
  6. On 7/23/2019 at 8:30 AM, nkotb said:

    I'm posting this in the spoiler thread, since he hasn't actually aired yet. I'm kinda worried about Vincent Izz being added as a doctor. The few things I've seen him act in, he has always played the baddie. Of course, he could play a priest, or an angelic doctor, but if they're casting a name/type of actor, I'm not necessarily feeling that he'll be on the side of the good. I hope that I'm wrong, I'm so over this storyline; I haven't seen $Bill in forever, due to the baby-swap-that-ate-the-show. 

    This story line cant end soon enough!

    • Love 1
  7. 2 hours ago, KLovestoShop said:

    This show has finally hit dead bottom.  First, Thomas using drugs was so totally inappropriate in this age of date rape drugs.  And then he emotionally and psychologically abuses his son?   Have the writers on this show developed a brain eating sickness, or do they like to get off on sicko behavior?   Regardless, it’s disgusting.

    Why does Hopeless look like she’s had a frontal lobotomy?  She’s walking around in such a stupor 

    The current story lines have gone from bad to worse.  

    2 hours ago, KLovestoShop said:

    This show has finally hit dead bottom.  First, Thomas using drugs was so totally inappropriate in this age of date rape drugs.  And then he emotionally and psychologically abuses his son?   Have the writers on this show developed a brain eating sickness, or do they like to get off on sicko behavior?   Regardless, it’s disgusting.

    Why does Hopeless look like she’s had a frontal lobotomy?  She’s walking around in such a stupor 

    Glad to know others share the same feelings about what has happened to B&B

    • Love 6
  8. On 7/11/2019 at 7:03 AM, ByaNose said:

    Can Zoey & Xander leave and/or be killed off by the end of this week? I just can't with the two twits. Granted, I also want Thomas gone, too. Thomas is just so OTT psycho and it doesn't even make sense. I wish Brad Bell would end our misery and end this storyline sooner then later.

    Thank you for summing up my feelings exactly!  Zoey, Zander and Thomas go away!

    • LOL 1
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  9. 2 hours ago, Loves2Dance said:

    MK lives in Hawaii now so I think Kitty's profiles are just not up to date. 

    I'm not saying I wish death upon Kitty...I'm just saying I wish to see less of her. Ever. 

    She has such a mean personality and there is no reason for it.

    • Love 3
  10. 3 hours ago, NotthebadVictoria said:

    I think Gina would be a great Point if she had a better hair color and a better face. She’s no HD largest screen in the universe girl for me. It’ll be interesting to see who tptb pick though!

    Agree with you,hair is way too blonde!

    • Love 2
  11. 7 minutes ago, Jess14 said:

    Moving away from the diversity talk, I'm glad that Brennan made it back. I have a soft spot for her. I'm also glad that Malena did not make it back. I have nothing against her at all, but I think she would have wasted her own time only to get cut again. Better for her to move on!

    Agree with you on both topics. Have a soft spot for Brennan. She seems like a genuine and humble person. And my only issue with Malena was the crying was just way too much!

    • Love 4
  12. Just now, DBAAT said:

    I would think the people associated with and running the DCC would be watching some of these prep class videos to get an idea of what kind of talent is coming to auditions. If that is the case, then wouldn't they have seen Malena struggling with choreography yet again??? Doesn't make sense.

    Totally agree!

    • Love 2
  13. 1 minute ago, loveaux said:

    i noticed that too. they're treating VK like she's some kind of princess and that she can do no wrong and that she's just a kid. it's annoying to me and a huge slap in the face, because even though i'm very close in age to VK (one year older!) she goes about things in a very childish, uncalled for manner. at a certain point, you put on your big girl pants and learn to treat everyone with dignity and respect, whether you can 'relate' to them or not.

    malena just needs to find a new day job, hobby, something. if she makes DCC this year, i'll admittedly be surprised, but i just feel like she's signing up for more than what she's prepared for.

    If VK hasn’t matured in the past year she will get her self cut again. 

    And Malena just please go away. 

    • Love 7
  14. 12 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

    She has a lot of fans, so she could have been brought back for the drama.  But I was under the impression she was encouraged not to come back.  I still think she’s slightly cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs 


    3 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

    Don't worry! We have alcohol (not me I do not drink myself,) popcorn, soft drinks, and chocolate to get us through TC. I do not think she is DCC material myself, but I want to watch the DCC Train Wreck aka my guilty pleasure move along the rails.

    Would love to see her not make the team!

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